Chapter 35

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Blue's POV:

I ran through the forest, Mud at my side. Mud was one of my friends. The brown raptor had been in the raptor hunting group for a while now. Algae was also with us. We were on an important mission. 

"So, you think we'll find them?" Mud growled, curling his lip. His claws scuffed the ground as he ran at my side.

"They'll be hard to take down. I don't know why Owen only sent three of us," Algae murmured. Shadows casted from the trees fell on Algae's back and darkened her green skin. There were a few scars along her neck.

I blinked once, my mind zooming through every possible outcome of the situation that we'd soon be in. My mind raced to the thoughts of my friends falling to the Indominus Rex. I bared my teeth.


I lay on the ground, my eyes half-closed as I watched Delta and Echo bite and claw the large beast. I couldn't move, couldn't do anything. It was hopeless. My heart stopped as the large dinosaur grabbed Delta, ripping into her back with its sharp teeth, and throwing her. 

Delta yowled as she hit something, and then went up in flames. She disappeared as the flames swallowed her up, tearing at her flesh with fiery claws of rage. 

I tried to scream, but nothing came out. Owen was trying to help, but his efforts were pointless, as the beast was not effected by his attacks. The beast soon took Echo in its mouth and crushed her, killing her. It threw her body aside like a broken toy. My claws scraped the ground. You monster, I'll kill you!

--end of flashback--

When my claws ripped at the flesh of that beast, I felt pleasure. Dammit, I wish I was the one to kill it! I missed Delta, Echo, and Charlie, but that was the past. I have a new pack of raptors now. And hopefully I won't have to see them die in front of me.

"I got something!" Mud growled. He stopped, spraying dirt ahead as he came to a sudden halt. His tail slowly went side-to-side.

"What is it?" I asked, my claws itching to know if he smelled the hybrids.

"It smells like the..." suddenly he stopped, his eyes widening.

"What is it-" I was cut off as the ground rumbled beneath me. It felt like an earthquake was rumbling beneath us with rage. I heard small booms, almost as if there was something big walking. The booms were coming closer and getting louder.

"S-shit, its the big one!" Algae gasped. "We need to get out of here! Now!" She snapped.

"No," I growled. "We stay and fight. I don't care how big the hybrid is. But it looks like the Indominus Rex and I want it dead!" I hissed, digging my claws into the ground.

Algae looked at me, her calm green eyes now a dark fire of leaves. "You're so caught up in the past! Get over it!" She growled. "I know that Indominus Rex killed your friends a few years ago, but she's dead, and she's been dead! This hybrid isn't even the same thing!" She snapped, curling her lip.

I stared at her. Never in my life have I seen my friend so angry. I felt angry too, but now I could clearly. The mist blocking my vision cleared a got nary her words sunk in. She's right. I need to push those memories away. 

"It's Killer," Mud muttered, his head moving towards the sky. The large head of Killer appeared above us. A crooked smile snaked along his face and his red eyes glittered with blood-lust.

"Run!" I gasped. I turned tail and skidded between the trees, my heart pounding. I was running faster than I ever had, thanks to the fear following close behind me, pushing me onwards to avoid the danger.

Mud appeared at my side, his eyes dark. "Don't stop running!" He panted, his eyes wide. 

I heard the booming footsteps of that scary hybrid chasing us. Where was Algae? My heart pounded even harder. You better have made it! The treeline was breaking, and soon we were in the clear, our claws tearing the grass.

I looked back without thinking, and my heart seemed to stop. Time seemed to slow completely. My vision blurred. My stomach dropped, overwhelmed by fear. I wouldn't be able to unsee this... 

Sorry this is a bit short, I just wanted to end it with a cliffhanger. 

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