Chapter 45

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Holy crap guys, I didn't even realize that this got over 16k reads! Thank you so much for your votes and reads, I really appreciate it! 

Ebony's POV:

I ran fast through the smoke-filled forest, but everything seemed slow. My lungs felt tight, and my wounds burned. But I had to keep running. I would make it out of this forest. 

"Ebony..." Feather sighed. "Are we going to die?" He asked.

I couldn't answer him. I didn't even want to. I couldn't waste my breath talking. I had to run. I sped up, my claws flinging leaves and dirt behind me.

The orange and yellow wall of hissing brightness behind us was creeping closer. The hungry flames crawled onto the leaves, leaving them as ashes as they trailed towards the branches.

Then, rain was released upon the burning forest. It came down, heavy and hard. The water soaked into my throbbing wounds and slicked off my scales. The flames hissed with defiance, not yet ready to be put out.

Jets of water suddenly rushed above us, shooting towards the flames. Humans screamed orders to one another. The loud air-cutting noise of a helicopter suddenly sounded above us. The flying machine hovered over the flames, dumping water on them.

A plane followed after, dumping some weird red stuff on the flames.

The rain suddenly stopped. 

Feather huffed loudly, his feathers slicked wet with water. He ran ahead of me. "Let me check what's ahead!" He called. He leaped over a fallen tree, his blue tail-feathers flapping in the wind. 

I quickly followed after Feather. "Hey, wait-" my words were cut off by a dry, wheezing cough.  I collapsed on the ground, wheezing and coughing. The coughs shook by body intensely, and I couldn't breathe. The smell of the smoke filled my throat.

"Get that fire put out! And watch out for those dinosuars!" A loud voice called.

I managed to stop the coughs somehow, my lungs feeling tight. I leaped from the undergrowth, a road appearing before me. There were firetrucks lined along the road, their red lights flickering. Humans had come out of their houses to observe the fight with the flames. Some were even holding their phones and filming. Of course.

Feather ran up to me. "Ebony! We need to get out of here before the humans spot us!" He cried. He ran across the stretch of road.

"No, that's the wrong way!" I hissed. "We're supposed to stay on track to my owner's  house remember?" I called.

"And we can do that on the side that isn't burning!" Feather hissed. He crossed the road quickly, then disappeared into the shadows of the forest on that side.

I quickly followed after him, but not without stumbling over and gasping for air. As I struggled, a human noticed me and screamed. She took off running into a large house.

My claws grazed the asphalt as I got up quickly. I launched myself into the undergrowth on the other side, almost landing on top of Feather. 

"What took so long?" Feather asked.

"My lungs... I don't know... they just feel so tight," I sighed, sitting down. "It's from the smoke, I know. But I didn't think it would affect me this much!" I growled.

"My lungs feel fine," Feather informed. "But I have a question, Ebony."

"Huh?" I gasped. "Go ahead," I prompted, starting to walk through the forest. The night sky still blazed orange. Rexy is dead. That bastard killed her! And how will I get revenge with these stupid lungs?

"Why are you trying to hard to get back to that girl?" Feather questioned. "We've been journeying for like... a month or so! We should just be off on our own, living in the wild until we die. We don't need help from humans."

I sank my talons into the wet dirt. "Feather. I've answered this question a lot. You know my answer. I'll never give up looking for her. Even if I lose a limb, or half my tail, I'll never give up!" I hissed, narrowing my eyes. "She protected me when I was there. And I'll protect her."

Feather tilted his head. "Well alright then."

We walked in silence for a few minutes. The fire was crackling in the distance, but it seemed a lot more quiet. Further ahead, the crackling of the flames couldn't be heard. There was only the crickets and frogs, and various other sounds.

"Do you think Rexy is really dead?" Feather questioned. "She was tough! There's no way she was taken down by Killer!" He yipped, waving around his feathered arms in a punching motion.

"She's dead, dumbass," I growled.

Feather titled his head. "And how would you know? We never saw her die."

"I know Killer... he would kill her. She's old. She didn't stand a chance," I growled. "Why did she save us, though?" I mumbled.

"Maybe she did it to protect her children," Feather suggested.

"It sounded as though she did it to protect us," I stated. "Her words to us.."

"She wanted us to live," Feather reminded. 

"I'll carry out her wish. Both of us are going to make it back alive to my owner."

886 words. I know I usually do 1,000 words, but I wanted to get this chapter out quickly so you wouldn't lose hope in this story! And as always, don't except a new chapter soon!

Btw, would y'all like for me to put the word count at the end of every chapter?

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