Chapter 50

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Feather's POV:

"I was sent by my creator to find the perfect Indoraptor," the large creature said. "I was making those dog sounds to lure him to me. I've been tasked to kill him."

I widened my eyes. "The perfect Indoraptor? We've been chased by that psychopath forever! There's been so many times where we've almost been killed by him."

The hybrid looked interested. He turned towards me, his eyes narrowed. "So you've seen him? Where is he? Where'd you last meet him?" He questioned.

"Well.. we haven't seen him in a while, but last time we had seen him, he was in a burning forest fighting with a tyrannosaurus rex. We've been traveling through this forest for at least four days, and have had the luck to not run into him."

"You keep saying 'we', who are you talking about?" The hybrid asked, tilting his head.

"Oh, my traveling companion, Ebony!" I gasped. "He's a hybrid as well- an Indoraptor."

"Take me to him."

"So.. you're supposed to hunt down Killer and kill him?" Ebony asked, looking up at the creature. He hung his head, his eyes dull. "I couldn't be more relived to hear about this. That hybrid deserves to die for all he's caused." 

"Yes.. He recently damaged a neighborhood that's not too far from here. I heard that a bunch were injured, and some were killed. The army was able to drive.. Killer.. away," the creature spoke.

"A neighborhood?" Ebony gasped. "Which direction? Please tell me!" Ebony pleaded, leaning forward. 

I narrowed my eyes. Was he hoping that his owner would be there? I wonder, Ebony... how would you react if that hybrid attacked your owner? Is that the push you need for the energy to kill that bastard? 

"Alright, I can take you. Also, I don't think I got your names," the hybrid pointed out. "If we're going to hunt down this thing together, we should know each-others name, don't you think?" He questioned, looking at us with those piercing eyes. 

Ebony dipped his head. "I'm Ebony," he greeted. He looked towards me. "And that's Feather. What's your name?" He asked.

"Union," the hybrid replied, lifting his head. He turned his head towards the sun, looking at the sky. "Rain is coming. Lets hurry or we might lose his scent trail."

We both followed behind the mighty hybrid. I don't trust him. We crossed through bushes for what seemed like hours, until the trees began to thin out. The grass was a green-brown and I saw crushed grass that was in the shape of a large footprint.

"So he did come here," Ebony mumbled. "He went through that burning forest instead of going through the one we'd gone through," he sighed. 

We continued through the grass until we reached a road. There was a sign sticking up from the ground that said "Welcome to Pine Ridge." I noticed that a pine tree had been snapped in half and was laying on the ground with splinters of bark sprinkled around it. 

Union lifted his head, his eyes narrowed. His big tail swung above our heads as he turned. "This way," he ordered, walking casually past a house that had been torn in half.

I walked fast, my tail flapping behind me. I glanced around, my eyes stinging from the dust floating in the air. The paved road was torn up, the black rocks sprinkled everywhere. So he decided to target humans..

Ebony was glancing around, clearly nervous. "When did this happen?" He questioned, looking up at Union.

Union curled his lip, his green scales looking yellow in the sun. "Two days again, in the middle of the night," he answered. "He's probably long gone, but that doesn't mean his scent is."

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Everyone has already been cleared out. The only ones here are the police.. maybe," Union replied. "They won't attack me, though. They know about me, and how I must kill the perfect Indoraptor."

"He's called Killer," I pointed out. We had passed a lot of destroyed houses. For some of the houses, there was blood stained on the sidewalks and grass. Looks like the police haven't gotten to clean it yet. 

Suddenly, Ebony jerked up. "Wait!" He called out. 

"We can't stop," Union hissed, waving his tail. 

"No, just wait!" Ebony hissed. He bounded towards one of the destroyed houses, his eyes dull.

"I'm going on without you then," Union growled. He walked off, his eyes dark. 

I glared at the hybrid before turning to Ebony. "What's wrong?" I called, bounding after him. I saw that he stopped at one of the houses. He was picking through the rubble, looking as though he would cry. He stumbled through the house, his eyes drifting across the living room. 

"What?" I questioned.

Ebony's POV:

My heart dropped. This house was familiar. I stepped over the rubble, my claws clinging to the familiar carpet as I headed to the bathroom. As I walked, I looked to the side and could see a familiar door. It had tiny scratches carved into it. Memories came flooding back to me. I remembered a dog barking, and me boasting about my power. My home...

"My owner's house," I muttered. The bathroom door was open, well more like, torn off its hinges. The wall of the bathroom had been torn down, and there was a ton of glass pieces scattered on the floor. My heart stopped as I saw blood on the floor. I ran forward, fear rushing over me like a giant wave. My owner's blood was there, on the floor. It was dark red, clearly old and not fresh. I could smell Killer's scent all over. 

"Ebony, what's wrong?" Feather asked, concern showing in his eyes. 

"This is my owner's house," I whined as I looked at the blood. "And... this is her blood," I muttered, hanging my head. "I was too late."

"No.." Feather muttered. "I don't think she's dead. There would've been more blood than that," he insisted, dusting my shoulder with his tail.

"Maybe Killer ate her... damn, that bastard," I growled, my claws digging into the tile of the floor. I looked up and padded past the blood. I noticed bullet casings on the grass, as well as some dots of blood. Killer's blood. Had the police shown up and shot him? Then maybe my owner wasn't dead after all! I turned towards Feather. "Feather... maybe she is alive. I think we should wait here for her to return."

"We can't do that, Ebony," Feather sighed. "I think we should keep up with Union. He's going to take down Killer, and he would need our help."

"No! My owner will return, and I'm going to wait here for her!" I hissed, lashing my tail. "Union can get Killer by himself. I'm going to stay here and wait."

Feather curled his lip. "Fine then, you do that. I'll go without you," he hissed, lashing his tail. He shoved past me, his feathers bristling. 

I wanted to call to him, but I kept my jaw shut. I hung back, watching as he left. I turned around and sat on the tile, closing my eyes. I can wait.... but is it really worth it? Feather... be careful. 

1186 words

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