Chapter 5

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(Artwork is not mine)

A month had passed. That Indoraptor had grown a lot in this month. He also ate a lot. I had to work extra hard at my job. I'd also pet-sit for an hour to earn 60$. I now started to feed him steak for food. I also ate ham sandwiches for dinner and lunch and cereal and milk for breakfast.

Ebony's POV:

I lay on her bed, the tip of my tail twiching irritably. I hadn't been able to fall asleep on this bed at all today. I was so tired. She'd been watching that big brown dog for a short time, and the only thing it wanted to do was stay at the bedroom door and growl and bark. It was so annoying and I felt like ripping that jerk's throat out!! Calm down, I growled in my mind. I knew that dog was there because I could sense its presence, its heat on the other side of the door. Although I wasn't fully grown yet, I could sense many stuff. I could smell the meat, and smell the dog's anger and could also smell the girl's annoyance growing.

"Come on! There's nothing in there!" I heard her growl.

The dog barked something.

"No, there's something in there!" I heard him yowl.

I could tell that the girl didn't understand anything we said.

I scrabbled off the bed, saliva dripping from my sharp fangs. I crawled across the floor on four legs, my back arched and my tail slowly waving from side to side. My big toes on my back feet were clicking the floor.

"Listen, fat fluff, you better step away from the door or I'll tear your ears off!" I hissed. I then started to sense the girl's fear. It hit me in waves. I had to calm myself. But this idiot was ruining my sleep.

The dog barked loudly and I could hear his small weak claws scratching the floor and the door.

"I'll tear this door down and kill you!" He barked.

"Good luck with that. My scales are tough and I've got sharp, crooked fangs. I'll make you so scared that you hide between my owner's legs!" I snarled. My toes clicked the floor in warning.

"Oh yeah?" The dog challenged.

I stood on two legs, angry. This dog really asked for it, didn't he? I grabbed the knob and twisted it with my claws.

The dog growled and barked savagely.

"EBONY! CALM DOWN!" The girl pleaded me.

I pulled the door back and got down on four legs, then opened my jaws and roared in the dog's face. It scrabbled back and whimpered.

I felt happy. "I told ya!" I laughed. I stood up on two legs, being taller than the dog now. I honestly wasn't that big, but when I stood on two legs, I came up to the girl's waist. I guess the dog was only terrified of me because of my crooked fangs.

"That's right, be scared!" I hissed.

The girl glared at me. "Ebony! Please get back into the room!" She pleaded.

"Why?" I asked, turning my head.

She looked confused.

I forgot that she didn't understand dino language. I sighed slightly, my nostrils flaring. I growled slightly, glaring at the dog, then crawled back to the room, my tail dragging on the floor. I shut the door behind me with my tail and scrabbled on the bed, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. I peeled back my lips and bared my teeth. Why'd it seem like she was replacing me?

I was smarter than this! I had to keep calm. Maybe not getting enough rest thanks to that fat fluff was making me a bit crazy.

Girl POV lol:

"Thanks for taking care of him for me!" The guy smiled.

I laughed. "Heh, he's been annoying, barking at everything in sight, I hope he's not like that at your home, that'll drive you crazy!" I joked.

The guy laughed. "No, not really," He said, then turned away with his dog beside him.

I closed the door. Ebony probably would've killed that dog. I held the 60 dollars in my hand. What would've happened if I hadn't of stopped him. If I'd been somewhere else. Ebony did seem to act different whenever I had a pet over. Was he possibly... jelous?

Time skip---

I curled up around Ebony. I pet his rough head and thought to myself. I'm lucky to have him. He nuzzled under my arm. I finally put my head under my pillow and fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, my head pounding. Ebony was still sleeping. 

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