Chapter 3

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Somehow, I manged to sleep throughout the night without waking up. The indoraptor was still in my arms and looked no bigger. I heard my stomach growling and decided I'd get up. I left the baby indoraptor in my bed and walked into my kitchen. I grabbed some cereal and milk and began eating. I then heard a low yipping. It sounded like chirping sounds, except they weren't bird like.

The baby indoraptor burst out of my room and looked at me happily. It roared a tiny roar and sounded so cute. It ran up to me and jumped on the table. I reached out my hand and held it in front of it. The small creature sniffed it and then put its snout in the curve of my hand and stood there, silent.

I felt its hot breath on my hand and could feel its cold slimy teeth touching my hand. I smiled slightly.

"I'll name you, Ebony," I told it.

Ebony titled its head, then smiled. It then looked at my finger and bit my finger slightly. I could feel its sharp teeth jabbing me and it hurt, but no blood had been drawn. It finally let go and I saw that five marks were on my finger. Ebony came closer to me and jumped into my lap and curled up for sleep. I really wished it hadn't slept there. I couldn't even get up now... I decided I'd rest too.

Time Skip....

I woke up, hearing knocks on my door and a whispering voice. It was night, who in the hell would be up this late? I then realized I'd slept all day. Ebony was still in my lap, and it heard the knock too. It shot up and got on the table, rearing back and baring its fangs at the door. Who was there?

I got my tablet off the counter and looked on my camera app. A guy was at my door, he held a knife and he scrabbled over to the window, looking as if he was peeking inside. Thankfully, the window was closed. He then picked up a rock and swung it at the door knob, trying to break the lock.

Ebony looked at me with a serious look, then shot off the table, growling. Its tail swished back and forth like an angry cat. The huge claws on its back feet were clicking on the floor, then the door swung open and the guy seemed surpised to see the baby indoraptor standing there. It then jumped up, biting the guy's arm with its sharp teeth. I couldn't let Ebony get hurt trying to save me!

I grabbed a knife laying on the counter. The guy then stabbed Ebony on the arm. Ebony hissed and fell on the ground. I shot towards the guy, the knife raised. I hit him in the arm, and the knife went so deep it stayed there. I moved in front of Ebony so he couldn't hurt it. While he whimpered in pain, I kicked him in the balls and he lay on the floor, grumbling. I felt claws dig into my back and Ebony had climbed up my back. It lunged at the guy and clamped its jaws around his neck. The guy then fell limp. Blood was spattered on the floor and blood continued to trickle from the guy's neck. I felt my heart racing. The baby indoraptor scrabbled off of him and limped over to my legs. It rested its head on my foot before closing its eyes to rest.

I breathed hard and felt so scared. What would I do with the body? I picked Ebony up in my arms and kicked the body out of the way of the door and closed the door. I walked back to my room and set Ebony in my bed and watched it curl up for sleep. I got an old towel from the bathroom and curled it around the dead guy. I dragged him to the back door and threw his body in some thick bushes. I hoped that it would rot quickly. Then it hit me. Wouldn't something dead sitting there just attract something dangerous? I sighed. Well, if I called the cops, they'd see Ebony and get rid of it. I wouldn't let them take Ebony, not unless they took me where they took the baby indoraptor. I walked back to my room, tired and crawled into my bed, falling alseep instantly. 

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