Chapter 35 (war)

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I don't know how long it had been.
There was fire burning my lungs and eyes but I barely noticed, I barely noticed the screams and shouts all of with was just a hum of sound.
I was fending off an ogre with Sandor next to me in the same situation, I hadn't seen him much since coming back to the lost cities but it was nice being with the goblin who protected me for a lot of my life.
Every one was fighting, just like old times, the who team was there for both sides and we had the same numbers which was good.
The battle was in a hug clearing of sanding grass that was surrounded by trees and a pretty good place there was no hiding spots just clear land and blood coating the ground.
Every one have had there fair share of blows from what I could see, there was a large cut that went from my shoulders to my elbow and a few more on my legs and chest.
The ogre I was fending off collapsed to the floor, I couldn't tell if they were dead or not but there wasn't any time to check, I looked around seeing what was next then I saw a elf with a knife come up towards Sandor I tried to warn him but it was too late.
It plunged into his heart as he fell to the ground, I cried.
But there was no time suddenly I was back in the battle fighting off more ogres, elves and dwarves.
I felt some kick my legs from under me and I fell to the floor face first, quickly I flipped around as the person came on top of me.
I dug my nail into the lady's face making her scream as blood dripped from cheeks, she kicked her knee into my chest knocking the breath out of my when suddenly someone pushed her off me.
As I jumped back to my feet I saw the women and Oralie fighting on the floor,
"Go!" She demanded, I quickly ran to help Keefe who was fighting of 2 dwarves at once, after what felt like an eternity the battle finally calmed.
We were winning, there was only 2 Neverseen members standing but I think a lot fled for there lives.
After realising the situation the other to leaped away in a flash of light blue, I saw Gethen and Vespera but I couldn't find Gisela or Ruy. Weird.
Then I finally made my way over to the ones we had lost, I saw a lot of people I didn't even know and it was sad that they would sacrifice them selves and I didn't even know them.
But then I saw the ones I did know, I saw Woltzer who had a his arm gone from the elbow and he must of not made it from the blood loss.
I found Grizel crying over Sandors lifeless body and then my eyes shifted to Oralie, who wasn't breathing, she had been strangled to death by the women who Oralie had fought off to protect me.
I mean Oralie was my biological mother and even though I was so made at her for hiding that a part of me loved her in a Mother daughter way.
And then I saw something even more shocking, Jolie being hugged my Grady and Edaline, so she really was alive, well that sure complicates thing but now wasn't the time.
I felt an arm wrap around me and I turned to see Keefe when I saw him I finally asked the question I had been wondering.
"Where is Gisela and Ruy?"
Keefe did a quick scan before looking just as confused as me but we decided to drop it since there was a lot of people and it had been a very long day.
We all said goodbye and went home but we all sounded lost, as in a part of us was missing, I promised to send the kids home as I leaped away with Keefe.
When we got home we found out where the missing Neverseen members were, 3 ogres were guarding off the kids well except.
"Where's Calla and Amy?" Keefe gasped rushing in.
"Up stairs." Kenric said before anyone could stop him.
We both ran upstairs to find Lady Gisela over Calla holding a knife, Amy was unconscious with blood dripping down her head.
Ruy was standing on the side and when he saw us he blocked the door and gave me a look like there's no way your getting past me I couldn't tell what Gisela was doing but Calla kept screaming and they were in a pool of blood.
Whenever we tried to get past Ruy would block us and he had a force field set up over them, what were we going to do,
"Don't worry I'll be done in a minute." Lady Gisela smirk looking up for a second, Calla passed out from the blood loss and she looked close to not making it, she was so pale. Then Lady Gisela reached into her pocket and pulled out a syringe with a green liquid in it explaining,
"This will make sure that no one not even herself can heal her ever."
I screamed as I reached out to Keefe's mind,

What are we going to do?

Keefe jumped but quickly hid it so Ruy wasn't suspicious.

I don't know why don't you reach out to someone?

But who?

Um.........oh what about bangs boy he can get though shadows and hasn't Biana learnt to make someone else invisible with you enhancing?

I quickly cut off my connection with Keefe and reached out to Biana.



Thank god

I didn't know how to say it so I just replayed it in her mind, Biana swore,

What can I do?

Can you come over with Tam they have Calla trapped under a force field and she's bleeding a lot but Lady Gisela won't stop what ever she's doing and Calla looks half dead and-

Hey calm down I will be right over are all the other kids down stairs?


Oh see you in a minute.

She cut of the connection and I gave Keefe a soft nod, so we waited, I somehow wanted to look away but couldn't as I saw my daughter being bleed to death.
Suddenly the force field disappeared as Tam and Biana appeared next to them, Keefe, Biana and Tam had Lady Gisela and Ruy down in seconds while I rushed to Calla.
She had a pulse, it was weak, very weak, Amy just looked like she was having a concussion, people came and leaped the Neverseen members away.
But Lady Gisela had done her damage, she had carved broken in into her into her lower chest so that if she didn't wear crop tops or sports bars no one could see it but she would know it's there and Elwin said it would scar.
All the children had gone home, so had Elwin, Amy just woke up but Calla was still unconscious, Elwin said they would both be fine but not when they found out that Calla won't be able to be healed.
What was in the green stuff and how did it work, no one knew, Elwin said it went straight to her brain and seemed to of seeped in but we could only see the full damage once she woke up which could be whenever since we can't sedate her.
Amy stayed by Callas side form the minute Amy woke up because she wanted to be there for her I mean I can't blame her, Calla literally is now forever broken and on her chest there's a scar to say so.


Flossy out

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