Chapter 27(Eclispe)

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Amy was banging a pot and pan together and shouting up the stairs,
"Kenric's girlfriend is here!!"
I laughed charging down the stairs as soon as the door opened we all stopped but still whispered dumb stuff into each other's ears.
Eclipse looked shy and really cute, she was wearing a purple tunic that went great with her teal eyes and jet black hair that hung in soft curls.
"Hello." She gave a small wave.
"Hey I'm Calla you know the one who doesn't go to school and wears human clothes?"
She laughed at my joke,
"Yeah I have heard a lot about you."
Oh boy was I going to shove that in Kenric's face later.
"Come on Eclipse let's go to my room." Kenric dragged her away from any more embarrassment.
Mom glared at both of us.
"Be nice you to."
Me and Amy shared a lot before Amy smiled like the fun had only just began.
"And when have we ever not been nice?"
Mom and Dad glanced at each other warily before walking of to do who knows what.
"So what have you been doing today?" Amy asked after a moment. I shrugged.
"You know same old same old."
Actually I had a big incident for no apparent reason but it was fine because it was when Mom and Dad came back from there meeting so they were there to help me but there was no way I was telling Amy that.
Amy has been getting really over protective now and I don't know why it's like she knows that something about me that I don't.
I was so caught up in my own thoughts I did even realise some one was shaking my shoulders.
I blinked and I saw Amy's concerned stare that was pretty much the only thing she did now days.
"Hey there you are, are you ok?"
I slowly nodded as reality came back to me and I was so confused and I bit shaky but I didn't know why, Amy could see so she gently lead me to the sofa making sure I was comfortable.
"What happened?" I asked still not fully aware of my surroundings.
"I think it was another incident thing."
"But I have already had a big incident."
I cursed myself for my slip as Amy asked.
"Big incident?"
"I mean no it was nothing."
Amy didn't look convinced but she could tell I was in kind of after state where I'm not fully back in the room so it's best not to overwhelm me.
"Are you still ok with Eclipse being here?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
I rested my head on Amy's shoulder and she put her head onto mine and we sat like that as I took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

The Fosters house was SO AWSOME, they had so many weird human things and Calla was really funny but Kenric wouldn't tell me why Calla didn't go to school.
She seemed fine to me, well except from the fact she was wearing weird human clothes, maybe that had something to do with it.
Me and Kenric were playing a game called Uno when Sophie called to them that it was dinner, so me and Kenric made our way down the stairs laughing about random stuff.
When we got down every one els was there, Kenric looked confused turning to Calla and Amy,
"Did you teleport down the stairs?"
Sophie laughed,
"Girls never tell how els do you think we keep the boys on there toes."
So we sat down eating, chatting and laughing until half way through Calla randomly stood up mumbling some excuse before leaving the room.
"Is she ok?" I asked confused.
But every one just smiled at me and reassuring me she was fine, I was not convinced.
Could it have something to do with why she wasn't at school and why she wore human clothes.
Keefe quickly changed the subject,
"So how is school going?"
I shrugged.
"The lessons are boring so yeah."
"I know when I went to school I ditched most of my lessons."
Sophie nudged him,
"Don't say that."
Amy's eyes widened,
"Yeah so I'm so going to follow Dads example I mean like Elven history is the most boring thing ever."
"It is but you can see what it did to your Father." Sophie waved her hands at her husband as he turned bright red and demanded,
"Hey I turned out fine."
"Are you sure Dad are you sure?" Kenric looked so please with his self.
And so the conversation continued but Calla never came back down, what did she go and do that took so long.
Once I leaped home I went to the main room where mom and dad (A/N Biana and Tam) were ok the sofa having a glass of red wine.
"Hey sweetie how was it?" Mom turned her head so she could see me.
"What's wrong with Calla?"
"What do you mean?" Dad straightened.
"She doesn't go to school, she wears human clothes and she left have way through dinner and didn't come back down."
"What has Kenric told you?"
"He says it's just something or he doesn't want to talk about it."
"Well it's not my secret to tell so you should just wait for them to be ready."
I went to my room then and made a lost if all the weird thing about Calla, I would find out what is really going on in that house.

5 months, 2 weeks and 3 days, that's how long I had been at the lost cities, this is the kinda things I would think about when laying next to Calla while she stared at the stars.
Eclipse had just left so I of course I rushed to see if Calla was ok and I found her where she always is.
This would happen quite a lot, her mind would cloud over slightly which made it hard to do anything but stare at her stars and count the second.
"1 hours 20 minutes 45 seconds, 1 hour 20 minutes 46 seconds."
And on and on she went and I just had to sit there watching her helplessly.
After 1 hour 45 minutes 32 seconds she finally calmed as her mind must have fully set itself back into place.
She turned stunned to see me,
"When did you get here?"
"1 hour 15 minutes 12 seconds."
Calla sighed moving her head to my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her, then I realised how frail she really was.
"Have you been eating less?"
Calla sifted in my arms as she thought about it,
"Huh I guess I have I didn't realise but now that I think about it I haven't been eating as much as I normally do."
"Are you sure you don't need me to stay at home?"
"Yes I'm sure you can't lose your education because of me."
And we sat there just being together was enough for us.


Flossy out

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