Chapter 36

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Blue's POV:

Algae was yowling in agony as her tail was being crushed by the hybrid. Her eyes were wide with pain as teeth dug into her flesh. I winced, feeling paralyzed. This can't be real!

Mud gasped, his eyes wide. "Algae!" He screamed out, his voice choking on a sob. He stood still, his claws digging into the grass.

I bared my teeth, my tail lashing. "Let her go, you monster!" I screamed out, my heart pounding.

Killer looked down at us, teeth glistening with dark blood. His mouth was stained with a dark scarlet color. His red eyes were shimmering with triumph. Then, suddenly, he crunched down harder, and blood spilled from Algae's tail.

I growled, beginning to rush forward to make that beast release my friend, but Mud rushed in front of me, stopping me. "Stop, Blue!" He hissed. "There's nothing we can do for her now!"

"But-" I stopped as a loud snap echoed around us. I looked up quickly, seeing nothing but a bloody, crushed green tail in Killer's mouth.

Algae lay on the ground, squirming in agony. There was a stub where her tail should've been, and blood darker than I've ever seen spurted from her, spraying the ground and bleaching the green grass with red.

"Algae!" I screamed, my jaws wide. Tears formed in my eyes, and my throat tightened as I watched my friend struggle on the ground. 

"We have to run, now!" Mud screamed, turning around. "She's losing lots of blood, and she'll die quickly. There's no way we can save her now," Mud growled as he went past me.

Without looking back, I quickly turned around and ran, catching up to Mud. There were no booming footsteps behind us. The hybrid wasn't chasing us.

Seasons seemed to have passed as we reached the city. We had been running forever. "We should report back to Owen," I huffed.

Mud panted beside me, his eyes still dark. "I can't believe we witnessed that," he sighed, his voice shaking. 

I was trembling. The memories of Echo and Delta were still fresh in my mind, and now Algae would be stuck there too. 

"Raptors! In the city! Run!" I heard someone scream. I looked up and saw a crowd and humans. Crap. We were in a city after all, so of course there would be lots of people here.

"No, it's fine," a man soothed, stepping forward. "They have small braces on their legs which means that they're part of Owen's group. They won't harm us," he explained, looking around.

One woman shielded her child from us and was backing away. "Mommy!" The small child squealed. "I wanna see the dinosaurs!"

I looked toward them, my claws skidded on the pavement. I locked eyes with the young girl. 

"Come on Blue, we need to report back to Owen..." Mud whimpered, his head hanging.

"I wanna touch the blue dino!" The child yipped, her mother looking too afraid to even let her child go. 

I was surpirsed. This girl wasn't afraid of me. She actually was interested. Hardly any humans wanted to touch me and most were too afraid to even be near me. I stepped forward, my head dipping towards the girl's hand, which was reaching out to me.

The girl's face turned red as her hand touched upon my snout. I blinked. Nobody had ever pet me before, except Owen. I slowly backed away and turned back to Mud. "Let's go now."

Ebony's POV:

I stretched in my nest, opening my jaws in a wide yawn. The sky was gray and cloudy, which shielded the sun from view. The breeze carried the scent of rain and I sighed, tired of the nonstop rain.

"You're up early," a gruff voice commented. Rexy glanced down at me, her wide head casting a shadow on the floor of the cave. "I couldn't sleep last night," I grumbled, walking over to her. I lay down next to her, my tail curling towards my side.

"The young ones stayed up late," Rexy explained. "I should get some sleep since you're up," she sighed, resting her head on the rocky ground.

"Well, I'll get us some food," I whispered, my claws clicking on the ground. I slipped quietly from the cave and decided that it'd be best to hunt food now before the rain started to come down. It'd be a shame eating soggy food.

I stopped under the trees to taste the air. I could taste the scent of a hawk. I looked up into the tree overhead, seeing a large nest on one of the branches. I stood up on my hind legs, grabbing the branch with my claws and bending it down towards me. 

There was a plump hawk sitting in the nest. It panicked as it saw me and began to flutter, its large wings batting at my face. I growled and hooked my claws into one of its wings, pulling it towards me.

The hawk screamed loudly and jammed its beak into my snout, drawing blood. I hissed and leaned forward, my jaws locking around the bird's neck. I killed the hawk quickly and began to run towards the cave. I wonder when we'll encounter Killer and Cilo again...

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