Chapter 44

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●swear warning●

The girl's POV:

"A horrible fire has broken out in Huntman's Forest. Lightning struck a tree, and the fire has spread for miles. So far, five people have been killed and six are in critical condition," Ryan reported.

The camera switched to a large patch of forest. Flames burned bright, and a large cloud of black smoke hung in the sky. "Authorities are desperately trying to put out the fire, but from the sounds of it, dinosaurs are fighting. We mustn't risk even more lives being lost," Ryan sighed. 

"Dinosaurs fighting? Could it be...?" I stared blank-minded at the TV, my thoughts wondering to Ebony. Was he alive? Was that him fighting in that burning forest? No, it can't be. 

"Firefighters say that the famous actor Evelyn Brightwonder was killed in the fire," the reporter commented, grief showing in his eyes. "With the death of this beautiful actress, the firefighters have more pressure to put out this fire."

Suddenly, an angry man stormed towards the firemen. His face was red, and from the fire's burning light he was an angry sun. "You better out that fire out! You just got my daughter killed!" He yelled.

Ryan turned around, concern crawling upon his face. From the light of the flames, sweat was visible as it trailed down his cheeks.

The firemen glanced at the angry man. "We're sorry, but the dinosaurs fighting in that fire could potentially kill people once we out it out. We'll wait for the dinosaurs to die so that-"

"No! There will be no fucking waiting!" The man screamed. Suddenly, without warning, he pulled a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at the firemen.

I shot up in my seat, baffled that this was even happening on live TV. My eyes were glued to the screen, my heart pounding. Was he going to kill them? 

Jack also sat up, his eyes wide. He pulled out his phone to record. "Holy shit!"

Ryan gasped and flinched away, and the camera was blurry as they scrambled away from the threat. Then the camera focused once more when they stopped.

"What a crackhead," Ryan mumbled. "What the hell is that going to do? Great job, threatening to kill the only people that are capable of puting out the damn fire!"

"You shut your fuckin' mouth, TV boy!" The man screamed. He glanced at the firemen. "Now grab your damn hoses and put that shit out before your heads pop!"

"Put your fucking hands up and drop the gun!" A more intense voice screamed. Suddenly, the crazy man screamed in pain and dropped to the ground when a loud sound rang out.

The red-faced man was on the ground, holding his now bleeding foot. 

Two police officers walked towards him, their guns drawn and pointed to him. One stayed with his gun pointed while the other officer went behind him to cuff him.

"Shit! I can't believe that just happened on live TV!" Jack gasped. 

I glanced at my friend. "Well, it ended pretty quickly," I pointed out. "He'll be in prison for this!" I snickered.

"Imagine threatening-" 

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed on the TV. The camera panned upward. The forest on the opposite side of the road trembled, and a large figure stormed out, pushing trees from its way. 

"What? A tyrannosaurus?" Jack screamed.

 "Holy shit! Get out of the way!" Everyone screamed. Ryan began to run, and the camera suddenly dropped on the ground, still fixed on the view of the cuffed man.

The police officers ran in terror, too shocked to shoot the giant T-rex. They left the cuffed man on the ground, and he screamed as the giant foot came crashing down on him.

I almost gagged at the disgusting sound that followed. I looked away, closing my eyes as I heard continuous screams.

"Jesus Christ," Jack mumbled. Suddenly he got off the couch and ran, probably towards the bathroom to throw up. 

I couldn't look back at the screen. Instead I found the remote so I could turn it off. But something told me not too. I looked back at the screen, and I saw a sickening bloody pulp on the ground. The road was torn up, and some of the trees had fallen. The T-rex had probably ran into the burning forest. Good riddance. 

Ebony's POV:

I gasped when jaws crunched down on Thistle. His jaws gaped open to scream, but all that came out was blood. The sharp teeth sunk into his soft flesh, and I moved away from the spray of blood.

"No...!" Feather gasped. His white feathers were stained red with blood, and his eyes were clouded with terror. 

I glanced at Killer, who had a now dead Thistle in his jaws. He tossed the corpse to the side, a fire in his eyes.

"Why...?!" I gasped outloud. "Thistle..." I stared at his bloody corpse on the grass. Angry, I leaped on Killer's face, lashing out blindly in rage. My talons scored right over his eye, and Killer screamed in pain.

Killer shook his head roughly, his hands coming out to seize me. His talons dug into my sides, and I could feel the warm, wet blood trickling down. But I kept my claws in his eye, teeth sinking into the flesh around the quills.

Killer then grabbed my tail with his claws and slung me down, my body hitting the ground so hard that a white flash of pain shot through me. I gasped in pain, wheezing as I tried to breathe.

Killer snorted, his talons close to his eye. His eye was closed shut and blood streamed from the deep gashes. His throat vibrated with an irritated grumble. 

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed around. The ground shook, and the sounds of trees falling came closer, along with stomps.

Oh no, what is that? I glanced at Killer, who looked as though he didn't know what it was.

Then, a T-Rex crashed through, her eyes bright with anger. Rexy! I shot up instantly.

Rexy roared loudly, her claws flexing. She stared at Killer, her flesh twitching. Then she charged forward, her jaws opening. Her head collided with Killer's neck, and she sank her teeth into the flesh.

"Oh no," Feather gasped. 

"What?" I asked.

"She can't win this!" Feather growled, his tail lashing.

Rexy slammed her tail into Killer's side, then lifted one foot up to kick him back.

Killer roared and raked his talons down her face, his other arm coming towards her neck. His claws drew down her neck, and the old T-Rex growled in pain. She slammed her head into his sid, trying to push him into the fire.

"Feather! Ebony! Get out of here, I'll take care of this!" Rexy roared. Then she was clawed again, blood flying through the air. Killer's tail whacked her face, and her head turned, blood spraying from her mouth.

"You'll die!" I growled. "Let us help!"

"Just get out of here and stay alive!" Rexy growled. Suddenly, she fell with a mighty roar as Killer kicked her. His jaws grabbed her arm, and a painful crack sounded. She roared in agony, her feet coming up to kick Killer in his stomach. She drew bloody gashes in the white scales.

I winced. Killer would kill her, and she knew it. And I knew it too. I couldn't watch. If Rexy wanted us to run, then I'd respect her wish. Without words, I turned and ran away from the fight, from the fire. 

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