Chapter 33(trauma)

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I woke up before Calla did which was very good I need to be there for her, I didn't know how Calla will react but I hope she didn't push me and Amy and Keefe and Kenric away.
When Calla did wake up she removed the headphones of her ears looking straight at me to me as she sat up,
"How are you?"
"I'm fine."
I'm a Mother I know when my child isn't ok, she was struggling and normally I would leave it but not if it could break her mind.
"No your not listen normally I would let it go but you have to be careful because I don't want you to back to the first months so I need you to talk to me."
After a moment she sighed, leaning back on her pillows,
"It's just if I just gave myself up then no one could of ever got hurt I mean they were here for me, it's all my fault."
I grabbed both her hands because I could tell she was close to falling over the edge,
"Ok listen to me can you take some deep breaths you can close your eyes or look at the ceiling just breath."
Calla closed her eyes taking slow deep breaths, I don't know how long she sat there for but after a while she looked a lot calmer and exhausted.
I think calming her down made realise how tried she really was so once she calmed down she basically fell right asleep.
I kissed my beautiful daughter on the forehead as her eyes fluttered close,  I left her there and went to Amy's room, of course she was up.
"Hey." I knocked on the door making Amy turn.
"Is Calla ok?"
"Yeah she's fine when she woke up she was a little shaking and on edge so I made her take deep breaths and she fell asleep."
"I'm really worried about her."
I walked over to Amy, who was sitting on the bed doing homework, I wrapped my arms around her.
"I know we all are and you and Kenric our getting a week off school to help her."
I laughed, "yes when the Neverseen attack the whole family but mainly try to kill your sister your aloud a bit longer off school."
"What if the Neverseen get to her and......" her voice trailed but I knew what she meant.
"We won't let them, we have already captured one of the members and we won't stop till his friends join them."
She didn't seem convinced but she dropped and we both sat there lost in are own thoughts, I can't let Calla break completely again it's to hard.

I watched Calla for hours on end, she spent most of the day staring at the stars with MY noise cancelling headphones on, I think it really helped but I hated seeing her like this.
Calla woke a few hours but all she did was take a shower and go back to staring but this time she wore the headphones.
I spent a lot of that week sitting next to her, Dad spent a lot of time with her as well so he could check her emotions and see if the guilt might be getting to much.
Calla was exhausted all the time from the lack of sleep with the fact that she couldn't take sedatives and the incidents happening more and more.
Kenric didn't go to Eclipses and she didn't come over either since we didn't want to overwhelm Calla and Kenric what's to be here if Calla need him. We all do, Mom and Dad don't leave the house to go to the meetings really, I never left the house anyway and Kenric only had 1 friends.
Over time Calla did seem to get better and recover from the fact that the Neverseen are trying to kill her, she came out of her room more and didn't have the headphones over her eyes as much, instead they would go around her neck.
The other day we even managed to get her to smile and it was good timing because the week was over and me and Kenric had to go back to stupid school.
Me, Eclipse and Kenric started sitting together since Eclipse found out I ate alone and since Eclipse is the best and nicest person ever.

Having Calla so fragile was hard but she was getting better so it was the perfect time for the  other two to go back to school, the day they went back I stayed home all day but Calla seemed fine.
She didn't shut me out like she used to except from a incident she seemed pretty much recovered from all the trauma of the week before, like sure she still felt  pretty rough but she was able to say when she was having a hard day.
And so life went back to schedule and everything seemed fine again and it was really nice, like  Callas mind was still breaking every time she had an incident but her brain managed to keep itself from crumbling again.
It had been a whole year of Calla having a broken mind and it made me think stuff like what if she never heals herself.
I came home to find Calla on her bed watching a movie but it was hard to tell if she was really watching because she seemed to just be looking at a random spot on the wall.
"You ok?"
She looked up when she heard me at the door she smiled and nodded, I made my way over to the bed sitting down next to her.
"Can Eclipse come over for dinner?"
She looked up for a second before shaking her head, Calla definitely talked less now and I don't know if it's just because she's having a hard time or something els.
"You sure your ok?"
She sighed resting her head on wall,
"I just can't deal with it today I'm just having a hard day you know?"
I nodded, having a hard day meant the guilt was really latching on to her so I took her hands and took a long deep breath gesturing her to copy.
She looked absolutely exhausted so I wasn't surprised when she started to drift off, I let go of her hands placing them on the bed and gently shifted her down so she was laying down with the blankets how she liked it.
This was my life now, this was out life now, I don't know how long for but for now it seemed a lot longer than we thought in the first place.


Flossy out

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