Chapter 18 (getting out)

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It had been a week of nothing except talking to Jolie, but I was surprised when the Neverseen didn't even come to ask for information or anything. I was glad of course but I just wanted to know what they wanted from me.
Jolie came in with a bright smile on her face,
"You look happy."
I noted as she sat down on her normal stop on the floor next to my cell, Jolie waited till the door was closed before whispering.
"I know how to get you out of here."
I gasped, "What?!"
She smiled,
"Tomorrow all the big Neverseen leaders will be out so you can slip out of this place easy."
"But how will I get out of the cell and leap away ?"
But Jolie only grind wider holding up a home crystal and a key.
"You mean your home crystal that a took and this key to the cell?"
"You are the best did you know that?"
"Aw thanks."
She slid them to me from one of the gaps in the bars.
I just had to live till tomorrow.
All of a sudden Alden came charging in, he unlocked the cell grabbed me by the wrist before dragging me to my feet and dragging me out.
We walked for around 10 minutes before he opened a door revealing a empty white room with only a white chair in the middle.
"Sit." Alden demanded letting go of my hand and pointing to the chair.
As I took the seat I saw him take a dagger out of his pocket and locking the door behind him.
Uh no I thought as fiddled with the deadly weapon in his hand.
"So I know we haven't paid much attention but we needed to send a message so I'm going to."
In one swift move he sliced my wrist, not to deep but deep enough to make me scream.
This was going to be a long night.
It had been about hours of torture each cut slicing deeper and deeper until I felt like it was hitting bone.
Some times I lost consciousness but I could never tell for how long all I know is pain.
So much pain.
I had lost most feeling in my body and I felt like I was going to pass out or bled to death.
After what felt like years he picked up my blood socked body knowing I wouldn't be able to stand as he carried me to my cell placing me in before locking the door and storming out.
"Are you ok?" Jolie said trying to get as close to me as the bars aloud, "you've been gone 10 hours."
"Does that mean I can escape today?"
"Yeah in a hour well as long as you...."
Her voice trailed off but I knew exactly what she meant.
As long as you survive.
It was a very long hour of laying on the floor holding my hand on some of the worst cuts.
After a little while longer Jolie nodded at me and walked away saying to the other guards something about me not being able to sit up.
After a little longer they left there post as well, this was my chance to finally escape and get help.
I slowly so I didn't hurt myself made my way to the lock as I picked up the keys from the floor and sliding them into the small slot in the metal bars.
I had to lean against the bars to reach the lock because it was on the outside of the door but once I got the key in I twisted it till I heard a click as the door swung open.
I picked my self up gasping at the pain that tour through my body but I had to keep on moving.
I made it outside the room I was in to find a lot of hallways and closed doors.
Jolie had also told me how to get to the door that lead outside so I could leap away.
My body was getting weaker and weaker as I dragged myself till I reached a large door that when I opened I found sunlight on my skin and I could smell the fresh air filling my lungs.
My body gave way as I fell to my knees as the pain ripped into my core burning deep like it would never truly heal.
I eventually managed to lift the crystal up to the light and leap to Moonjade.
When I arrived there was no one in the garden but I was to weak to do anything, so I sat there in as pile as blood poured out of me and gathered in a pool beneath me.
I heard a gasp and some one tell my name but I was to far gone the last thing I felt was some one lift me off the ground as my consciousness slipped away and the word fell into black.

I was sitting in the kitchen eating when I saw a glint of light from the corner of my eye, when I turned I saw the body fall to the floor. I quickly ran outside to find Amy passed out in a pool of her own blood.
I ran back into the house shouting for Mom and Dad, they both came rushing down stairs asking what was wrong.
"It's Amy." I panted.
"What about her?"
"She's outside passed out."
There eyes widened and we were rushing outside to see her still there barely breathing.
Mom gasped.
"Keefe call Elwin I will take her into the house."
Dad nodded jogging away.
Mom picked up Amy's body and I walked with her as we made our way through the house.
Mom placed her gently on the bed as a man with wild brown hair and weird glasses on.
Mom turned,
"Elwin thank god."
He gave a warm smile to me and my Mom as he entered.
"Is she sedated?" He said turning to Amy.
"No I think it's just from the blood lost."
"Is she going to be ok?" I finally ask
"She's going to be fine you have no idea how many times I had to help your mother because she would find ways to end up in crazy messes."
Mom laughed and Dad joined in striding in from the door way.
"Call why don't you go?"
I wanted to protest but all of the blood was making me queasy, so I went to my room and started pacing.
But in my mind all I could think of was 3 words.


Wow that was so much fun to write how are you guys is every one alright anyway

Flossy out

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