Chapter 55

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Ebony's POV:

The moon hung in the sky, and a few stars twinkled here and there. The lights in the parking lot buzzed, and bugs flew around them, as if the dim yellow was their food source. So it's time. After all this time, I can finally see her again. I breathed deeply, feeling a cough trying to shake my body. Don't look weak, Ebony. The doors to the hospital opened, and I was hit with a cool air. Smells surrounded me, as if tempting me to come inside. The smells of sickness and blood, medicine, and many humans that walked the halls of the dull building. 

"Let's go," Wu said. He headed inside, the lights reflecting off his glasses and the sweat pouring down his face. 

My claws clicked on the floor, and as I glanced down I could feel a headache coming on from the great reflectiveness hitting my eyes. I glanced at Feather, who looked more curious than worried. 

"So, you really think she'll be here?" Feather asked, flicking his tail.

"Of course," I replied, feeling weird as I saw a few humans glance at me.

"And what do we do when you reunite with her? That still doesn't stop Killer from existing," Feather said matter-of-factly.

"I know. But it helps me know that she's at least safe," I mumbled, lowering my head. He's right. What will we do? We're both too weak to bring down Killer. Should we give up? Just toss in the meat and be done with it? I don't think so. 

Wu slowed down his pace. "Did you know that a dinosaur hospital exists?" He asked, glancing at me and Feather.

We both shook our heads. A dinosaur hospital? How does that work? 

"Ebony, you should go there. They can treat your breathing problems!" Feather said. "Don't you want that? You'll feel better," he remarked, his tail flicking from side-to-side.

"Maybe," I mumbled. I turned my head. Wu was standing still, staring at some humans that were getting onto an elevator. He brought his hand to his chin and glanced down at me. "Well, you're too big to fit in there. Let's take the stairs." 

I followed Wu as he made a sharp turn. There was a dark green door, and Wu pushed it open. Another cold breeze hit my scales, making me slightly flinch. What's up with the cold air in this place? I glanced up at the rows and rows of stairs. Great. I walked up them, with Feather a little ways behind me. My tail dragged along the stairs, and I debated whether or not to lift it. 

After walking for a few minutes, Wu glanced at a number on the wall next to the door. He blinked, then pushed open the door.  A long hallway yawned in front of us. Wu began walking quickly, the ends of his white coat fluttering. 

I glanced back at Feather, my heart pounding. We're getting closer. I sprinted after Wu, my breath shaky. The man turned right and knocked on the white door. A few seconds passed, and it opened. A man with a white coat similar to Wu's coat greeted him. 

"Hello! You must be Henry Wu," the doctor prompted. He leaned out of the door way and stared at me. "And you must be Ebony. Chloe has talked all about you. Come on in."

She still remembers me? My eyes stung, as if tears wanted to come out. I couldn't hold back the smile forming on my face. Of course she remembers you, idiot, my brain echoed. I pushed past the doctor in the doorway, and there on a weird-looking bed, was.. her. 

Chloe was sitting up. She saw me, and opened her mouth. "Ebony!" She cried. 

I ran over to her and leaned over the bed, my scaled arms wrapping around her frail body. Her face buried into my neck, and I could hear her sobbing uncontrollably. "You came back! I knew you would! I never gave up!" She whined, wrapping her arms tight around me.

I made a soft clicking sound. This is where I belong. Here, with her. After all this time... As I pulled away, she cupped my face with her hands. Her cheeks were wet with tears, and she smiled softly. "I've missed you. You've grown so big..."

The smile on my face grew bigger. I glanced down and saw that her leg was wrapped in bandages. I leaned forward and sniffed. 

"Don't worry about that. I got injured, but it's healing now," Chloe said. 

Wu stepped into the room, with Feather trailing slowly behind him. He gave me that 'so this is her' look. I lifted my head and looked at Chloe again. I still couldn't believe this was happening. I jabbed myself in the arm with my claw, making sure this wasn't a dream. 

Chloe suddenly hugged me again. "Argh! I can't believe this is happening!" She gasped. She traced her hands gently over my black scales. "You've gotten some scars, I see. I bet it's from that nasty beast!"

I nodded, my tail-tip flicking. He's the one who hurt her. I'll make sure he pays.

"And who is that? Did you make friends, Ebony?" Chloe prompted, glancing uneasily at Feather. "What's his name?"

I casually walked over to Feather, stuck my claws into him, then plucked out a feather. "Ow! What was that for, you dopey lizard?!" He hissed. I walked back to Chloe and held the soft brown feather in front of her.

"His name is Feather?" She asked. "Suits him well," she giggled.

Feather lashed his tail. 

"Chloe," the doctor said. "You need lots of rest. Your wound will heal better."

"I know," she muttered. She pulled the covers over her. "Can Ebony sleep on the bed with me?" She asked. 

The quills on my neck twitched. Hey, I'm not so small anymore. 

"Sorry, no. He can sleep on the floor next to your bed," the doctor said. He yawned. "My shift ends soon. In the morning, you'll see a different doctor."

"Ok," Chloe said. She laid down on the edge of the bed so her arm could dangle off. Her fingers brushed my scales. "You're tired too, aren't you Ebony? Sleep too."

I was tired. After being in so many fights and having death chase me everywhere I went, I could finally sleep peacefully without worrying. I curled up on the floor, my chin resting on my talons. 

"Where do I go?" Wu asked.

"Well, you're not a patient, so you can't just sleep here. Go home," the doctor said. He glanced down at Feather. "And... I don't know what to do with you. I guess you can either go with Wu or sleep on the floor."

Feather glanced at Wu, then at the floor. He shook his head, then curled up on the floor next to the wall.

"Ok then," the doctor said slowly. "Let's go," he told Wu. The two adults walked from the room. As the door shut, a silence settled over the room. I could hear Chloe's soft breathing. It was almost nostalgic, sleeping next to her again like we'd done years ago. And no one can snatch me away again, like when I was small.

I closed my eyes, exhaling deeply. And maybe we don't have to worry about Killer. Or do we? 

1214 words

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