Chapter 14 (meeting)

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Everyone was gathered at some place called Everglen and it was basically a castle and to be honest I was kinda hoping to see a Disney princess but to be honest everyone was REALLY good looking.
I was wearing "elf clothes" which were surprisingly soft, I had a plain white tunic and black leggings with brown boots to match.
"I'm going to go get me some lady's." Kenric put on a smile and walked over to a girl with jet black hair and teal eyes who was standing near Tam and Biana.
Amy told me it was Eclipse and that Kenric had a MEGA CRUSH.
Wylie and Linh had a son called Anwar and A daughter called Cyrah. Dex and Marella also had a kid called Alexander and he gave me a small smile and wave when I entered.
Me, Amy and Kenric stood in the corner not really contributing anything except as Amy put it "our good looks" but it did look like we were surrounded by models.
I got bored of listening to the posh people talk about how they were going to stop the Neverseen and save the world so I talked to Amy about random things.
"So is there a main reason all elves look so pretty?"
"No I don't know how they do it, if only they were this cute at 'human school' then that would have made life a lot of fun."
"Didn't you have a crush on that one kid."
"Calla keep your voice down."
I smiled wickedly, "what was his name?"
"Aw you remember his name."
"This is not the time to talk about crushes."
"But make Amy blush is my favourite game."
"Mine too." Kenric came up beside them to join there whispered conversation, "what are we talking about?"
"Remember when Amy had that MEGA crush on that kid called Jackson?"
"Oh yeah you should have seen her diary."
"You read my diary!"
"Of course and by the way it was adorable."
We went on saying embarrassing things about each till I heard someone say our names, we turned to see everyone staring at.
"What?" We all spoke in unison.
"Did you listen to anything that has been said?" One of the people with crown asked.
We all shook our heads as we blamed each other for not paying a tension.
"We said." The same person sighed, "we said did Mr Ondsinn say anything suspicious in your lessons?"
We looked at each other before nodding then Kenric spoke.
"Nah he was pretty fun and weird like for April fools day he brought fake knife and he made it so when he stabbed himself it would bleed and everything it was so funny."
Me and Amy laughed with him remember the same thing as Amy added.
"Oh yeah and that one time on Halloween we saw him at the shops and pretend he couldn't find his keys and then he screamed AAH WE'RE BEING CHASED BY A MURDER!"
(A/N that this there was just something Lydia says in beetlejuice the musical but I didn't know what els)
"My main question is," Fitz stood up to pace, "why would he be so nice to them did he want something from them?"
Mom turned to us,
"Did he ever ask you to share any personal information or anything like that?"
Amy and Kenric both shook there head but I went pail.

~~~~<<<<start of flashback>>>>~~~~~
"Oh and Miss Foster a word please." Mr Ondsinn smiled as he said the words so I wasn't worried I just thought he wanted something.
He gestured for me to take the seat opposite him so naturally I sat down he quickly finished something on his computer and turned to me.
"So Calla how have you been?"
"Good." I was so confused. Did he just want a catch up?
"How is life at home?"
"Yeah good. Well except-" I stopped myself before I could slip. No way was I telling him I had a secret girlfriend but I had to keep it from my parents because I did know how they would acted.
"Except what?" Mr Ondsinn looked concerned but I couldn't risk he would tell my Mom and Dad.
"Nothing it's nothing really."
"If there's something going on at home if something you have to hide I want you to know you don't have to hide it from me I won't tell anyone I promise."
He held out his pinkie like a 6 year old but I told him everything and it really helped to be honest so I told him more and before I knew it had had basically told him my whole life story.
Mr Ondsinn smiled at me, "now doesn't that feel better? And I want you to know you can tell me anything ok anytime."
I smiled as I nodded and he continued.
"You have a good 20 minutes left of lunch so go have some fun and see you for one of our little chats soon hopefully."
"Definitely," I responded beaming at him, "this has been really nice thank you."
As I left the room I felt more proud and confident of who I was and I carried on seeing him at least once a week.

~~~~~<<<<end of flashback>>>>~~~~~~~

"Calla," Amy turned to me, "did he ask you any details about your life?"
"Well kinda." I said after a moment.
"What do you mean kinda."
Now all eyes were on me and it was nerve wracking but I spluttered out as quick as I could.
"He did ask me to stay behind after class but all he did was ask me how life was and he kept on asking more till I had basically shared my life story."
I mean sure that was a little lie since he didn't keep asking questions I just felt safe enough to tell him all theses things and now I felt so stupid.
"Why?" Everyone seemed to asked the question at once.
"I don't know."
Then out of nowhere there was a flash of smoke and a piece of paper appeared. It was from the Neverseen.


Wow sorry for not updating it's just I had a hard time with school so it might be like this from now on so I can stay on to of my school work but anyway I hope you enjoy

Flossy out

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