Chapter 11

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I stalked through the undergrowth, hearing the soft gurgle of a stream nearby. I slunk over to it, padding through the short grass. Frogs croaked around the stream as the sun started to set behind a distant peak. I reached the stream slowly and dipped my snout, parting my jaws to taste the water. It was cold and refreshing, then all of a sudden, I saw three eggs huddled together in a nest of moss across the stream. I stood up, trying to get a closer look at the eggs. They were big and oval shaped. They were dinosaur eggs. I looked around and lept over the stream, landing clumsily on the pebbly shore. I crept closer to the eggs and sniffed them. A smell I've never smelt before drifted into the nose. I curled around the eggs, wanting to protect them. Whatever hatched from them, I'd probably take care of it. I rested my head on the soft moss and began to sleep.

I woke up to feel a cold wind pattering my skin. The clouds were a depressing gray color and the rain falling was catching in the wind. The sky was gloomy and dull and the sun was nowhere to be seen. A low fog curled around the trees and lingered on the ground. I got up and stretched, then stiffened as I heard a crack. One of the eggs' shells had broken. Three small yet long claws poked out of the egg, then the head popped out. I realized what this was. An Indominus Rex.

The other eggs then hatched. Two other hybrids... One was brown and had feathered arms and long claws, a long feathered tail, four crooked teeth poking from its mouth and two pairs of small yellow eyes. It had bony haunches and a white underbelly as well as two pairs of horns on its head.

 It had bony haunches and a white underbelly as well as two pairs of horns on its head

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The other hybrid that hatched from the egg was a bit bigger than the other hybrids. It was a pale color with sail-shaped horns on its head and had a sail on its back like the Spino. It had large front and back claws.

They crawled around, maybe in search of food

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They crawled around, maybe in search of food.

"Follow me," I clicked. "I'll find us something."

Girl POV:

I sat on the couch, stuffing chips into my mouth. I was watching the news.

"So Ryan, what do you have to say about this?" The same guy from before was asking. Jake...

"Jake, I think Owen's encounter with the Indoraptor will be his last. His parter, Blue, is critically injured with throat wounds and scratches and bruises all over her body. Owen is worried she might not make it, but he states that he doesn't regret attacking and injuring the Indoraptor. We aren't sure where it is now, but I we'll soon track it down," Ryan said, looking at the camera seriously. The camera switched to some guy with messy hair and blue eyes. "Owen, what do you say about this?"

"We've got to nuke this creature. It causes death everywhere it goes, honestly. We are stupid to let it roam freely," Owen growled. "Get your damn dogs and search for this hell-spawn. The more we let it roam, the more it kills," He finished. The camera switched to some dude with a gray beard and cane.

"Well," He rasped. "The Indoraptor is an interesting creature. I agree with you Owen, we should just kill it already with a stronger force, and I've got the idea. But I'm not sure if the idea will work. Ya see, I've left eggs of hybrids near a stream. It's not to far from Shimmering Waters," He explained. "Three hybrid eggs: Indominus Rex, Avinychus, and Velocilo. Our team has created them in hopes that they will stop the Indoraptor," He finished.

The camera switched back to Owen. He looked mad and face palmed. "I swear to hell, you've gone crazy!" He growled, glaring at the camera. "More hybrids will cause more death. It's no use... you've got to hunt down those eggs and get rid of them," Owen growled, clenching his fists.

I turned off the tv, sighing. How stupid could humanity get?! Owen was right, more hybrids would cause more death. Did they really think that other hybrids would stop the Indoraptor? 

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