Chapter 10

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I reared back and stood on my back feet. I snarled at her, "Run before I snap your throat!" I hissed. She then limped to the human. He gazed at her with sad eyes and she crouched, allowing him to get on her back. "Run!" I hissed as she took off, heading towards the hill.

 I chased after her, running on four legs. Even if I was injured, I would still catch her. I saw her stop at the edge of the hill and she looked down. She then turned back, terror in her eyes. The human jumped off her back and aimed the gun at my legs. I dodged the bullets and lunged forward, grabbing Blue by her head. We flew through the air for a moment and then fell, landing in fast moving water. The river swished around us and my grip on Blue released. I saw her head go under and heard the human.

"Blue! No!" He called, dropping his gun and trying to chase after us in the swishing river.

Sharp fangs hooked into my neck. I then rolled in the water, trapping her under the foaming river. I felt my body hit a rock and hissed with pain as my open wounds scrapped the rough rock. I sunk my jaws into the water and saw Blue struggling to resurface. Bubbles escaped her mouth as she clawed her way out of the water. I started clawing my way through the water, heading for the other bank.

Sharp fangs sunk into my tail and I felt the current pull me back. Blue had dragged me into a strong current! I turned and snapped at her, seeing her pull back. Deep scratches were across her snout and teeth marks were clawed over her snout and throat. Blood streamed from her into the river. I hissed at her and turned around, tying to claw my way back to the bank, but the current ripped me away from the shore.

The water only got deeper as we tumbled through it. My body went under the water as well as my head. I was wasting energy trying to stay afloat and could hear the loud gurgle of a waterfall. Fear washed over me and I tried with all my might to claw through the water to the shore, but suddenly the water expanded farther ahead and hid the shore.

 Loose dirt slid form the steep slope as the human called out to Blue, putting his foot on the edge of the slope. I suddenly felt bad for him. Was this how that girl felt about me? She must be really worried about me.

I then looked at Blue. She was splashing frantically in the water, maybe about to drown. I realized I wasn't paying attention as I heard the loud splashing of the waterfall. I then felt my body falling through thin, foaming water. I saw Blue falling too and we both plunged into cold water. I was fully submerged in the water, and I started to claw my way up. My head broke the surface and I saw the human standing on the shore. He took a step back. I clawed my way over to him and he backed away from me. I paddled swiftly through the water, and finally reached the shore, panting. Water streamed from my body and I coughed up some water. I felt blood slowly trickle from my wounds. I looked at the human and turned to the water, not seeing Blue resurface. I then took a deep breath and crawled into the water. I dove under the water and saw Blue.

She was clawing at the water weakly. Bubbles escaped her mouth.

I wrapped my claws around her tail and swam upwards, breaking through the surface and pulling Blue up beside me so she could breath. She coughed up water and took in a gulp of air, her breathing quick and shallow. I swam towards the shore and rested weakly on the bank, panting. Blue rested beside me.

"Why did you save me?" She hissed.

"I felt bad for your.. human friend," I panted, moving my tail in the wet sand.

"He's my trainer," Blue growled weakly. Her trainer then walked over to us and helped Blue get on her feet. They stood threateningly over me.

"We should kill him while he's weak," I heard the human whisper.

Blue then nodded and lunged for my throat.

I was quick, grabbing her throat with my jaws and throwing her into the pool of water. I then reared and slammed the human into the water too. I turned and ran, anger swarming me. I shouldn't of saved her! 

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