Chapter 33

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Ebony's POV:

I watched as the Tyrannosaurus Rex walked towards us, its eyes searching the land. Her babies followed behind her, and the sunlight showered down on her scales. Her massive head swung toward me, and her pupils focused on me.

I stood still, my heart pounding. I had no idea if the T-rex was friendly or not, and I knew that it could kill me in one single bite. I swallowed hard, my claws grasping the grass. 

The T-rex blinked, sunlight shining on her white teeth, and she flexed her claws. She shifted a bit, foxing here gaze on my face, as though taking in every detail. Her eyes narrowed and she let out a low growl, curling her lip.

Fear took over me, and I took a step back. "H-hey, what's wrong?" I clicked, my tail swinging. I felt Feather shift beside me. 

All of a sudden, the T-rex opened her jaws, roaring loudly, flicking spit onto my face. I turned and ran towards the trees, my tail streaming out beside me. Why was she so aggressive? I turned my head, my claws griping the grass roughly as I bounded forward. She was closing in. 

I was already out of breath. I leaped up, reaching for a tree, but teeth clamped into my tail. I was pulled downwards with a pained yelp. I flailed in her jaws, my claws grasping the grass. 

Feather was nearby, his eyes wide. "Stop!" He yowled at the T-rex.

The T-rex slammed me on the ground, and put her foot on my flank lightly, pinning me down. "I thought you were dead!" 

My head ached and I curled my lip, my teeth glinting as the sun cast its light down on us. "What do you mean?" I croaked. She was so close to my face that I could see the scars more. They trailed down her neck, making it look like it was painful to have gotten them.

"The ugly hybrid dinosaur that almost killed me. She even gave me these scars," The T-rex growled. 

I blinked at her in confusion. "There was another hybrid?" I asked.

The T-rex bared her teeth. "Yes! And you have the same face as it! That hybrid caused lots of destruction!" 

"Well I'm not that hybrid, I'm a different hybrid. I'm an Indoraptor, and my name is Ebony," I growled. "You've got the wrong dinosaur."

The T-rex glared at me a moment longer, then pulled back. "So you're not that large white rex hybrid?" She asked.

"No," I answered. "Now let go of me, please."

The T-rex stood up, shifting. "I-I'm sorry. My name's Rexy." She blinked.

"It's fine," I breathed. "Everyone makes mistakes," I replied softly, getting up. I shook mud and dust from my scales and my quills shivered. I ran towards Feather, my claws grasping the grass. "You ok?" I asked.

"More importantly, are you ok??" Feather asked, anxiety dripping in his voice. He walked around me, examining my body. His gaze rested upon my tail. "You're injured!" He growled. 

I tore at the grass with my claws. "I know." I could feel the wounds stinging, as well as blood trickling down the side of my tail. I turned, seeing the blood-stained grass.

Feather moved closer. "I should clean it before it gets infected," he stated. He leaned forward, his tongue swiping up the blood.

"Are you hungry?" I turned my head to see Rexy glancing at me expectantly. "Uh... well we haven't eaten anything yet," I clicked. "A nice meal wouldn't hurt."

"I'm sorry for chewing up your tail," Rexy apologized, her eyes rounding. 

"That's fine. I could do with some more scars," I grumbled with sarcasm. After Feather was done, I sat down. I saw dark gray clouds in the sky, and parted my jaws to taste the air. The watery scent of rain bathed my tongue, and I glanced at Feather. "It'll rain soon, we should take cover under the trees."

Feather nodded. He turned with a swift motion, his tail swinging as he walked.

I glanced at the T-rex babies. "Hey, come on, let's shelter under the trees." I turned as they followed and was quickly swallowed by the shadows of the pines. Their sour pine smell bathed on my tongue. 

We all sat in silence underneath the tall pines, waiting for Rexy to return. 

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