Chapter 21

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--Feather's POV--

"EBONY!" I screamed. "Wake up!" I roared, my feathered tail lashing. "Help us!" I cried. Why wouldn't he wake up? I turned as I saw the beast. It had come closer. It was large, as big as Ebony. It didn't have any claws, but it had somewhat of a beak, and also had two horns on its head, as well as a shorter one on the bridge of its nose. 

Cilo roared as warning, trying to scare it off, but dinosaur seemed to pretend to not hear him at all. It came closer, anger shimmering in its eyes.

I trembled with fear. What was wrong with Ebony? Why wouldn't he wake up? I jumped on him and sunk my claws into his side. "Ebony, please wake up!" I cried. 

The horned dinosaur suddenly let out a roar and charged towards us.

"Run!" I cried. As much as I didn't want to leave Ebony's body, I knew I had to. I turned and ran with Cilo. But where could we even run?

--Ebony's POV--

I lifted the upper half of my body and dug my claws into the second horn, growling with effort. I thought I had heard cries, cries of my name, but I wasn't so sure. It sounded sounded distant... so muffled. 

I pushed myself up with my hind legs and scratched at the horn with Ripper watching closely. Suddenly, I felt my claws slip on the wet horn. I screamed so loud in agony that I thought the windows would shatter. I slipped down, the horn going even deeper. My vision turned white that it was so bad. My screams echoed around the building and rain pounded harder on my stomach. My head rolled off the top of the beak of the Trike's skull, and thumped hard on the ground below. Blood spattered the ground as my head landed in the puddle of blood. I couldn't do this. 

"I didn't know that rain could be so deadly," Ripper growled, his snarl sharply cutting the heavy silence like a large claw. He looked at my struggling form. "But don't give up, yet."

I roared with pain mixed with anger and pulled myself back up. I tried my best to ignore the flaring pain. I growled as I dug my claws into the horn. Moving my tail hurt like hell. My body was beginning to slide up as I pulled myself upwards. A growl rippled in my throat as I felt the bone moving inside me. I was farther up this time, and I knew that if I slipped again, it would hurt far more worse than last time. 

"I'm surprised you've made it this far," Ripper clicked suddenly, erupting the silence. 

I narrowed my eyes and dug my talons harder into the bone, merging myself upwards. I was sliding up easily. Don't mess this up! Pain throbbed throughout my body and a low growl rippled in my throat. Finally, I pushed myself off the horn and balanced myself on the third horn on the nose, which was small and shorter. I took a moment to breathe, and roared in triumph. Blood, now unblocked by the horn, spattered onto the ground like a dam releasing water. I growled and tried to stand, but blood on the head of the Trike's skull made me slip. I yowled in agony as the smaller horn ripped a jagged, dark hole in my chest as I slipped and fell onto the ground. My body made a loud thud as I hit the wet, blood-stained ground. 

Ripper came closer to me, now crouching on all-fours. His eyes gleamed like the sun shimmering down on water, turning it a beautiful color. His tail swayed from side to side slowly. "Great job," he snorted.

I glanced up at him as blood from my wounds spilled on the floor, streaming from my wounds in tiny waves like a small wave pool. I glanced up at Ripper, shaking in fear and pain. "C-can I wake up now?" I asked, my breath coming in ragged gasps.

Ripper's eyes shimmered with amusement, and suddenly he began to fade into darkness. Everything was fading into darkness. I was suddenly falling through a black hole, my blood flying in front of me, and my claws grasping for the last remaining light. I screamed as I continued to fall, fearing my back would strike something and snap in half instantly.

I jerked awake and suddenly heard screams. I scrambled to my feet and scurried to the edge of the hill like a squirrel frantically searching for its buried acorn. Down below, I saw a large Trike charging at Feather and Cilo, who were running for their lives. I ran down the hill, my heart pounding. I didn't have time to think about what I had just woken up from. 

Charging down the hill, I bunched my muscles, preparing to leap. I pushed forward with my hind legs, soaring through the air. A roar burst through my jaws and pierced the air like lightning, and along with it, rumbling the air like thunder. My claws dug into the Trike's flanks, and I brought it down like a lion dragging down a buffalo. 

The trike turned around and glared at me, its eyes shimmering with surprise. It didn't waste time knocking me off its back. It shook itself violently and flung me.

I hit the ground hard with my spine and clutched up, my stomach hurling with pain. As I lay there, the trike charged at me, its small horn striking my jaw and lifting me up. But it didn't use enough force to go deeper. I lashed at the trike's face and drew long gashes down towards its cheek. Blood trickled down the dinosaur's face and it backed away, the tip of its horn pulling away from my flesh.

I stood on two legs and roared, my tail lashing in anger. Without having eaten anything for a few days, I lunged as my instinctinstincts kicked in. I practically tore the thing apart, my claws drawing gashes in its flesh as it writhed and struggled under me. Finally, the light died down in its eyes as I backed away, my black talons stained with blood and dripping with the red liquid. 

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