Chapter 4 (Mr Ondsinn)

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"WHAT!!" Everyone screamed in unison. I was confused how did he know then it hit me. Dad had said Fitz was a telepath, he must've read my mind which did not make me happy but it was probably not the thing to focus on. So instead I pictured my English teacher Mr Ondsinn, thinking what could be so wrong. He was really kind to me and he was one of my favourite teachers and I was his favourite student. There's no way he was evil so I was surprised when Fitz continued and said,
"Gethen is teaching Calla and probably reading her mind to make sure her parents don't do anything."
"What," even though I had just been told I still couldn't believe it, "No Mr Ondsinn is so nice and just no, NO!"
"I know it's hard to believe trust me they seem nice turns out they are just using you." Grady looked out the window like he had been through it before. Kenric and Amy after a moment said that they also had English with Mr- no Gethen. So then the conversation turned into.
"Well what do we do?"
"Well if she goes back Gethen can read her mind but if she doesn't then they will be suspicious."
"So what does that leave us."
"Absolutely nothing."
But it did either way results in the Neverseen knowing so I decided to speak up.
"Hey look what if we all turn up to our lessons and just see what happens or maybe we get one of those what do you call it the people who disappear."
"Vanishers." Dad corrected.
"We would have enough for one we could have both Mrs Vackers if Mrs Vacker is up to it and Wraith." Mr Forkle finally said
Then a plan started to for, I had the most English lessons with Gethen because I also do English after school club. The plan was simple we would go to our lessons as normal but someone called Della would go with Amy, Biana would go with me and Wraith would go with Kenric. We had to wait a week for school to start because of summer holidays but until then I did absolutely nothing, I didn't go play with my friends, I didn't do any of the dumb thing I normally do I just sat at home over stressing like always but this time it was so much worst.
It was Sunday and the 3 people who would be invisible while we had the lesson but who were also just going to follow us all day were here just say hello and talk about tomorrow.
"Is there anything I should know about your school or your lessons or I don't know anything?" Biana asked looking at my time table.
"Nope just note my friends are extremely weird."
"Extremely is an understatement," Kenric jumped in which made everyone laugh except me.
"Ok and what about the teachers." Biana turned to me looking up from the schedule.
"Um well let's see all of them our pretty nice except first period Spanish with Mr McNamara he's evil."
"Isn't that the truth," Amy scoffed, "I had to deal with that hell for 2 long years."
"I have him for history." Kenric pointed out, "he's not that bad if you don't break the rules you don't get told off."
Me and Amy looked at each other than laughed.
"He told me off for being ill."
"He ripped out a page of my book and made me rewrite the whole essay because forgot to put a accent."
We were going to list more when Della stopped us.
"I'm sure he can't be that bad."
"Well I have him tomorrow so you can see," Amy looked down at her time table.
"I have him to," Kenric said.
"Ok," Biana spoke trying to stop the conversation, "what time do you go to school."
"8:05 normally."
"Ok I will come at 7:50."
After that we conversation died down and they all went to bed but I couldn't sleep. I never was a child that slept, I was always the one who would spend there night out partying with there weird group of friends. A small knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts when I turned I saw Mom quietly step in closing the door behind her.
"Hey," she whispered after she made it to my bed sitting down beside me, "couldn't sleep either?"
I shook my head, I got my not sleeping from my Mom probably. She could tell something was on my mind so she sat there patiently waiting for me to voice my worries so I did,
"What if something goes wrong and someone gets hurt?"
Mom stared at me for a second before smiling,
"I've had to do this a lot starting from when I was Kenric's age and can I tell you something," after I nodded she continued, "it never gets easier, watching people you care about risk there lives. It's-it's really hard but you just have to trust them, trust Kenric and Amy and Biana and Della and even Wraith even though you don't know who he even is. Trust that we have got this."
"If you were my age would you have took that advice."
"Probably not but you are smarter than I was so I hope you will."
"I will try my best."
"Good now try and get some sleep, I now your not the biggest fan of sleep trust me nether am I but just try and treat tomorrow like a normal day. Don't you have drama tomorrow," I nodded, "see that will be fun so just don't forget to have fun and live your life. When I was a kid people would always tell me that and now I wish I listened but anyway try get some sleep goodnight Calla."
"Goodnight Mom."
She left the room then leaving me by my self but I didn't alone I felt ready to go to bed and with that I snuggled into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep ready for tomorrow.

Well that was fun sorry my chapters are pretty short I just hope that means I can post more often anyway that's all I needed to say so

Flossy out

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