Chapter 29(a change)

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Another day, another hour, another minutes, another second that's what my life has become.
Today was my mind break 6 months anniversary, this exact day was when it happened.
I started to move around more but all that meant was in the day I would be staring at the main room ceiling while laying on the sofa instead of in my room.
I wasn't getting any better or worse I was just the same broken self and I hate it, I hate to be stuck like this.
I have started eating and sleeping less but it's so hard to sleep because I can't take sedatives because they don't work and I keep on forgetting to eat. It was hard when Amy wasn't there reminding me to do all this stuff but Amy has to go to school.
And so all the days blurred in to one:
Wake up.
Say goodbye to Amy and Kenric.
Amy and Kenric come home.
Go to bed.
Most of the time I didn't eat lunch, I just couldn't be bothered, I couldn't be bothered to do anything.
Mom told me to try and stay hopeful and that I will get better but I turned really depressed and started avoiding everything.
Every one in the family tried to hard, especially Amy, she was always trying to get me to play a game or do anything but stare at ceiling but I couldn't.
I just couldn't.
Mom walked in picking up my legs as she placed them on her lap as she sat down.
"Hey you ok?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Kenric was wondering if he could bring Eclipse here after school? Well unless you
"She can come over." I said cutting Mom off.
Eclipse had been coming a lot and she seemed to be really interested in what was wrong with me but I didn't want all the kids at school to know so only the adults know.
"If something was wrong you tell me right?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's just I'm worried about you."
"You don't need to be I'm fine."
"No your not," I finally pulled my eyes away from the ceiling to look at Mom, she looked more frail like she was eating less and she looked like she hadn't been sleeping well.
I had tried not to notice everyone's worried glances,
"Your only eating when Amy makes you, you have been getting more distant and you spend hours looking at the ceiling."
"I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologise I just want you to act more like you."
"I don't know who to do that." I sat up as Mom wrapped me in a tight hug, "it's just everything is the same old same old I just need something to change to change."
Mom looked at me before something flashed on her face,
"Ok you want change why don't I cut your hair?"
Ooh that might be nice, after a moment I nodded as we went up to my bathroom mirror, after me and Mom talked about we I decided what I wanted and Mom got to work.
I had never really cut my hair that short before, I had only had the ends trimmed, my hair went about to the end of my ribs so it was weird to cut it all off.
I closed my eyes as Mom cut, snip, snip, snip, I dint know how long it was but after a while the snipping stoped and Mom said it was down, I opened my eyes and gasped.
"Do you like it?"
It was short but not to short, and it was nice it felt like a weight got lifted off my shoulder and I felt lighter. A haircut could really do anything.
Amy, Kenric and Eclipse complemented it when they came home from school and it made me happy and everyone could tell.

Eclipse had just left and Mom and Dad were out because they needed to talk to the principal about all the school days me and Amy were off but right now.
Calla needed us a lot more so when Mom and Dad go out for a really long time normally Amy would stay home for Calla and just catch up on school later.
I don't know what it was but when I got home Calla seemed a lot more happy (it was the hair).
Me and Calla were sitting on the sofa, Calla had zoned out and to double check she wasn't having an incident I used my ice powers to make a small snowball and throw it at her face.
She jumped when it hit her (so not an incident) so I braced for her to kill me, she lunged for me so I put my hands out and so blasted every where turning the main room into a winter wonderland.
"What the....." Amy was going to asked but then she saw the knee deep snow on the floor and raced down the stairs before but she could make it all the way she tripped on the cold snow.
For a second there was silence then I burst into laughter with Calla soon joining me, there was a Amy sized hole of snow and Calla ran and jumped on it.
There was a grunt but I obviously jumped on top of Calla which was the best.
And within seconds a full snowball fight was in session, we had each built walls to help us not get hit mine was obviously the best but only because I kinda used my ability but hey that's what they are there for. So you can beat your sisters in a snowball fight.
After about an hour we all collapsed in defeat on the sofas, we were all freezing so we jumped from sofa to sofa to where the blankets were.
Instead of one each we did what penguins do, we snuggled up under about 25 blankets with me in the middle because I was the smallest.
After about 10 minutes Calla dozed off and me and Amy looked at each other,
"She seemed really good doesn't she?"
"Yeah." I replied, "this is really good I was starting to get so worried because she has been so down lately I mean barely sleeping and eating all she does is stare at the walls and it makes me sad because I miss her."
"I know we all do."
Amy hugged me even tighter and I finally let sleep take me hoping I wouldn't get in to much trouble for you know turning there main room into a winter wonderland.

"Woah, they have been busy."
We came home to find the whole main room covered in a thick layer of snow, I was going to ground Kenric till his ears were pointy but then I saw it.
Kenric, Amy and Calla all curled up together on the sofa in a bundle of blankets, they were all fast asleep but you could see the slight smile on there face.
How Calla looked happier, calmer than she had in weeks.
"I would ground Kenric but him and Amy got Calla smiling so maybe not." Keefe said after a moment.
"I know look how cute they look all snuggled up it almost makes up for the fact that my main room had turned into Elsa from Frozens layer."
Keefe laughed, "one of the best thing about living in the forbidden cities for all those years with you means I finally get the references you make."
I laughed and after a few minutes we managed to get to the stairs so we could go to bed but all I could think of was Callas face, she looked like herself again.


Flossy out

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