Chapter 32(a murder atempt)

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After Eclipse found out about Callas broke mind she was able to come over move because she could come over when Calla was having a hard day or when Calla hadn't had an incident yet.
The best part was Eclipse didn't treat Calla any differently and they actually got really close and a few times Eclipse would call for some one because Calla was having an incident and then Eclipse basically became part of the family.
I mean like sure I went over to her house a lot but we all liked to stay at the house in case Calla needed us.
And Calla well she has good days and bad days definitely but she does seem to have gotten a lot better and she's become much more able to tell everyone when she's not having a good day.
We even once had Eclipse come with her parents, like sure Calla left half way through but she still made it a long way through and we were all so proud of her.
"Are you ready?" It was 1 minute till midnight and then it would be Callas first full day without a incident.
"10, 9, 8," we were all shouting it sitting on Callas bed, "7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."
We all jumped up and danced even though it was the middle of the night and we were all so tired.
I mean like sure the next day she had a big incident but it was still progress, but I would some times over hear Mom and Dad talking about how there might be no hope with Callas mind. But no just no Calla would get through this even if it had been almost a year since Callas mind broke.
She had to get through this.
She just had to.
Every thing was fine until there was a bang in the middle of dinner, Calla quickly jumped up and backed towards the corner.
Amy immediately went to Calla to calm her down, the pair sank to the floor as there was another bang, Calla staring at the ceiling as Mom and Dad went to investigators while telling us to stay here.
There was a scream, Mom, I quickly raced to the main room stopping in the door so no one would see me.
"What do you want?"
"You have been far to slow it's been how long and all you have is a broken daughter let me guess right now she's hiding some where freaking out." Lady Gisela. It was the Neverseen, the Neverseen hadn't shown there face in months but here they are.
"Don't worry I will find her." This time it was Alden.
"Don't you dare go anywhere near her." Mom demanded but it turned into a scream as she was thrown to the wall with a gust of wind.
Alden came charging in but didn't see me because my clothes were very close to the wall, wow my clothes look like wallpaper.
"Little girl where are you?"

Calla let me put my hand over her mouth because she was trying not to start mumbling but it was hard Calla easily lost control in things to do with the Neverseen.
"Little girl where are you?"
Calla looked like she was going to lose it until Alden flipped the table we were hiding under and Calla did lose it.
Her hands went straight to her ears and Calla went to the floor shaking and completely losing it, I whipped to Alden standing up so he couldn't get to her.
I tried to grab hold of his mind but he must be wearing a blocker like the weird thinking hat things.
I didn't know what to do and he was getting closer and closer util a huge block of ice fell on him knocking him out cold.
When Alden fell to the ground Kenric was right behind him with his arms raised.
I rushed back to Amy who was freaking out even more,
"Ok so why don't I take Calla up to her room and you see what's going on and if it's really bad hail Eclipse and tell her to tell her family or something."
Kenric nodded and rushed away as I gently picked Calla up, I knew she couldn't walk because she was right in the middle of a incident. I walked up the stairs going into her room and placing her on the bed before shutting the door behind me, but you could still hear the shouts and bangs and it was making Calla more upset.
I quickly dashed to me room getting my noise cancelling headphones before rushing back and placing them over Callas ears.
After a while she finally went to staring at the ceiling so I told her to keep the headphones on and that I was going to check what was happening downstairs.
When I got there Kenric and Dad were both ok but Mom was slumped against the wall, I rushed over to Mom checking if she is ok.
"Yeah I'm fine just a bit dizzy from being thrown against the wall. Where and How is Calla?"
"I kinda calmed her down, she is staring at the ceiling with my noise cancelling headphones, so she should be pretty calm by now."
I sat next to Mom as we saw the Neverseen and Kenric and Keefe go head to head, there was 2 members of the Neverseen so it's 2/2 but Kenric is a 13 year old and I'm pretty sure all the Neverseen members are adults but hey.
Ruy and Kenric were fighting wind against ice and Dad was fighting Alden with swords that were about the size of my arm.
Then I realised, "where's Lady Gisela?"
Mom looked around for a second and not finding her,
"Maybe she leaped away?"
But I had a feeling it wasn't that easy, in minutes Alden was down and Ruy had given up and leaped away.
Dad had just called the physician to come treat any bruises and cuts when we heard it.
"No you can't come in!"
I raced up to find Lady Gisela at the bathroom door and Calla and looked herself inside, but the most scaring part was a blood covered knife that Gisela was holding.
"Oh come on I'm your grandmother I just need to finish up a few things."
"No no no no no no no no no."
I gasped and Lady Gisela turned as Kenric joined my side but Lady Gisela just smiled.
"Oh don't worry I won't hurt you just her." She pointed her knife to the bathroom door.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on her."
Dad said as he stood in front of us with Mom by his side.
"Come little girl don't you wanna see your family or maybe I should give your sister a few more scars."
She turned to me as I looked down I only had around 10 scattered on my body, Elwin had managed to treat most of them before they could scar but with some they were just to deep.
Suddenly a dagger whipped towards Lady Gisela head but she managed to dodge  she knock on Callas bathroom door.
"Well I will be back next time won't that be nice."
Within seconds she leaped away and me and Mom rushed to Callas door as Kenric and Dad went downstairs to see if Alden was still down.
"Come on Calla it's ok she's gone you can come out."
"No no no she will come back and get me she will kill me."
It took a lot of convincing but after a while Calla finally opened the door and, there was a lot of blood.
She had cuts all up her arms and shoulders from where she had dodged the knife so it wouldn't kill her.
She was too stressed out to see Elwin so me and Mom sat there with her, she had MY noise cancelling headphones and she stared at the stars trying to calm down.
Mom left to go see the doctor because she had been thrown pretty hard against the wall, I didn't leave Callas side though.
She was still bleeding but we had put cloths on her arms so it would slow it down as she calmed downs.
Once she was calm enough Elwin came to dress her wounds and I stayed by her side because she was very nervous around Elwin: she didn't really know Elwin. Calla had big plasters covering her arms and he said they will probably scar.
Elwin gave me a quick check up but I wasn't there so I was fine I just stayed by Callas side as she drifted off with the headphones still over her ears.
Mom walked in, "hey is Calla ok?"
"Oh yeah I think this took a lot of energy out of her so she fell asleep pretty quickly."
"And are you ok?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"Um the Neverseen wants your sister dead, that's why they came here."
I tried to say I was fine but the lump in my throat chocked off the words, Mom made her way to the bed as wrapped me up in a hug.
"We need to celebrate the wins like how we captured a member of the Neverseen."
"Yeah when you were calming Calla down we tied Alden up and now he's in custody, his wife and kids are over there right now asking him why he joined but they have gotten nowhere so far."
After a while Mom made me go take a shower and get some rest and said she would stay with Calla.
I washed my hair tying it in a messy bun as I threw on the pyjamas and went to bed wondering what tomorrow would bring.


Flossy out

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