Chapter 31 (Heathers birthday)

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When I woke up I found Calla staring at the ceiling, I checked my watch 4:20 and she looked like she has been staring for hours, maybe the whole night I couldn't tell.
I curl up resting my head on her shoulder but she doesn't even realise, I look at the stars that she's always looking at, how does she never get bored of looking at this.
I didn't get back to sleep so I just lay there next to her as I wondered if Calla would spend the whole day doing this.
At around half six Mom woke up and checked Callas mind again and it was really the same but it was restful so it was kinda like sleep.
Me and Mom sat up wide awake in that bed, we talked about how hard it was because Mom didn't want me to bottle it up.
"It's just, it's so hard to see her like this and know that she would have been fighting it for a while before the big break and I didn't know maybe if I known or paid closer attention."
Dad and Kenric woke up a few hours later and Calla kinda woke up, she was aware of what was going on around her but she didn't stop staring.
Mom tried to get her to eat something but she shook her head and just kept on staring, she said she wanted to be alone and since it's the only words she had said that day we all went to the living room.
We just kinda sat and made mindless talk for around an hour until out of nowhere Calla appeared at the door, she looked like she has just been crying.
Calla didn't say anything she just walked over and sat in between me and Mom putting her head on my shoulder as Mom and I crushed her in a hug.
After a moment Dad put on a movie and we sat there as Calla slowly calmed down and we could tell, her heart stopped beating as fast and she looked more peaceful.
She still wouldn't eat or really even talk and she had a really bad incident but she did seem more like her.

"No you promised you would tell me."
Me and Eclipse had been at it on the imparter for ever.
Calla had calmed down so we decided to leave her for a bit.
I sighed, I couldn't just tell her that Callas mind had broken because Calla didn't like people that some day she would have to go to school with know.
The black swan knew, so did all of Mom and Dads old friends and even the council because they were confused why none of them were going to school but that was it.
"Look I will go asked Calla ok but if she says no no ok?"
After a moment Eclipse nodded so I left my imparter in my room and walked down the hall to find Calla and Amy laying on the bed looking at the stars.
I knocked on the door and they both turned, Amy sat up but Calla just went back to staring, she could still hear everything it just made it easier,
"So Kenric what's up?"
"Um well so you know how yesterday Eclipse saw Calla having a........." my voice trailed off so I just moved to the point, "well I kinda promised her that I would tell her why Calla was well yeah and now she wants to know."
"Well you can tell her no Calla is already-"
Amy was about to finish but Calla cut her off still looking up so she could focus more.
"It's fine you can tell her as long as you tell her not to tell anyone at fancy elf school."
Amy whipped around to Calla,
"Yeah she seems nice and anyway she should probably know if she wants to keep coming round here."
"Ok thank you so much you won't regret this."
I walked off to an impatient Eclipse waiting for me.
"I'm aloud to tell you but you can't tell anyone ok?"
"Ok is it that bad?" She looked concerned.
"Well kinda her mind is......................................
Eclipse looked shocked for a second then confused,
"Wait can't your Mom heal broken minds?"
"Yeah but when she tried Calla wasn't stable enough."
"Wait how is she even awake?"
"This is where it gets weird so she is slowly healing herself and I think it has something to do with Moms tweaked jeans but it meant that she can be fully awake when her mind is a certain percentage healed."
"Ok but why isn't she fully healed yet?"
"Well you know that thing you saw and when you heard her scream," I waited till she nodded till I continued, "well those are her incidents and they break her brain even further."
After a moment Eclipse asked the question that there was no way I was answering,
"But why did her mind break in the first place what is she guilty for?"
Sure telling her Callas mind was broken was one thing but telling her about Heather I just couldn't, I had really liked Heather. She came over quite a bit and she had liked the same stuff as me and it was painful to talk about.
"I'm so sorry but I really can't tell you that part it's just......." my voice trailed off but Eclipse seemed to realise it was painful and dropped it.
"So do I need to treat her any differently?"
"No! She hates that you need to treat her the exact same or els she won't be able to handle it."
Eclipse had to go for dinner so she hung up and I walked down stairs because I was hungry, when I got down I saw Amy, Mom and Dad sitting at the table when they saw me they smiled and offered me a seat.
"Let me guess your hungry?" Mom said with a wink.
"Yeah, has Calla eaten today?"
They all looked at the ground until Amy gasped, "I have a plan."
Next thing I know we are walking up the stairs with 5 extra thick slices of mallowmelt we all came in and Calla looked up from her phone as we all sat in a circle around her.
Amy gave her the tray of mallowmelt and after a second of eyeing it Calla takes it and finally eats and we all sat with her enjoying our own.
Calla only ate half of it but it was better than nothing, Calla had barely spoken all day so we were surprised when she spoke.
"Thank you for staying with me today."
"Hey anytime we are here for you so if you need me and Kenric to skip school just say the words." Calla laughed at Amy's joke but I was totally on bored. Mom nudged Amy.
"To some extent."
Me and Amy looked at each other before cheering.
And so we sat like that laughing and taking until we had wore Calla down and she was staring at the stars looking half asleep.
We all left her to get her beauty sleep as each off us went off into our own rooms but still connected.


Flossy out

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