Chapter 23(a new normal)

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It was weird to see Calla so fragile, anything and she would just crumble, so Mom and Dad told me and Amy to be careful with what we say around her.
It had been a week since Calla woke up but she didn't seemed to get better just had to be patient and not overwhelm her.
They wouldn't try anything to help her though, I think they were afraid that Calla would go back to being fully broken and unresponsive.
No one really left the house much like sure sometimes Mom would have to go do Black swan stuff but other than that we were always together as a family.
It was nice, well except when Calla had a "incident" as they were called, but Callas incident changed sometimes, sometimes she would curl in on herself and mumble random things which was the one she did the most.
But sometimes it would be something completely different like sometimes she would bang her head on the wall sometimes she would hide either under the covers or in the bathroom.
Sometimes she would just freeze, and just not move, barely breath till she calmed down, there was always someone with her though just so they could help her when she had an incident.
It was normally Mom or Amy because girls seemed to have a weird contention like how me and my Dad seemed to have the same dumb idea in our heads.
But other than that Calla was back to her old self mostly, and it was really nice, more than I would ever admit.
We still didn't have to go to the fancy Elven school since well yeah, I was sitting on the bed with Amy and Calla watching a movie when Mom popped her head through the door.
"Hey me and your Dad our going out for a few hours unless you need us to stay?"
Calla laughed and waved Mom away.
"Nah it's fine here, you should go."
Mom smiled before leaving, we went back to our movie until we heard a bang, Calla tensed as her knees went to her chest.
Amy gently wrapped an arm around her whispering, "hey sh I'm sure it was nothing."
But I wasn't nothing a few moments later there was foot steps then Lady Gisela walked in the room with Gethen closely trailing behind.
"Hey there is my grandkids."
I stood up hand ready to blast them with ice but Lady Gisela was focused on Calla who was freaking out even more.
"What's wrong with her?"
Gethen laughed, "it seemed her mind broke and she is healing herself it's kinda healed now but there is still a lot of damage form what I gathered in the other twos minds."
"I don't remember giving you permission?"
Amy scoffed while still holding Calla tightly to her chest.
"Oh yeah don't worry next time I will ask." He smiled but it wasn't the smile he used to give in class, this was a wicked evil smile.
"Are you parents home?"
"Ok then that makes this easier."
"What do you want with us?"
"Oh I think we have already gotten what we want." She turned to Calla with a wicked smile, "I wanted information to give us the upper hand so thank you Calla and oh one more thing."
She walked up it me and in one swift movement she pulled out a knife and slashed a  cut on the arm.
It's wasn't the that deep but the shock made me scream and fall to my knees but I could still see Lady Giselas smile as she leaped away. Pure evil.
Amy gasped still clutching Calla.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah." I said through gritted teeth as I stood up, "it's not that deep."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah you should focus on calming Calla down."
After a second she agreed turning back to Calla but not before say.
"Ok but clean that wound up there are big plasters in my room and tell Mom and Dad when they get back ( well firstly tell them what happened) then tell them to check telepathically before coming in so they don't scare Calla."
I nodded before walking out cleaning the wound and stuff then I sat down in the main room and waited for Mom and Dad to come home.

"Hey sh she's gone."
It had been about 10 minutes since the Neverseen had left but Calla was still a mess, it seemed to really freak her out and I think it was because Lady Gisela killed Heather.
Calla sniffed as she let go of her knees and laid her head against the wall of the bed,
"I hate this."
"I know." I soothed.
"I really hate this I mean even seeing them and I'm this."
She banged her head against the wall she was leaning on, then she did it again, and again, before she could continue and hurt herself every more I put a pillow where her head was going to collide with the wall.
Calla leaned into it closing her eyes as her breathing finally calm and the tears stopped racing down her cheeks.
After a few more minutes she opened them and just looked the ceiling, she spent a lot of time looking at that one patch she looked at when her mind was broken.
This happens sometimes she would just go back to staring blankly at the ceiling for a few minutes like the madness was winning but it never did. It would only be for about 5 or so minutes, but not this time it had been 10 minutes of her staring and I was getting concerned so I gently reached for her hand and she squeezed my hand tightly, her way of saying she was ok.
And so we sat there hand in hand as we both stared at the glow in the dark star stickers we bought from the human cities.

I had just leaped home when I saw Kenric sitting on the couch looking nervous and he hand a plasters on his arm and I mean a big plaster (A/N if you are American you will call it a Band-Aid I think) .
I gasped and Keefe only seemed to just notice.
"What happened?!?"
Kenric turned and rushed towards us as he nervously laughed,
"Yeah so Lady Gisela and Gethen kinda came to the house."
Oh my god.
Did anyone els get hurt?
Is Calla ok?
What happened?
Why were they at the house?
"Hey it's fine only I got hurt and I wouldn't even call it getting hurt."
"What about Calla?"
"Oh yeah so she really freaked out but I think Amy has fully calmed her down but Amy told me to tell you to check telepathically before going in."
I nodded and practically ran up the stairs as I went outside Callas room and reached for Amy's mind, after a moment I connected.


Mom did Kenric tell you what happened.

Yeah but he didn't say why they were here.

I don't really know either they said information and I think they got it.

What do you mean?

Well they asked why Calla was freaking out and-


No Gethen read my mind so now they know that Callas mind is broken and I think they going to use it against us or something.

How is Calla?

Um well she was freaking out for around ten minutes then she started hitting her head against the wall but I quickly put a pillow there so it wouldn't hurt her and now she's just staring at the ceiling like she does you know.

Yeah can I come in?

There was a moment of silence like Amy was decided before she thought yes and I carefully opened the door.
Amy was right, Calla was staring at the wall probably completely obvious of her surroundings.
I made my way to Callas other side sitting on the bed as gently taking her hand as I whispered,
She didn't really react all she did was squeeze my hand and after a moment she whispered still staring at the ceiling,
"Are you ok?"
She shook her head as another tear rolled down her cheeks.
I didn't know what to do so I pulled the blanket over me and laid down next to her staring at the glow up stars.
After a little while Callas eyelids fluttered closed as the exhaustion finally got to her.
"Is she really going to be ok?"
I was surprised when Amy asked the question, she was always so confident with everything but she sounded scared so I took her other hand, looking her dead in the eye. I was about to reassure her but I wanted to be honest so instead I said.
"I don't know all I know is she needs us and we need to be there for her no matter what happens."
Amy nodded and at that we both lay back and let the darkness of sleep drag us under.


Well that was fun to write but there is nothing new so

Flossy out

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