Chapter 46

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-Dr. Henry Wu's lab-

"Let me test how good you are against..." Dr. Wu trailed off, seeming to have run out of ideas for his new hybrid to fight.

The green spiked creature crouched low, it's golden eyes fixed on a blade of grass.

"I can add more to you, Union, if you'd like?" The doctor prompted. He had recently named the Stegarnozin 'Union', which was supposed to symbolize the hybrid's combination.

Union glared at the doctor, making a clicking sound.

"You don't want anything added to you?" Wu asked, scratching his neck.

The large green hybrid shook its head. It walked over the the man, almost looking graceful as it stride across the grass, the sunlight soaking into its scales. The creature lowered its head, allowing Wu to stroke its chin. It made a low purring sound.

"Once you're ready, that Indoraptor won't even know what hit him," Wu sighed. He put his hand on his forehead. "Yes, killing the others will be hard, but it should be easy for you. Using your claws, teeth, and tail, they'll all fall," he muttered.

Ebony's POV:

We had been traveling for three days. We were away from Killer and Cilo, quite far away actually. But it had grown boring. I just wanted to find that girl, but I knew it wouldn't be easy. I had no idea where she was, and its not like I could ask someone. Feather kept telling me to forget about her, but I couldn't let go. I knew that she missed me, but I wondered if she was looking for me, like I was for her.

"Ebony, I'm hungry," Feather whined.

"Well, too bad. We have to keep going," I sighed. "Just eat a bug or something as a snack."

"But they're nasty!" Feather hissed, curling his lip in disgust. "Can we at least rest?" He questioned, tilting his head.

"We always rest at sunset," I reminded him. "Remember, we have to cover as much ground as possible."

Feather seemed as though he would sigh, but he just turned and scrambled up a tree, making bark rain down on the grass.

I kept walking ahead, and soon he returned back to me, gobbling down a squirrel. 

We were walking in silence for a few moments, but Feather turned his head towards me. "Uh.. do you remember Fear?" He asked. 

"Of course I do," I mumbled. Why is he bringing that up? I turned my gaze away. "Fear is dead. Just.. don't bring him up anymore."

"Did.. did you bury his body?" Feather asked. "And.. what about revenge on those raptors?"

"Most of them are gone," I replied. "And.. yes, I did bury him. What makes you think I didn't?" I questioned.

"I just wondered. He died so suddenly, right when you had fallen off the cliff. We thought you had died," Feather sighed. He gazed up at the blue sky, watching the gray clouds. "You know... I'm thinking about everything we've been through. So much has happened. We've been close to dying, and we've witnessed so much death. We've fought a bunch of times, and most of those times, you were badly injured."

"Yeah, I guess you could say we're quite unlucky," I laughed. "Like.. everyone wants us dead. And somehow we've avoided death so many times."

"And those murderous monsters won't leave us alone," Feather sighed. "I wonder.. what is it gonna take for them to not kill us?" He questioned. "And going to that girl isn't gonna instantly make them go away."

"You're right, but I still wanna find her. Think about it.. imagine having a good friend and then you're suddenly separated from them. You would wanna find them again, right? You can understand how I feel, right?" I suggested.

"But being friends with a human doesn't feel right," Feather sighed.

"Hey, I know how you feel. But not all of them are bad," I insisted. "Maybe when you meet her, you'll change your opinion?" I prompted, glancing at him.

"I don't know... I just saw them as.. some bearded man commanding raptors to do stuff for them," Feather sighed. 

"Ah yes, him," I grunted.

There was a few more seconds of silence. We could only hear birds chirping, and sometimes a call from a dinosaur far off. This kind of silence felt nice. At least there wasn't fire or Killer's booming footsteps. But as I was relishing in peace, my chest seemed to tighten, and my air was cut off by a wheezing cough. 

Feather froze, looking at me with horror in his eyes. "Ebony!" He gasped.

I shook violently on the ground, my talons grasping my chest. It felt as though claws had crushed my lungs. Dots covered my vision, but soon my coughing fit passed and I could breathe again. I took in long gasps of air, my throat feeling numb from all the wheezing.

"Ebony, are you okay??" Feather asked, his tail brushing my arm.

"I'm fine.." I rasped. 

"Hey.. let's rest for a while, okay? It could do you some good," Feather said, leading me towards a tree. "It's going to rain soon, so we should be under a tree anyways."

"I told you we don't rest until sunset," I sighed.

"No, you're not doing good right now. You need to rest. Who cares about covering ground, we always have tomorrow," Feather growled, pushing me to the ground.

I glared at him, but shook my head slowly. "You're.. right. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"I'll hunt for something that we can eat. Just rest please," Feather sighed, turning away.

I put my head down on my talons. No... this cough will kill me eventually. What am I gonna do? Can I find her in time? I can't just die to some stupid cough. But...

{939 words}

I have finally posted another chapter. Don't expect another chapter soon.

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