Chapter 6

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There seemed to be a slight smile on his face. Must of been dreaming of something good I guess. I fell asleep again.

Ebony's POV:

I woke up, seeing that the girl was still asleep. I got out from under her arm and silently scrabbled off the bed. I felt my tail slide off the bed, and it hit the floor with a thud. I heard rain hitting the window and peeled back the curtains. Moonlight pooled in the room and the girl was soaked in shimmering light. I stared outside with interest, seeing the stars twinkle. That's when I looked down, seeing homes lining patches of grass, cutting off the great view. Why did people have to ruin nature. I sensed a stupid future for some reason. There would be a lot more people, new homes would get added and there would no longer be trees or any beautiful landscape at all. I shook the thoughts from my head. I continued watching outside, seeing a person walking down the street with a dog by them. They were soaked in moonlight, they seemed like they glowed. The street was soaked in moonlight as well as the roofs of the homes. Shadows engulfed the grass, though. I calmed my breathing. The night sky was so calm and so beautiful. I pulled the curtains in their regular places and stood on two legs, making my way to the door.

Time Skip:

I was sitting on the fence of the backyard, feeling the wind push against my skin. The rain pattered the grass and my rough skin. I closed my eyes. Boy was it good to be outside. I opened my eyes and growled slightly. I wasn't being held in captivity, I was being cared for. I honestly didn't want to leave this home. It was unsafe outside. There were obviously still people looking for me, and I knew they'd torture me once they found me. What if they caught me? I know this girl wouldn't just let those jerks take me! I obviously felt safe around her and protected her like she protected me. All of a sudden, I heard a loud cry. I stood up, alerted.

Someone in the yard beside this house pointed at me, screaming. They ran inside.

Oh no, I thought. I scrabbled off the fence and raced back inside the home. I'd be safe in here, right?! I closed the door and scrabbled back to the bedroom. The girl was awake. I saw the look of fear on her face, then happiness when she saw me. I chirped happiness, yet fear surged through me. I jumped on the bed and licked her face once.

"What was that scream?!" She asked. She got out of bed and walked into the hallway, noticing the backdoor being unlocked.

I didn't know if she'd be mad at me for not locking it back.

Time Skip:

A loud knock was heard on the door. "Open up! We know you have the Indoraptor!" I heard a guy growl.

I growled slightly. Would those people hurt her?

The girl looked at me, fearing swarming her eyes. "Go hide...." She cut off. There wasn't time for hiding, nor would she get away with it. I walked by her side, my back arched. My claws clicked the floor in anger.

The girl opened the door.

Three guys with what looked like armor was on them. They had sticks with sparks sorta coming from them every now and then.

"Please don't take him! I raised him from the egg! He's been so helpful!! He's-"

"Shut up! You lied, you said you haven't seen the egg or the creature itself. Now your stating it yourself. You've raised it from the egg! A neighbor called. They said they saw it on the fence in your yard!" The guy interupted her.

Tears actually streamed down her face. "I know I lied! I'm sorry! I didn't want you to hurt the indoraptor!" She screamed.

"Hm, well you've got a heart," The guys laughed.

I growled and leaped on them, but the guy poked my stomach with the stick. I howled in pain and fell back, then the girl tried to catch me, but I fell into the guy's arms. They poked me with the electrical sticks. It was painful. They then turned with me in their arms and ran to their car.


I clawed at the guys, but it was no use. I growled and roared but they poked me even more. Then they threw me in a cage. My head hit the metal hard and everything went black.

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