Chapter 26(school)

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"No I'm not going to school tomorrow."
"Um yes you are young lady." Me and mom had been at it for a while now.
"No want if Calla needs me or has another incident I need to be there for her."
"What you need is an education. And anyway you can trust that me and your father can handle it when she freaks out."
"Yeah but what if your not home like today?"
"Today was a one off."
"Oh really because Calla doesn't seem to be having incidents on a one off they are happening more and more so I will not go to school for Callas sake."
"No this is not up for discussion you have to go to school."
"No I can't let Calla get hurt anymore I have to be there for her I have to-" my voice turned into a sob and saw Moms face go from anger to understand to sadness. She walked over and wrapped her arms around me, as she whispered comforting words in my ears.
After I calmed she looked me dead in the eyes and said.
"I know you want to protect Calla but you still have to go to school tomorrow."
Me and Mom both turned to see Calla standing at the door,
"You wanted to skip school for me?"
I walked over to her taking her cold clammy hands.
"Well yeah but I'm worried about you and I want to be here for you in case you need help."
"Well that's sweet but you can't skip school you need it and you need to tell me all the stuff Kenric doesn't about this Eclipse."
I laughed at that and I knew it was going to be hard but I sucked it up and nodded as me and Calla went to her room arm in arm.

"So we literally have no leads?"
I was at a meeting at Mr Forkles secret office back with the crew and it was really nice, well except the fact that they had nothing to go on.
In the end I had let Amy have one day off school just to prove that Calla was find.
"Way to put it Sophie but yeah." Dex laughed.
It was me, Mr Forkle, Tam, Linh, Biana, Wylie, Dex, Keefe and Councillor Fitzroy but of course I still called him Fitz.
"Well we know that Jolie is still alive and that my stupid Father is part of the Neverseen." Biana said trying to have hope but they all know that there wasn't.
So Fitz changed the subject,
"So how's Calla doing with her whole mind thing?"
"Um well she's ok but she's very fragile and yeah that's been hard, it's also been hard to get Kenric and Amy to school because of it but other than that it's great."
Tam chimed in, "Oh yeah Eclipse talks about Kenric all the time."
Keefe laughed at that, "same with us Kenric with always be going on about her."
Biana's eyes widened, "woah back the t-Rex up do you know what's happening, they both like each other." Biana squealed because it was Biana, and Tam and Keefe just glared at each other.
So of course I had to join in on this.
"Yes when Calla is up for it you should come round for dinner."
Biana and I talked about dumb stuff like that until it looked like the boys were going to burst, Linh laughed.
"Oh this is amazing look at how adorable they look."
Then Dex chimed in.
"Why do I never have a human camera when I need one?"
Wylie laughed, "you know this is the exact reason we called this meeting wasn't it to make Tam and Keefe blush?"
"Oh course." Fitz replied, "I missed this when you were away."
Keefe and I smiled, "I know we bring the action."
And so the meeting turned to us laughing and just having a good time , even though we were meant to be making a plan for the Neverseen.
And so life fell into a patter, Amy and Kenric go to school, me and Keefe go to the meeting and Calla is starting to spend more and more time staring at the stars on the ceiling and it broke my heart to see her like that. But it seems to help her recharge because she will do it while the others are at school and when they get back she would act like her old self again for most of the evening. She would have an incident every day but sometimes they were so tiny that she doesn't need any one to help her through it but you can tell when she is having a big incident because you will be able to here it.
Kenric and Amy just came home from school and me and Calla were there waiting for them,
"So who was school?"
Kenric smiled, "yeah so I was wondering if maybe I could invite Eclipse for dinner tonight?"
Ah yes Eclipse, Kenric would always be at Eclipse's house but because of Calla she hasn't come over here yet.
I turned to Calla,
"That depends Calla are you up for it?"
Calla laughed,
"Um yeah I need to meet this girl."
I moved back to Kenric who was smiling even wider.
"Ok then you can invite her over tonight."
Kenric grabbed his imparter and rushed to his room.
"So what about you Amy?"
"Oh you know same old same old."
No actually I didn't know, she doesn't talk about her friends at school or who she sits with or how lessons are, but I let it slide as Amy and Calla walked upstairs together.
It was weird to see one wearing elf school uniform the other wearing human clothes, I tried to get Calla to wear elf clothes until I found out that she uses them to remember life in the forbidden cities and I don't know who but I helps her through everything so I buy her more when she needs it.


How is everyone? Anyway

Flossy out

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