Chapter 37

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Ebony's POV: 

I glanced down at Feather, crouching. "You want to make sure you stay downwind, so your prey doesn't smell you," I whispered.

Feather glanced up at me. "Relax, I'll be fine. I can easily climb trees and glide down on my prey. My gliding is silent as ever," he assured.

I rolled my eyes. "I get it, you're a complex hybrid made of whatever, but you're not perfect. I'm a hybrid, but I'm not perfect," I stated, my tail brushing away some leaves.

"I thought you were this 'oh-so perfect creature.' What happened to that? Can't you camouflage?" Feather asked, the quills on the back of his neck quivering.

"Well, I mean," I mumbled. "I'm sorry to say, but I can't camouflage. Killer can camouflage though. Let's just say I blend into the night really well," I sighed.

Feather stretched. "Just watch," he chirped. He ran over to a tree and climbed it steadily, bark showering down as his large claws scraped the tree. "The breeze feels amazing," he called down to me. 

I could see Feather sitting up in the tree, his feathers blowing in the wind. He then began to climb out towards a branch. "Be careful, those branches could snap with your weight," I warned.

I watched as Feather held onto the branch carefully, his claws digging into the bark. He then leaped forward, his arms spreading out and exposing the membrane of the skin along his arms that helped him glide. The branch wobbled once he took off, and the wind blew his pretty brown feathers.

Feather glided towards a mouse nibbling on a seed. The small creature was sitting in the grass, not sensing him. Feather's tail feathers shook as the wind blew past him, and the sunlight shimmered on his soft feathers, making him glow as he soared through the sky. He then turned downwards, his hind-feet stretching forward to reveal large talons grasping for the mouse. Feather landed on his prey, killing it instantly when his one of his claws pierced the mouse's neck.

I then got up and ran towards him. "Nice job gliding! Although I'm still confused on how you can even glide," I huffed, my claws tearing at the grass.

Feather moved his hind-feet away from his catch, then bent down. He grasped the dead mouse in his jaws and then swallowed it whole, his eyes closing.

I parted my jaws as a stiff wind blew, tasting the scent of rain. I stood up, seeing dark gray clouds on the horizon. I glanced at Feather. "We better get going before it rains," I murmured, turning towards the trees. "I-I really want to find that girl that had owned me. I wish I knew where she was," I stammered.

"We'd never find her, unless we get lucky," Feather sighed, turning towards the trees. "Usually past a forest there has to be a neighborhood, right? Or maybe a street or road we could follow?"

"All I know is that she must live far away, so it'd be tons of days before we might could find her. She'd take care of us," I mumbled, my tail dragging along the ground as I walked towards the trees.

"What's gonna happen when we run into Cilo and Killer?" Feather asked, his eyes darkening.

"Well, don't jinx it, please. I don't ever want to see them again," I growled, my tail lashing. "If we do run into them, our best bet into to run, that is- if we don't want to die," I stated.

"Why not fight them?" Feather questioned, tipping his head. "We can't just run from our problems. We have to fight them, Ebony, or else we'd seem weak if we ran. Don't you think so?" He looked at Ebony with dark, yet questioning eyes.

I narrowed my eyes, glaring at him. "Look, they're too strong," I growled. "Do you want to be killed? Last time we fought them, we almost died," I hissed, kicking a pebble away. I snorted, turning away from Feather. "Although we may seem like cowards, it'd be away good move to run instead of fight."

Feather growled, his lips curling into a snarl. "But I don't want to run. I want to go out fighting, not running away. I'm not afraid anymore, Ebony, I've grown. I'm ready to slash those smug looks off of their faces!" He growled, lashing his tail.

I sighed, knowing there was no way talking him out of this. 

"You say we're weak to challenge them, but if we got Rexy along with us, we'd win," Feather pointed out, raising a claw to his face. 

"We left Rexy a week ago, remember? Besides, she's old, and she'd be vulnerable to someone like Killer, who is young and bigger than her, and has more teeth than her," I pointed out. I then felt a tiny droplet of rain loud on the tip of my snout. "Great."

Thunder rumbled in the distance. The dark gray clouds that I had seen earlier were now above us, looking even darker than before. Another raindrop splattered in my face, and then another and another, until it started to rain steadily.

I began to hurriedly walk towards the deeper part of the forest, making sure Feather was following me. "Come on, we need to get to shelter."

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