Chapter 15

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Ebony's POV:

I woke up in a white void. The bright light blinded my eyes. Where was I?

I glanced all around me, but there was only white void, nothing else. It reflected off my scales, made my claws shine, and made me feel weird. This place isn't right. Something's wrong. It feels like I'm being watched.

Suddenly, a large black figure appeared in front of me. Now that seemed familiar. This creature.... An orange-yellow stripe ran down its side all the way to its long black tail, and light shimmered on its black scales. Light shimmered on its teeth and claws. And my reflection was in its red-orange eyes. 

"Ebony," he greeted calmly. "It's nice to meet you." Was that Ripper? No, it couldn't be! 

"R-Ripper?" I asked, a little stammer in my voice. "H-how?" I was shocked and confused. But looking closer, for the first time, I noticed large gashes, holes, in his skin. I remembered him dying from getting impaled.

"Yes, it's me, Ripper," the other Indoraptor spoke, his eyes shimmering with satisfaction. "We haven't met yet, I assume?"

I blinked at him, my nostrils flaring. "No. We haven't. But I've heard of you," I explained.

Ripper padded closer, his claws clicking. His flank touched mine as he brushed past me, and I could feel the cold flesh rub my scales. His tail slid along my side. "You're probably wondering my you're why," he rumbled, sitting down right beside me.

"Well, I guess," I mumbled, sitting down across from him.

Ripper looked at me, his eyes reflecting my confused face. His tail wrapped around his front limbs, almost like a cat. "I want you to do something for me. I need you to kill Blue. Kill her and that stupid human Owen," he snapped. 

"Me? Why me? And why should I listen to you?" I growled.

Anger blazed in Ripper's eyes. "Everyone fears you, and you are more powerful than anything.  Blue is weaker than you. And Owen is definitely more weaker than you."

"Lo-look, I've been trying to set a good example of myself. I only kill anything in my way," I growled.

Ripper tilted his head, amusement shimmering in his dark eyes. "Really?" He clicked. "But you'd kill a family of four for no apparent reason?" He asked.

I dug my claws into the whiteness. It felt like grass. "Hey! I know that happened, but I want to try to be good now, ok?" I blinked at him desperately, hoping he'd go away. "Look, I know humans tortured you and everything, and you just want revenge, but you're asking the wrong dinosaur!" I growled.

Ripper stood up, flexing his claws. His gaze was fixed on his long, sharp talons, avoiding my gaze. "You know, these talons... these claws.. they have a use. Do you know what that use is?" He asked, making eye-contact with me now.

I stared up at the tall creature, chills crawling up my spine like millions of small ants. "I know what the use of our talons are for. Hunting, killing. But you've got a different mind."

Ripper stared at me. He got back on all-fours. "They should be used to tear apart humans, to take revenge whenever we must." He curled his lip in disgust. "Tell me. Why do you desire so much to return to that girl?" He asked.

"How dare you ask that! You should know why!" I hissed. I felt anger surge through me. "She raised me from the egg, protected me!"

Ripper blinked at me, amusement shimmering in his eyes. He waved his claws in the whiteness, and something started to appear. Soon, there was a puddle in the void. I saw myself in the girl's arms, and the armored men at the door with those shocking sticks. I flinched, remembering the girl's desperate cries as they took me from her arms.

"But she couldn't protect you from this, could she?" Ripper asked, his voice sounding like dripping honey. 

"No, she couldn't of protected me from that. They would've hurt her. And I didn't want her to get hurt," I whimpered.

Ripper waved his claws in the puddly vision, making it waver away. "She isn't worth going back to, and you know that, Ebony." Ripper got up, coming closer to me until our snouts touched.  "You are the second Indoraptor. You strike fear into your enemies. You can raise those two hybrids by yourself; teach them how to kill. You can take over the whole world."

I backed up, glaring at Ripper. "No! I'll never do anything for you!" I yowled. "You're like an infection, like poison or something," I growled.

"How sad," Ripper mumbled, closing his eyes. "The one chance you have to take over the world, to kill all humans... you turn it it down? When will you understand that being nice will kill you quicker?" He growled. 

I stood up, glaring at Ripper. A growl rose in my throat. "You're wrong, you bit-"

I was cut off as Ripper lunged forward, wrapping his talons around my head. His head slammed into my stomach, knocking the breath from me. I tumbled backwards, yowling. 

Ripper then clamped his jaws around my neck, his eyes shimmering with hatred and amusement. A smirk curled on his lips. 

I gasped with terror as I felt blood spill from my throat. It bubbled up in my mouth, cutting off my screeches of pain. I felt myself choking on my blood and couldn't breathe. Then, everything went black.

I woke up, thrashing in my nest and coughing and hacking. I slumped on my side, my eyes wide. Panting, I grabbed my throat with my claws. It was fine, no gashes or blood. I sighed with relief and curled up for sleep, my heart still pounding.

Ebony: I think I'm scared of Ripper

Doctor: Ripper can't hurt you


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