Chapter 36(the end)

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When Calla finally woke up she seemed kinda shaky and even more when Mom finally told her about the forever broken thing, but she did seem stronger than normal.
I don't know what it was but Calla definitely was stronger than when she first broke, she told us when she was having a bad.
School was cancelled for every one for 2 weeks so that they could morn the loss of everyone who died in battle and so they they could have tribunals for all of the members of the Neverseen but pretty much they all got life in Exile.
Calla pretty much wore oversized human t-shirt or jumpers, pretty much nothing that put pressure or showed the scar across her stomach, she still only wore human clothes and she probably always will.
We spent most of our time as a family or at a planting or tribunal but we seemed to always be together as if we didn't want to be alone for fear of what would happen.
I over heard Mom and Dad talk about what they were going to do when Calla was an adult since her mind will still be broken but I knew she was going to live with me.
I would never leave her and I would never live with my parents forever and nether would Calla.

It had been 5 years since Callas mind had broke, but really nothing changed.
I refused to take the elite levels because I wanted to be there with Calla, Eclipse and Kenric had been dating for around 3 years and Eclipse was really part of the family. And she was really good with Calla who was actually. Really well.
She still had an incident every other day but she didn't let anything stop her, in her day she would do the most crazy things for no apparent reason just because she wanted to.
Calla lived every day like it was her last.
Eclipse and Kenric came back for the weekend given that they were both in the elite levels.
We were in the middle of dinner laughing and talking about the weirdest stuff ever and like there wasn't a care in the world.
Every thing was perfect.

10 years later

Me and Calla came rushing in where we found Dad waiting at the door.
"Has the baby come?"
"Yes but I have to wait to see?" He grumbled.
After a few more moments Mom popped  her head out the door,
"You can come in now."
We all rushed in to see Eclipse cuddling the most adorable baby girl in history with Kenric by her side, Eclipse looked up smiling.
"Meet Heather Foster."
Eventually we had told Eclipse the whole story on how Callas mind broke, Calla gasped as she smiled with the light of a million suns.
Me and Calla lived in a house like I had promised and I helped her through all her being broken stuff. Calla stilled had incidents every other day but she was pretty much the person she was before she broke. To help Calla we had a proper funeral for Heather, we wore black and carved her name on a grave stone so she had a proper human goodbye but Calla never wanted to find any one els so she never tried to find new friends or meet new people because she didn't want them. Oh and fun fact, Callas mind being broken has caused her to not be able to use any of her abilities no that she needs to though.
Kenric and Eclipse lived in the most beautiful house and now they had a little baby to join them, they couple had been married or 5 years now and they were as happy as ever.
And we all stayed there as Eclipse's parents came rushing in to see there grandchild.
Everything was over and solved there was nothing more to do or worry about they could just be them.

(A/N hey so this might be confusing but this is in the point of view of the ghost of Heather)

It was so nice to see Calla happy, I watched over the happy seen of her first meeting her brother child who was named after me, what an honour.
I had been watching Calla from the moment she died and it was so hard to see her struggle and know there was nothing I could do to make her know that I'm there.
But it was so nice to see her finally happy even if she would never be truly healed I know she know deep down I'm here for her.
When she's alone she talked to me.
She's been doing since I left the alive world, I always listen, hang on every word she says, Calla has always been so great with words and knowing exactly what to say unlike me.
Once Calla got home she sat in her room and started talking,
"Hey Heather, so my niece was born today and they named her after you which makes me think that your still here listening to me."
I am I'm right here Calla.
"Anyway life has been pretty good but a part of me thinks that your still here, I know it's crazy but no matter how long it's been I can recall every detail of your beautiful face and lovely personality and no matter how long it's been or it will be. I love you Heather I love you forever and always."
I love you to Calla
I love you to.
Forever and always.
So that's the end which is sad but it was so much fun writing this and everything so just keep on living life and I will probably write another fanfic soon but for now

Flossy out

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