Chapter 25

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--Girl's POV--

"The perfect Indoraptor killed a lot of people in the lab.... we aren't sure where it is now, but it is in the wild," A guy said, his voice shaking. "I told Wu to put it down.... but all he wants to do is take down the sibling of Killer. He's too determined, too over his head..."

I sighed, turning off the tv. Now another hybrid was in the wild. Ebony stood no chance. 

--In Wu's lab--

"What? You're not making another hybrid, are you?" A girl asked.

"I am. Do you have a problem with it?" Wu asked the girl. She shook her head, saying nothing. "No? Good. Now shut up," he growled. He went to the computer, looking at four dna strands.

The girl looked at the computer as well. "Carnotaurus... Stegosaurus... dog... and a Therizinosaurus... W-what..? Are you serious?" 

"The dog dna will make the hybrid more obedient. Carnotaurus will give it horns on its head, Stegosaurus will give it the plates on its back and spikes on its tail, and Therizinosaurus will give it long, sharp claws. I'm using it to hunt down and kill those stupid escaped hybrids," Wu growled. 

"So you're going to use another hybrid to kill the hybrids that escaped? You wanted to use that 'perfect' Indoraptor to kill its sibling, and now look where its gotten! It killed most of the people in our lab," the girl snapped.

Wu glared at her. "I won't fail this time. This hybrid will be the most powerful we've ever created. It will be obedient to our commands," Wu explained with pride. "And I will name it... Stegarnozin."

--Ebony's POV--

I clawed at the dirt, my lungs screaming for air. My muscles were demanding me to breathe, but it forced them to stay still. I wasn't going to breathe in dirt. I then slammed my head through the mud, my talons sinking in. I felt one talon pierce air. Suddenly, I felt a tug on it.

"Ebony! I'm trying to help," Feather's voice was muffled to me through the dirt and mud. I could hear him trying to dig.

I began to push harder, my claws digging in the dirt and trying to pierce the air once more. I felt my snout push through enough for me to get some air. I gasped, my lungs filling up in a weird way. I then coughed, choking on the air I had breathed in. It felt strange, but in thought nothing of it. Finally, I pushed through, the rest of my head breaking the surface of the dirt and mud. I glanced at Feather, panting, then looked up. "Go through the hole," I rasped.

Feather, glancing at me with worry, turned and scrambled out of the hole and into the hard rain, his feathery tail disappearing. I saw his head pop back in the hole, looking down at me. "Are you sure you can get out?" He asked.

"I'm s-sure," I gasped. My lungs felt weird, and for the first time I noticed dust sitting in the air. I coughed once more, my lungs pinching themselves. I scrambled from the dirt, my tail dragging behind me. I stood up, trying to get through the hole, but I was too big. "Feather, help me dig," I ordered, panting.

Feather began digging at the dirt, his claws throwing clumps of mud and dirt behind him.

I dug at the dirt as well, and finally made the hole big enough. I scrambled through the hole, and dug my claws into the slippery grass. 

Feather turned his head. "B-but look," he mumbled, pointing to the trees.

I snapped my head to where he was pointing, and stared. Large footprints were imprinted into the mud, along with smaller ones. A skinny tree had been knocked down, leaves around it.

I collapsed on the ground, my muscles aching. I took in a gasp of fresh air, my eyes closing, but taking in the deep breath made my lungs jerk, and another cough shook my body.

"Ebony? What's wrong?" Feather asked, blinking down at me. 

"Nothing," I rasped weakly, getting up on all fours. I trudged over to the trees, looking at the mist ahead, and relishing the feeling of rain drizzling down my back. Feather followed me.

"We can rest here," I sighed, sitting down beneath a large tree with large branches and lots of leaves. I then lay down, panting. Feather leaned against my side. 

"At least the rain washed out our wounds," Feather sighed, closing his eyes. He curled his tail at his side and lay down, resting against me.

I lay my head down, staring out into the rain. It was becoming darker as the sun was beginning to set in the distance; I could tell by the dying light. I closed my eyes, relaxed by the sounds of the rain hitting the ground all around me. The last thing I did before falling asleep was take in a long, shuddering and wheezing breath. 

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