Chapter 20(the after)

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It had been a week since Calla's mind broke, there was a few scars scattered over my body from my kidnapping.
It had been hard waking up to find out that my sister had been battling with guilt since her girlfriends death and that it had finally caught up to her.
And then when Mom tried to heal her Calla wasn't ready so Mom couldn't heal her.
Nothing had happened in that week, not with the Neverseen or anything.
Me and Kenric spent most of our time together just doing random things, we both needed each other more now than ever. We also spent a lot of time with Mom and Dad, they were constantly asking if we were ok, I think they thought one of our minds would break.
As a broken family we would spend most of our days doing stuff in Calla's room, apparently Calla didn't act how people normally act when there mind break.
Calla just lay there staring blankly at the ceiling, sometimes she would murmur random things but normally she just lay there, trapped in a mind of madness.
It was a kinda normal day, Mom was out Dad was doing something with Kenric (I think they wanted to do something cool with Kenric's ice powers). I was laying next to Calla on her huge bed as she had one of her tremors, sometimes she would shake and whisper things for a few minutes then out of nowhere it would stop and she would go back to starring blankly at the ceiling.
OIt was so hard being so close and so far away at  the same time, I wish there was something I could do except hold her hand and hope she  knew I was there.
When I wasn't with my parents or Kenric I would spend hours just sitting next to her, it some how made things a bit easier.
For a while Mom and Dad were trying to convince us to go to the Elvin school but soon they realised we weren't going to school til every thing was over.
After around an hour there was a knock at the door as Mom walked in, she looked more tired than normal as she sat on the edge of the bed.
"Is everything ok?" I asked after a second, Mom sighed fiddling with the sleeves of her tunic.
Me, Calla and Kenric refused to wear elf clothes so I was wearing baggy ripped jeans and I oversized college jumper.
"Yeah everything is fine I was just going to check on Calla's mind you know double check."
We were way past double check, I sat up (still holding Callas hand) as Mom moved to Callas over side, putting her hands on Callas temples.
There was silence for a while before Mom gasped and stumbled back, I quickly jumped consciousness up.
"What's wrong?"
"I......I don't know........her mind is."
Mom put her fingers back on Callas temples having the same reaction.
"She.........her mind is."
"Is what?" I pushed.
"Trying to heal its self."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean it's going through the same steps as I do to heal a broken mind except she's doing it much slower. Calla is healing herself bit by but I think it will take a long time but she will heal herself. Probably in stages."
"What do you mean stages?"
"I mean I think she will regain consciousness before her mind is fully healed and it will probably be a long time till she's fully healed but," Mom took my hand looking at me with pure determination in her eyes as she spoke, "she will heal herself then we have to help her as much as we can so it doesn't happen again."


So I didn't know what els to put in this chapter so instead I'm going to do what happened when Callas mind broke. And because I'm bored I will do a few different ones.

I slowly opened my eyes to find Mom and Dad on either side of me and a click as the door closed like some one went outside.
A man with a warm smile and weird glasses walked up to me, he snapped his fingers and a ball of light appeared in his hand.
He must be a flasher.
I looked down to see a lot of my body covered in huge plasters covering every where Alden had cut me.
Mom squeezed me in a bone crushing hug and after a second Dad joined in then they both pulled away to ask questions.
"What happened?" Seemed to be the main one so that's the one I answered.
"I was locked in a cell and the guard was called Jolie, you know the one who you thought was dead, she's alive."
Mom gasped and placed a hand on one of my plasters as she whispered.
"Do Jolie do this to you?"
"Oh no. Jolie is really nice, Alden did this to me."
Dad gasped it didn't look like that's what it was about because he quickly jumped up and turned to Mom.
Mom seemed to know what he meant because she got up just as fast and they both left the room, I tried to go with them but my legs were to sore.

I almost kicked the door open as I charged in just in time to see her collapse.
I ran over to her picking her up and shaking her gently.
Next me and Keefe both held hands and Keefe sent his warm breezes and I transmitted to Calla begging her to fight though.
Then Calla started mumbling to herself but all she said was, all my fault, after a while her brain gave way as her mind broke.
"NO!" I shouted like that would somehow make it better.
At first me and Keefe sat there for a moment just holding our broken daughter until we heard a gasp behind us.
I whipped in head around to see Amy (who was leaning on the wall a lot for support) and Kenric looking to us than Calla.
"What happened?"
"Callas mind is broken."


Hey peeps and first just wow that was so much fun to write and also thank you all of you for reading this but anyway

Flossy out

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