Chapter 5 (the lesson)

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A/N this contains unlocked spoilers
"Biana is here are you ready." Mom peaked her head though the door where I was tying my shoes.
"Yep be down in just a minute."
I didn't really want to go and have to face the fact that my favourite teacher was evil or deal with the fact that someone might get hurt. But there was no time to change my mind so I picked up my school bad and walked down the stairs to the door where Amy, Kenric, Della, Wraith, Biana, Mom and Dad were waiting and I was glad to see I wasn't the only nervous one.
"So are we all just going to stand there or get to school," I tried to sound enthusiastic but I really wasn't selling it.
"Yep and remember it's still school so do work and everything," Mom clapped her hands and rushed everyone out the door. We were at the entrance of school all looking at each other before walking through the gates where we met up with all there friends. Me and my friends were talking about the same old musicals, when I felt someone jump on my back and covered my eyes,
"guess who," I knew exactly who it was.
She was my secret girlfriend only us two knew about it, it was our little secret. Heather hopped down from my back and hugged my whispering in my ear.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
As she pulled away I realised I might have to leave her, NO NO I WILL NOT LEAVE HER, NEVER IN MY LIFE. Heather had long wavy blonde hair dark green eyes and translucent peach glasses.

She was perfect

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She was perfect. She was my joy I loved her with so much of my heart that there was nothing left to protest.
"So," Heather spoke after a moment, "what's new."
"Nothing much just a annoying siblings you."
"Me either except my brother got a girlfriend."
"Oh I have to meet her."
We both talked till the bell rang then we walked to Spanish with Mr McNamara as we continued talking. As soon as we stepped in the door we immediately stopped talking so we didn't get told of I heard I small gasp behind me but when I looked I saw no one.
"Come on get to your seats I don't have all day," Mr McNamara barked from his seat, "get out your books and get a pen I will give you 5 minutes and don't forget to write the date in Spanish."
After we hurried to our seats and written everything down he began his mind numbing lecture about Spanish verbs. After what felt like days but was only an hour the bell rang and we all packed away and went to English with the evil Neverseen teacher.
We had to wait outside the door waiting for him to arrive for about 5 minutes but Mr Ondsinn was nice so we could talk and he didn't care when he rolled up in his usual Hawaiian shirt and jeans.
"Good day class good morning now get inside my room and let's learn some English."
Everyone cheered as he held the door open to let everyone in. Mr Ondsinn was one of those teachers who knew everyone's names and seemed to have inside jokes with everyone. As I walked past he gave me a salute and I saluted him back (it was our little inside joke). I laughed and went to my seat only when I sat did I realise that that was a member of the people who tried to kill Mom and Dad and I should really be more stern to him but then that would be to suspicious. So for the rest of the lesson I carried on with what I normally do (say weird thing and see what weird thing
Mr Ondsinn would say back). It was my way of relaxing as I wrote down notes in my book and the teacher spoke adding weird thing whenever he could. It was really nice, I enjoyed it way more than I would ever admit. Before I knew it the bell rang and it was time for break but just as I was about to leave he called.
"Oh and Calla can you stay behind for a moment."
I was shocked but I didn't show it so all I did was turn around with a smile on my face and walk to his desk.
"So I was just wondering, how are things at home?"
"Really good actually even my siblings are being nice. Why did you ask?"
I was trying to keep my cool and not freak out, this was probably just a late assignment or something like that. Or maybe a attack, a voice said in the back of my head.
"No reason I have some friends coming and they want to see you."
"See me why?"
"Your creative stories are so good so I showed some of my friends and they think so to. They're making a book with short stories by young writers and they wondered if you might be interested."
"And here they are."
I turned around to see a group of people wearing dark hooded cloaks with a weird eye symbol on the sleeve. Suddenly Biana appeared beside me pushing me behind her.
"Get away." She said steel in her eyes.
"Ah Mrs Vacker, your looking better than when we last saw you."
Biana reached into a hidden pocket pulling out some little silver cubes they looked harmless but when she threw them they exploded in a bust of of sparks.
While chaos raged around me I felt something click inside me, a word formed on my tongue and it was all I wanted to happen. I didn't know what was going to happen but I know it needs to happen so I took a long deep breath coughing at the smoke that fill my poor lungs and I shouted.

Aaahhh that was so much fun to write how are you guys I hope you are doing well as I'm trying to get these out to you anyway
Flossy out

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