Chapter 24 (more nothing)

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It had been 12 weeks and 3 days since I came to the lost cities and yes I was counting.
And yes Calla was still broken.
Mom checked her daily but nothing changed Mom said it would be slow but it almost seemed to slow.
There was a big meeting at our house but Calla wouldn't be able to handle it so I stayed in with her.
We were watching a new tv show we had found, I could hear murmurs from down stairs but they didn't seem to be getting anywhere.
Calla didn't seemed to notice she was to focused on the computer on my lap but she didn't look like she was focused on the screen she looked completely zoned out.
I gently nudged her but she didn't even react I did it again, nothing.
I started shaking her lightly then harder and harder until she finally let out a sob as her knees went to her chest.
"Hey." I soothed confused, "hey ssshhhh it's ok your going to be ok."
I rubbed her back in soft circles until her breathing calm and she stopped mumbling to herself but she wouldn't let go of her knees.
"What happened?" I asked after a while of her just staring at the ceiling still holding her legs.
"I......I don't know......I was trapped."
"Trapped where?"
"In my head in the madness and I couldn't escape."
She looked like she was going to lose it again to I didn't continue asking questions I just hugged her as tight as I could but she didn't stop looking at the ceiling.
I replayed what had happened in my head trying to make sense of it but I couldn't.
We sat like that for another 29 minutes (sometimes when Calla freaked out she would count the seconds then minutes one time I left her do to something and I when I got back she was on hours) until there was a knock on the door as Mom walked in.
"What happened?" She said after seeing me and Calla.
I tapped one of my temples, Mom nodded going into my mind before asking again.

What happened?

I didn't want to explain it so I just replayed the memory in my mind, Mom gasped and rushed to Callas other side after a moment of hesitation she placed her hands on Callas temples.
Calla moved her gaze to her Mom as she closed her eyes.
After a few minutes she dropped her hands and opened her eyes after she didn't say anything I asked the question I was dreading the answer.
"Well what was it?"
"It seemed it was just another kind of incident."
"But what triggered it?"
"I don't know other times didn't you say she would have an incident out of nowhere."
I nodded but I wasn't convinced there had to be something, some way to explain what's happening to my sister. My broken sister. I didn't know what to do so I changed the subject,
"So anything happen at the meeting?"
"No just boring stuff."
Calla seemed to be at a loss of world so she just sat there looking at the ceiling, after a moment she took my hand, her way of saying she was ok.
I laughed and put my head on her shoulder, as Mom left the room leaving us.
And we sat there, we didn't need to talk or do anything because we knew the other was there and that was enough.

It was the next day and I was just chilling with Amy and Mom, we were talking about abilities, it made me remember using my abilities for the first and what I only just realised only time.
Mom abilities were really weird because of the whole project Moonlark thing.
Out of nowhere suddenly a rush on emotions hit me I gasped and brought my knees up to my chest.
I felt something touch my temples but I couldn't focus there was to many emotions that sifted.
With the overwhelming guilt I was already feeling it was a lot to deal with I think I black out because next thing I know I was staring at the stars again and Mom, Dad and Amy were all there.
When they saw that I was out of my trance they tackled me with a hug and told me that I just manifested as an Empath.
And it was really overwhelming but Dad had the same thing so he taught me a way to block out the emotions which helped a lot.
I don't know why but I had been having more and more incidents in the past few days, I would be having fun when out of nowhere the guilt would come and pin me down or something would scare me.
It was exhausting.
Amy and Kenric could tell it was getting worst but Mom and Dad said it was just part of the process.

"We have to tell them."
It had been about the 10th time Keefe had said it but I couldn't.
"No we are not telling the kids there already struggling as it is."
"But it's about Calla they should know about her health."
"No we are not telling them Callas getting worse."
There was a gasped from the door and when Keefe opened it we found Kenric and Amy.
"Why aren't you with Calla?"
"She fell asleep so we were going to get a snack." Amy answered, "but we should be the ones asking the questions. Like what do you mean Callas getting worse?"
After a moment I sighed knowing there was no getting out of this so I gestured for them to take a seat on the bed and once they did Keefe started.
"Well you know how Calla has been having more incidents?"
"Well it's because her mind is breaking itself again."
"I thought she was healing herself."
"She is but every time she heals herself it seems to make more shatter."
"You need to tell her."
"NO! We can't risk it will make her worse."
"Keeping it from her isn't much better."
"I know but we will tell her we just need to get her to a more stable stage."
Ugh why did I say stable stage that sounded like she was unhinged but she wasn't, the kids didn't look satisfied but they still left the room.
Once they shut the door I flopped on my bed and Keefe joined me, after a few moments Keefe whispered.
"She will find out eventually."
I sighed.
"I know I just want her to get stronger so this doesn't fully break her again."
Keefe scooted up to me and I curled into his chest as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and quickly pecking me on the lips and we stayed like that.
Together but in broken pieces with a broken daughter and 2 other kids also struggling.


Nothing to say I just like putting in the

Flossy out

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