Chapter 52

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Feather's POV:

To my horror, I watched as Killer stepped from the forest. His gaze landed on Union, who was glaring at him. This is it. We're going to fight. 

"So you brought another friend along. Where's your other little friend? Did he die?" Killer questioned, titling his head.

"He's not dead. He stayed behind," I growled, thrusting my head forward. "Staying behind because of what you did."

Killer's gaze seemed to grow distant, as if he was thinking. "Ohhh," he groaned. "Was it that young girl? She's not dead, at least I don't think so." He glanced back at Union. "Anyways, who even are you? You're... strange."

"Wu created me for the purpose of killing you. And now that I've found you, I've got a question. Any last words?" The large green hybrid hissed, lashing his tail.

Killer's eyes narrowed. "He sent you after me? How pathetic. Don't you realize why I'm even doing this?" He asked. He took a step forward, the muscles in his legs rippling. "Don't you want to rule beside me? It'd be better than staying locked up in a small cage everyday, don't you agree? We could rule over dinosaurs, and maybe even humans."

Union narrowed his eyes, his long claws flexing. "If you want to rule over dinosaurs, then why do you keep trying to kill those two? Surely you'd keep them alive... if you want more slaves...?" He insisted.

Killer's nostrils twitched. "Well, there are just... things that want to get in your way," he grumbled. "Ebony and Feather are like that. I need to kill them, to ensure my plan is fulfilled."

"So... you want me to rule with you?" Union asked. Without waiting for an answer, he lunged forward and knocked the big white hybrid down. 

The earth shook beneath my talons. I ducked just in time as Union's long spiked tail swung over me, almost impaling me in the side. That was close! As I watched the giants battle, I wondered if I should help. I'm going to get killed! I'm too small. I quickly scurried up a tree, my heart pounding.

Killer roared in agony as Union's spiked tail hit him in the leg. If only it had hit him in his side. As Union tried to get his tail free, Killer swung around and grabbed onto his tail, not allowing him to move away. He brought his claws across Union's face, forcing the hybrid to jerk away. 

I huddled against the tree, watching closely. The two were finally apart now. Killer had two gashes in his leg, both of them streaming blood. He breathed heavily, his eyes fixed on Union, who only had a bloody scratch across his face that snaked between his eyes. I got excited. Yes! Killer is going to die! Then this chaos will finally stop!

Union rushed forward once more, but made a critical mistake. He turned sideways, as if trying to hit Killer in the neck with his tail. Union's neck was exposed. Before he could even hit Killer, the hybrid rushed forward and clamped his jaws on Union's neck.

My claws grasped the tree. No! I was about to glide down and help, but Union's long claws drew gashes into the sides of Killer's head, forcing him to let go. But that didn't stop him entirely. He rushed forward once more, his jaws clamping down on one of the plates that was on Union's back. I heard a disgusting crunching sound as Killer tried to rip it off.

Union roared in agony and swung his tail forward. Two of the spikes hit Killer right in the chest, causing him to pull back roughly. The force of his pull ripped off the plate. Though in agony, Union still tried to stand. He pushed his spikes deeper into Killer's flesh. Maybe he can win.

Killer roared and grasped Union's tail, trying to hold the spikes in place as Union tried to rip his tail away. I realized that he was doing this as a way to not lose even more blood. The spikes were keeping it sealed in. Realizing this, Union stretched his neck, trying to bite Killer. 

Killer pushed him away and tightened his grip on his tail. His red gaze swept over Union's face. "Your tail is quite dangerous," he hissed. "So I'm going to get rid of it." In a swift motion, he stretched his neck forward and clamped down on the flesh, ripping and chewing. 

Union roared, trying to break free, but he couldn't. He stretched his arms forward, desperately clawing at Killer's side. I could see the pain on his face. Even though he was in pain, he was still determined to chew Union's tail off. Union's going to lose if he loses his tail! I have to help! 

I leaped from the tree and landed on Killer's head, roaring. I dug my claws into an old scar on his face. Hope that hurt, ugly brute! He wasn't able to reach me. I then dug my claws into his left eye and heard his muffled hiss of pain. He jerked his head back with such force that I flew off and landed in the bushes.

Before I could get up, I heard the nasty sound of the bone snapping. I felt sick to my stomach as I watched Union stumble and fall, blood gushing from his tail. I could see the rest of it hanging from Killer's chest limply.

"You're pathetic," Killer growled, stepping close to Union. "If Wu sent you after me, I wonder how dangerous I'm considered. This feels like an insult," he snarled, lashing his tail. "Now, I'm going to kill you with your own weapon."

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