Chapter 20

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--Ebony's POV--

I woke up and realized that I was standing on a roof. Rain pelted down on me and thunder echoed overhead. I was confused. Broken glass was near me, and I could see down into the thing I was standing on. I was on one part of the roof of a mansion.  A human was in front of me.... Owen....

I then heard a roar behind me, and I turned as I saw Blue, who lunged at me. She landed on me and the glass and metal bar broke under our weight. I screamed out as we twisted through the air, my eyes fixing on the sharp horns of a Trike skull. I screamed as the tips of the horns poked my skin, and with my added weight, they pushed through forcefully almost as though someone jerked the skull upwards, purposely trying to impale me.

I screamed in pain as the horns pushed deeper until they struck all the way through. Blood trickled from the blocked holes like water trickling through a pile of large rocks. Blue jumped off of me and roared in triumph, meanwhile I was screeching in pain as I lay, hardly breathing. My breath came out in long, ragged gasps, and blood filled in my mouth like rushing water. My jaws hung open and blood mixed with spit drooled from them. I could feel myself dying... but I wasn't dead yet. Why wasn't I dead? I should be dead now! 

Suddenly, Ripper appeared in front of me, an evil smile curling on his face. His eyes shimmered with cruel amusement as he looked at me. 

I writhed in pain, my tail slapping the sleek ground. Rain was coming down on me and made the floor wet. I weakly lifted my head, looking at Ripper. "R-Ripp-" I was cut off as I choked on blood. It spilled onto the floor as a dark red liquid, and once the rain mixed with it, it became paler.

Ripper sat down and glanced at me, anger rippling in his eyes like a raging ocean. "This is how I died. But don't you already know that?" He asked, flexing his claws.

I glared at him. How many times would he torture me every time I went to sleep? "R-Ripper, please.... h-help me," I croaked, gasping for air. Had one of the bones pierced my lungs? I was gasping for air and practically choking on it. It felt like I was drowning in blood. 

"Do you really think I'll help you?" Ripper growled, standing to his full height. He lashed his long tail and flared his nostrils like an angry bull. "Something bad will happen in the future. You might die. I'd just like to give you a taste of what it's like to die," Ripper growled cruelly, baring his fangs at me.

I was hanging on to a thread of life, a thread so thin that you couldn't see it. It was like I was trapped in a spider web, and death was slowing crawling towards me, ready to wrap me up and finally kill me. I looked at the blood-stained horns of the trike skull and felt sick. I could see something on the top of the one nearest to me. Something was impaled on it. I then gagged as I realized that that was my lung poked through on the tip of the horn. 

Ripper smiled. "That's unfortunate that you have to sit here in pain until you wake up in the real world." He began to stalk around me, eyeing me like prey.

Suddenly, shock left my body like a fish jumping out of water. I screamed in agony as pain split my body like lightning coming down from the sky. Pain attacked me so hard that white blurred my eyes and I froze. "How long do I have to sit here!" I screeched out the sentence quickly and writhed in pain, but that only made the pain worse. It spread everywhere throughout my body like wild fire. My tail thumped the wet ground and blood trickled from my mouth. I was sure I would wake up any moment now. I glanced at Ripper pleadingly. "Please, end this!" I cried. This pain was too much... I didn't want to suffer anymore. "Get me to wake up!" I could hardly move my jaw.

Ripper smiled once more, his claws clicking on the floor. "I am not in the command to make you wake up," he growled, his eyes shimmering. Muscles rippled beneath his thick coat of scales like waves in an ocean. "You are are stronger than this, Ebony. Make yourself wake up. There is danger."

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest so hard that you could even hear it over the rain. "What danger?" I croaked. I struggled on the horns and yowled in agony. Snapping my jaws shut, I clenched my teeth. My tail drooped, and I hung my head, blood trickling from my jaws. It trickled onto the floor and formed a dark puddle. 

"Drag yourself off of those horns. Do it, and you'll wake up," Ripper insisted. "You are strong enough."

"No, I'm not strong enough to do this," I croaked weakly, my heart pounding like a drum. "I can't do it," I cried, my eyes stinging.

"Then if you can't do it, you'll stay here forever!" Ripper roared, rising to his full height. His claws clicked on the floor. "Everyone you know and love will die."

I glared at Ripper. "That's not true. Y-you're  just trying to make me get off these horns," I growled, pain still slicing through me. 

Ripper then lashed at my face, his talons sinking in deep. I yowled with pain as he sliced them downwards, drawing long, deep gashes. Blood oozed from the wounds and spattered on the ground.

Panting, I lifted my head, my teeth clenched. I looked at the blood-stained horns, my heart pounding. How can I even lift myself off these things? Hell, I can barely lift my head! 

Ripper sat back on his haunches and surveyed me carefully, his tail twitching. 

I grabbed the first horn with both sets of claws and tried to drag myself up, but nothing happened. I was stuck. I clenched my teeth as pain spread through me. I grabbed the horn once more, my claws digging in so hard that they drew scratches on the bone. The pain was tearing through me, clawing my insides, ripping them apart, but I could feel myself lifting. Blood drooled down from the impalement wound. 

I dug my claws in hard, praying I wouldn't let go, because I knew that if I did, the pain would feel like lightning crashing down and ripping me apart from the inside. I was lifting up more, and I could feel the long, sharp bone moving inside me. I tried hard to hold back a screech of pure pain. Blood occasionally trickled from my jaws. 

Ripper watched me. "Not giving up, I see?" He clicked, shifting his feet. He looked up at me. "Do you sometimes think you believe me too much?" He asked slowly, his eyes shimmering.

I couldn't talk. I felt like I couldn't do anything but pull myself off of the bone. My mind told me that I was getting somewhere. I was progressing. I pushed with my hind legs and dug my talons in even harder. A growl stalked its way up my throat and sounded in my mouth. I could feel blood trickling down my body like tiny snakes. I felt myself lifting even more. My heart pounded harder as I knew I was closer to my achievement.  Finally, after what seemed like forever, I was lifted off the horn. But suddenly I found myself slipping. 

I lost balance and tumbled down. The tip of the horn ripped at my flesh as I fell, and I screamed in agony. My head hit the floor so hard that my head created an earthquake for itself, and I thought that my jaw would shatter. Blood pooled around my head, and a jagged hole on my arm was bleeding heavily. There was too much blood pouring from my body; so much blood that I was sure you could fill an entire bath tub with it and be completely submerged. 

I lay there, my body going into shock once more. I couldn't move, and my breath was about to cut off completely. What would happen if my breath cut off? I breathed heavily, gasping for air. Ripper walked towards me, his tail dragging on the floor behind him.

"Great job, little Ebony," Ripper praised, his eyes shimmering in amusement. He smiled. "Now get off the other one if you don't want to see two corpses in front of you when you wake up." 

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