Chapter 56

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Ebony's POV:

I woke up, my scales feeling warm. I opened my eyes, and sunlight instantly flickered into them. I lifted my talons, shielding my face from the bright golden light. 

"Good morning," Chloe said. "You seemed so tired... I didn't want to wake you," she sighed. She had a tray of food across her bed, but it already looked eaten. She took a piece of toast from the tray and scooped the last bit of her eggs on it. She handed it to me. "Here. I thought you'd be hungry."

As I gently took the food from her hand, Feather flashed me a 'don't I get anything?' look. After eating the toast and eggs, I still felt hungry. 

"Sorry your friend doesn't get any. I bet he's hungry too," Chloe sighed. "I don't know him too well. He'd probably bite me."

I got up and walked gingerly to the window. The helicopter we'd rode in was still down there. Sunlight glinted off of its blades. The sun was fairly high in the blue sky, and clouds were spread across in odd-looking streaks, like a giant dinosaur had tried painting them in and had failed miserably.

Feather was beside me suddenly. "Well, you've found her now. What's your goal now?"

I inhaled sharply. "I want to relax. I just want peace."

"Killer is still out there, you know. You won't be safe," Feather said in a grim tone. He flicked his tail towards Chloe. "And she won't be safe either."

"Then we'll go someone else. Across the ocean!" I spat, my tail flicking back-and-forth. "And you can join us too. If you want..."

"Ebony.." Feather muttered, lowering his head. 

Before I could answer him, a cough took over. I clutched my chest, my eyes stinging. Is it getting worse? My lungs felt tight.

"Ebony!" Chloe gasped. She quickly pulled herself out of the covers and tried to leap out of her bed, but when she landed, she winced hard. She limped over. "What's wrong? Are you choking?"

I shook my head, the cough still coming. I could hardly catch my breath. When I thought it'd never end, the cough began to fade. I looked up, seeing concern and sadness on Chloe's face, while Feather just looked as though he was used to this.

Feather turned and looked at the door, which suddenly opened. A doctor came in, looking concerned. "Chloe! You aren't supposed to get up without us in the room! What are you doing?" He asked, rushing over. He helped Chloe to her feet.

"Ebony was coughing! It sounded so awful," Chloe said, tears in her eyes. 

"Is your leg ok?" The doctor asked.

"It kind of hurt when I jumped out of bed," Chloe answered, swiping at her eyes.

"Chloe! You know better!" The doctor scolded. He led her back to the bed. Another doctor came in and took the food tray away, and the concerned doctor helped Chloe get into bed. He unwrapped her cast, checking to see if the wound reopened. He wrapped it again, and after a few moments he left the room.

Suddenly, Wu stepped in the room. "I heard what happened. Chloe, you said Ebony was coughing?" He asked. He had a clipboard in his hands.

"Yes! It sounded like he couldn't catch his breath," Chloe said. "Please check on him."

I stepped away from Wu, realizing I still wasn't comfortable with his presence. He crouched down. "Are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded, hoping he'd leave me alone. Just think of it as a normal cough. 

"Hmm," Wu sighed. He glanced around the room, then got up and walked towards a small table in the corner. He snatched a box of crayons and walked back towards me. Wu pushed the box toward me and opened it, then pulled a piece of paper from his clipboard. "Could you try and.... use this paper? Maybe draw or write why you're coughing?" He asked. When I hadn't moved, he leaned closer. "I just want to know. Maybe we can take you somewhere and help you."

I carefully grabbed a red crayon, then picked an orange one. I pulled the paper closer to me, and awkwardly held the crayons between my talons. I tried to draw fire, or what looked like fire. It just looked like red and orange lines stringed together. I then took a gray crayon and drew smoke. I held the paper and shoved it in front of him, scoffing. 

Wu took the paper from my claws and examined it. "Fire... and smoke. You breathed in smoke?" He asked, and I nodded. "And too much of it, I assume. So you've got asthma. Well, it's not really something that can be fixed, but I know a place that can help you. Let me take you there, Ebony."

I narrowed my eyes at him. Even though he'd apologized last night, it didn't really mean anything to me. How was I supposed to know he'd take me somewhere helpful? He could take me back to the lab, and I could be an experiment again. 

"Ebony, please go. I don't like seeing you suffer. If it's asthma you have, then you really need help with it," Chloe said, glancing at me.

I looked at her. Well.. if she trusts him, then maybe so should I. I looked up at the man, then nodded. 

877 words. Sorry its so short, but I just wanted to get this one out. 

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