Chapter 11 (changing sides)

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I don't know how long I sat there for, cradling Heather, the love of my life. I wanted to stay there for the rest of my life, I did want to let Heather go, she can't be dead she's always been there for me. Always.
After a while I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and wrap themselves around me but I didn't look to see who it was. I didn't want to take me eyes of Heather just in case- I tried to stop it but my brain finished. Just in case she was still alive.
After a while of the hands holding me as I cried, still holding Heather, they whispered.
"Ssshhh it's ok I'm here for you."
Mom. My mom had come for me.
"We are here." Another voice said.
I realised they must have saw it from my phone, I leaned into the hug soaking up there warmth.
"Come on," Amy spoke gently, "let's go."
"NO!" I shouted hugging Heather tighter.
"Honey," Mom soothed, "we have to go the Neverseen know we are here."
I was sobbing to much to talk so I didn't have enough strength to hold on when someone pulled the body away but I did try.
As I tried to grab her again I felt arms pull me back hugging me tighter as I flailed. Eventually I gave up sinking into the hug sobbing for every thing I had lost in that one small day.
After my sobs had turned to soft sniffles I felt the arms loosen as my Mom looked me straight in the eyes and said.
"Now do you want to go back to your family they really miss you."
After a moment I nodded and Amy pulled out a crystal and in a dazed still slightly crying state we leaped away.

"Mom!" Amy busted into the room with her phone in her hand looking really scared.
"What!?" I jumped up from the chair where I had been reading and Keefe was laying on the bed doing nothing (like normal).
"It's Calla." Amy was panting from running up all the stairs to get to my room at Havenfield and it was weird to be back but it also felt right like maybe life could go back to normal.
"I texted her and she called me sobbing and she wanted to come home so Calla told me where she is staying but then Lady Gisela came in and... and."
"What?" Keefe was up on his feet now.
After a moment Amy whispered.
"Killed Heather."
We both gasped.
"I need to go there." Amy said after a moment.
"I'm coming with you." I spoke Keefe also wanted to but I convinced him to stay here.
"Where does she live."
"It's about a block away from where we used to live."
"Ok." I pulled out the crystal I had kept in case we ever needed to go back to that place and without a second thought we leaped away.
We were just outside Amy was going to knock but I pounded down the door turning a corner to see one of the most heartbreaking thing ever.
My daughter crying on the floor cradling a lifeless body, it took me a second to recognise her as Heather just covered in blood.
I rushed up to her not knowing what to do, I put my hand on her shoulder for a moment before hugging her but she was to focus on Heather.
As I hugged her I whispered,
"Sshhh it's ok I'm here for you."
Amy came up beside me hugging her as well.
"We are here."
Me and Amy looked at each other for a second before Amy whispered.
"Come on, let's go."
We were about to gently pull her away when she screamed pulling Heathers tighter to her chest.
I was close to tears but I held my self together because I knew Calla would need me now more than ever.
"Honey, we have to go the Neverseen know we are here."
Calla was sobbing so much but we had to go so I transmitted to Amy

we have to go I'm going to hold Calla and can you pull Heather away ok

After a second Amy nodded grimly and gently lifted Heather, Calla screamed and tried to grab her but she was crying to much.
Calla screamed and flailed as I held her down for a minute before gave up and collapsed in complete sobs and all I could do was rub her back and let her soak my tunic in tears.
I felt so useless, there was nothing I could do except hold my broken daughter as she fell apart in my arms.
After a while Calla finally calmed downed and I waited till her sobbed has turned into soft sniffles as tears silently streaked down her face. I lightly tilted Calla's head so she would look me straight in the eyes as I spoke.
"Now do you want to go back to your family they really miss you."
After a moment of Calla staring at me with tear stained she finally nodded. So I pulled my home crystal out of my pocket and slowly helped Calla off the soft rug that used to be white but was now red. The 3 of us linked hands and leaped of into the unknown as I wondered how this would affected Calla.

How yall doing and BOY that was sad to write but there is nothing to say so

Flossy out

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