Chapter 7(Headquarters)

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I screamed as Calla leaped away with Lady Gisela. Why? Why did Calla go with that monster willingly? I didn't know what to do, why didn't Calla want to go? Like I know why in the way that Amy and Kenric don't want to leave but there going to protect themselves. What did Calla have that was so important in this world? Maybe a secret boyfriend but Keefe probably would of found that out by her emotions. And she hates boy she said he never wanted to marry a gross boy all the time when she was younge.
I don't know what do to so I wipe my tears and run back to the house which was a bad idea because when I got there it took a minute for me to catch my breath before I could say.
"Calla, she well I don't exactly know all I know is when I got there she shook hands with Lady Gisela and leaped away."
"What!" Everyone shouted at me looked shocked and my new Discovery.
"Oh no," Keefe locked eyes with me, "she has my ability so that only leaves one reason why my stupid Mother needed her. She wants Calla to for fill my Legacy."
"I figured that," I said after a moment, "but why would she agree she shock hands and looked pretty willing."
"I don't know," Grady was the one to answer and dam it was nice to see him again, "but it probably has something to do with whatever made her really upset."
"But what could that be?"
All the Fosters shrugged like they didn't know except Amy.
"Does she have a boyfriend?"
Kenric laughed, "she wishes."
I expect Amy to laugh right along side him but she looked slightly guilty, Keefe noticed to ans asked her about it,
"Yeah," she looked up from her fidgeting hands.
"Anything you want to tell us?"
"Why Calla wouldn't want to leave?"
"Um, well I might know a reason why she wouldn't want to leave so much she would strike a deal with Lady Gisela."
"And that is?"
Amy looked down for a second taking a breath before blurting out.
"Calls has a girlfriend and they have been dating for 2 almost 3 years now!"
Everyone was silent, nobody dared to speak they all just started at Amy stunned.
"Why didn't she tell us?"
I was slightly hurt but I didn't show it in my voice.
"Because," Amy continued, "because she was scared she didn't want you to think of her any differently because she was bisexual," she paused as another gasp filled the room, "and then she found out about all this." Amy waved her arm around at all the people in the room, "and all elves are straight so of course she didn't want to tell you especially since Heather is a human."
"Calla's dating Heather?"
After Amy nodded I didn't know what to do.
"So what are we going to do now?"
"Same thing we were going to do move you to the lost cities and work from there anyone want to volunteer there home?"
Fitz turned to everyone els, immediately Grady and Edaline offered there house and it was settled just like that.

it was the only word I could say. We had appeared in a small room with a wall filled with black cloaks. Lady Gisela handed me one saying I could go any further without one, we continued to walk down a hallway of doors which were rooms for all the members and there was a lot more than I thought probably around 30 doors.
We continued to walk until we saw a large room with one wall covered head to toe in any weapon you could think of and then more. In the centre of the room was a weird bubble thing made completely of glass inside were two people fighting and Gisela went on to explain how it was one way glass so only we could see them and all they saw was a room of mirrors. There was tables surrounding the bubble so people could watch them and on one of the tables was-
"Mr Ondsinn," I gasped.
He turned my way smiling when he saw me,
"Please call me Gethen and I'm glad you chose the right side."
"Me too." I smiled back.
After lady Gisela had finished she pulled out a blue crystal and held out a hand.
"Do you want to see where you will be staying?"
I  excitedly grabbed her hand as we stepped into the light.
When we reappeared we wear outside a small bungalow that was about 5 minutes away from school, I used to pass it on the walk to school every day. We walked in and I gasped, it was exactly how my dream house would look. We walked into the kitchen/dinning room, there was what had to the the fluffiest grey carpet ever and lilac walls and the kitchen was filled with all the baking supplies I would need to back anything all matching the colour scheme. Next we walked into the lounge where there was one of those cool sofas where the feet and back went up and down and what had to be the biggest telly ever and plain white walls a wooden bookcase filled with all her favourite movies. Then we walked into the bathroom with had a bathtub the size of a swimming pool and a sink and shower with cute toiletries that all matched the colour scheme. Finally they went to the bedroom and it was amazing, the walls were covered in musical theatre posters and in the closet was tops from all her favourite show along with a lot of oversized jumpers and ripped jeans and so so many boots.
After the tour had finished Lady Gisela finally spoke answering my main questions.
"Gethen helped us decorate this place since he know you quite well. Do you like it?"
Was she kidding?
"Glad to hear it. A box will be dropped off in the hour for you to swear fealty to the Neverseen, keep the cloak you will need it to go in any hideouts. And the rules basically you can have anyone over and do anything but when I call you, you have to come immediately."
She handed me and imaprter telling me how to hail her.
"If you see anyone from the lost cities call me immediately but I promise you we won't make you move."
She then left leaving me in my own thoughts thinking if I made the right chose but when the box arrived I didn't hesitate to open it.

Wow that was intense also I realise I didn't say the children's age so Kenric is 12, Calla is 14 and Amy is 16 ok that's it anyway

Flossy out

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