Chapter 12(Forever and always)

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"I think I should go over."
It had been about 15 minutes since Sophie and Amy had teleported away and I was starting to get worried.
"I bet there just taking there time."  Kenric was being calm but I'm a genetically enhanced empath so I could tell he was freaking out. I was trying to stay calm but I'm not that good so of course Kenric can tell.
Grady and Edaline were sitting on the sofa looking way more calm they normal, Kenric was standing in the corner while I was pacing back and forth.
After another 5 minutes the 3 stumbled in looking really distraught.
Thank god Calla was with them but tears were in her eye and I could feel all the heartbreak wafting through the air.
Sophie and Amy had there arms wrapped around Calla's shoulders and it looked like that's the only thing that was keeping her up right.
I ran up to Calla scooping her up in my arms and she whispered in my ear.
"I'm so sorry."
"You don't need to be," I put down staring her dead in the eye, "what happened was a moment of you losing your way trust me it's happened to me."
Her eyes widened and I nodded after a moment blushing slightly from embarrassment. Calla felt so relieved at that and Kenric rushed up behind her jumping on her back in a piggy back style. Calla laughed and after Kenric hopped down Calla tackle hugged him. After a moment Amy joined in and suddenly it was a group hug.

It had been about an hour and me, Kenric and Amy were snuggled up in the HUGEST BED EVER. I'm not even kidding. We were scrolling through our phones doing nothing really just happy in each other's company.
Amy put her phone down making me and Kenric look up from a funny cat video we were watching (A/N I spend all my time reading so I don't know if people watched funny animal videos anymore but ye) Amy looked at us for a second before sighing and leaning back against the pillows.
"What's up?" I say after a moment sharing a glance with Kenric.
"I don't know. It's just feels weird in this place and I thought having you back would make it seem more homey but it doesn't it still feels weird."
"I've been thinking," Kenric agreed, "the same thing I mean sure it's nice to know the truth but it just makes me feel like. I don't know I just wanna." He thrust his arms out and ice shot out of his hands.
"It's ok," Amy reassured him, "you just manifesting as a Froster."
"Wait, wait, wait," I put my hands in the air like stop signs, "so he's like Elsa from Frozen."
Amy laughed, "yeah kinda."
I bursted out into hysterical laughter and after a moment they both joined me.
It took them a second to see Mom and Dad standing at the door,
"What happened?"
It took a minute for me to gasp between laughs and and choke out.
"Kenric is Elsa."
"And that means."
"He manifested as a Froster."
"Well congrats."
Mom and Dad made there way to bed and they seemed tense. Really tense.
"What's going on?" I started to get worried at them being worried. Stupid anxiety.
"Well we have found a house and we are going to move in the morning." Mom and Dad glanced at me but I was pretty much fine with it now, like sure it felt weird but I don't want to go back. Only Kenric spoke and all he said was.
"So we have officially left the forbidden cities."
"Yeah. are you ok with that?"
"Yeah it's just weird you know."
Mom laughed. "Oh I know exactly except I was on my own when I came but this time we have each other and it will be like that."
We all linked hands as I spoke.
"Forever and always."
And one by one the others joined in.
"Forever and always."
"Forever and always."
"Forever and always."
"Forever and always."
"Now," Dad spoke with a small laugh, "can we come in the bed because I'm cold over here."
We all laughed as Mom and Dad Scooch in on either side.
"I also have a little surprise." Mom reached behind and pulled out a computer with Netflix already loaded up.
"What should we watch?"
And after a LOT of arguing over what to watch we finally decided snuggling down under the covers heads lying on to of other and we sat there together as a family.
Forever and always.


Aawww definitely my favourite chapter so far it was so emotional and I have to thank my friend Anne for giving me the inspiration of Forever and always anyways

Flossy out

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