Chapter 13

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Ebony POV:

I kicked out with all my might, clenching my teeth so hard I thought that they'd shatter. I tightly shut my eyes, feeling the raptor slowly slip off my back, its claws dragging through my skin. I shook my whole body and heard it yowled in pure terror, then I felt its weight slip of my back. I heard a splash under me. I scrambled onto the rock. I felt comforted when I felt the rock under me. But I couldn't hold on for long. I couldn't rest here. 

I slowly lifted my head, yawning weakly. My wounds burned like fire and I felt extremely tired. Scrambling to my feet, I grasped the rock with my claws and carefully climbed over to the edge of it. Another cliff was near. It was a wide edge leading into a hole. Light filtered through the hole, cutting through the darkness. I bunched my muscles, then leaped, my claws grasping the rough rock. 

Heart pounding, I scrambled up. I walked over to the cave, peering in. I could see through the darkness. I saw the cave floor continue. Sighing with relief, I walked further into the cave and slumped on the ground, my body dragging into sleep.

Feather POV:

I yowled in terror as I saw Ebony dissappear through the trees and bushes. Blue stalked closer to me while Red and Algae held Cilo and Fear. The human watched from the hill.

"Listen, this will be done quicker if you stop wriggling," Blue sighed. Her claws twitched and she curled her lip.

Red pinned Fear to the ground. His claws were wrapped around my brother's body. I turned to Fear. He glanced at me, his red eyes clouded with pain. "Run, Feather!" He whimpered. I glanced at him.

"No! I can't leave you behind!" I cried. Blue glared at me. "Stop whimpering!" She growled. I whimpered when I saw Red's grip on Fear get tighter.

Algae began to let out snorts of laughter. She glanced at Cilo. "Get this, he thinks he can tell me what to do!" She snorted.

Blue blinked, her pupils turning to thin slits like shards of ice. Her blue gaze rested on Feather. "We were supposed to be killing you. With stupid hybrids like you living in our world, we will all die. Killing you is the only way to live," She snapped. She glanced at Red. "Kill the baby," she ordered.

I gasped, my heart pounding fast. "No! Please!" She yowled.

Red tooth his other set of claws. He lifted them, then slashed them across Fear's throat. I watched in horror as blood spattered Red's face. I cried in terror as he backed away from Fear. My brother writhed in agony, his red eyes rolling around crazily. Blood spilled from his mouth, staining the grass under him.

I stood frozen to the spot, watching as my brother's body convulsed and fell still. His eyes turned dull, his flanks not rising or falling. The gash in his throat streamed blood. Blood bubbled in his nostrils, then it stopped. Everything was still.

I turned around in pure terror, racing for the tree. Time seemed to unpause around me as I heard crickets and feet pounding the ground behind me. I heard claws click the ground. I leaped, my head spinning with terror and dizzyness. I sunk my claws into the tree bark, climbing up quickly. Claws scraped the bark behind me. Heart pounding, I climbed into the crook of the tree, narrowly avoiding snapping jaws at my feathery tail. I then climbed up the branch. Without looking back, I leaped off the tree, my feathers catching the wind. I was gliding. My feathery tail whipped behind me and my feet dangled. I outsped those dumb raptors. Closing my eyes, I prayed that Ebony would come back...

Ebony POV:

I scrambled awake, suddenly remembering the baby hybrids. I scrambled to my feet, my claws scrapping the rock floor. I looked around. At some point, this had to lead to where stable ground was, right? I heard my stomach growl when I parted my jaws. The tang of stone and mud washed my mouth. Sniffing the air more, I tasted blood on my tongue. It wasn't my blood, I was sure of it. 

I headed down one of the tunnels. A fresh scent hit my nose. I could smell meat! I hurried forward. I then stumbled on something. Looking down, I saw the body of a dead raptor. Well, better than nothing I guess.

As I finished eating, I noticed something glowing. Looking up, I almost yowled as I saw a large dinosaur in front of me. It had a glowing white outline and wide, white eyes that were glowing. It had a long spiked tail and some sort of helmet on its head with two long horns. It had two other long horns on the side of its face and its teeth were snaggly and sticking out. It had rough gray skin with tons of scars and it had long powerful legs with long, sharp claws. What was this thing?

It then lifted its claws. 

I snarled. "What are you?" I growled.

"My name is Stone," The creature explained. He glanced at me. "I was created like you. But I was a failed experiment. I was created after the first indoraptor died."

I looked at him. "How are you here and why," I growled.

Stone blinked. "I'm actually dead. I died in this very cave. It flooded with water from the gorge during a storm. The entrance I came from had collapsed and I was trapped. I drowned here and my spirit is trapped down here," He whispered.

I flicked my tail weakly. "Do you know a way out of the cave?" I asked nervously. 

Stone glanced at my battered body. "You're wounded. Let me help," He murmured. Reaching forward with his arm, his claw tip touched my wound. I winced as I felt the claw tip touch the red flesh. Then I opened my eyes and saw that the wound was now a scar. 

"How did you do that?" I gasped. It was strange but at least my wounds would heal. The scratches on my snout no longer burned. "Can you do that to all my wounds?" I asked.

Stone circled around me and touched a wound along my leg. I felt the burning go away. It had turned into a scar. "Your wounds need to be washed," Stone murmured. "I can't heal the rest if they are infected."

I glanced at him. "What? How can I wash them?"

"Further up this tunnel, you can get out. There's a stream that runs up there.  However, you must return back to the cave for me to heal you," Stone explained.

I looked at the ground, feeling tired again. "I won't make it to Feather, Fear, and Cilo in time," I muttered. I sighed, looking up. Stone was gone now. I got to my feet and began to walk up the tunnel.

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