Chapter 32

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Ebony's POV:

I woke up, my body heating up with pain. It felt as though I had been impaled, and whatever had impaled me had been removed from my body in reverse. My breathing, which had been shallow and ragged, finally returned to normal. A weight was lifted from my chest, and I felt relief. 

My eyes blinked open to a hazy vision. Everything under me felt wet and sticky, and the grass was flattened. My eyes cleared and I took in my surroundings. Feather was leaning other my body, sniffling loudly. He was bleeding badly, blood staining the grass under him. I opened my jaws, a small croak escaping instantly. Feather's head snapped toward me, his four eyes widening. 

"Ebony!" Feather cried out. "Y-you're alive!" There was a hint of disbelief in his shivering voice. "H-how?"

Suddenly, my stomach hurled. I stood up instantly, wobbling, as I threw up blood. The blood was dark -a bit too dark -as it came from my mouth like a waterful. The grass changed into a scarlet-color, each blade staining with the disgusting color. After a while, the blood stopped streaming from my mouth. It trickled down my chin, shimmering. I sat up, my claws touching my head. "What...."

Feather glanced up at me. "I-I thought you were dead," he whined, his eyes clouding with grief.

I glanced down at Feather. "I..." My head felt like a beehive with all my thoughts buzzing around in it. 

I stood up, grabbing the grass with my blood-stained claws. "R-ripper is gone because of me!" I yowled, whimpering. 

"Ripper? Who is that?" Feather asked, tilting his head. "And how did you come back?! You were dead!" 

"I..." My words trailed off. I was speechless. What could I say? I turned to Feather. "N-no, I wasn't dead! I fell unconscious."

Feather blinked at me. "But..."

"Just... lets forget that this happened, ok?" I hurriedly walked forward, heading away from the trees. My gut told me I was heading the right way. Getting to that girl was all that mattered, right? I curled my lip. Or maybe dying is more wishful... 

Feather caught up with me, his tail streaming out behind him. "Are you hiding something from me?" He growled.

"Nothing," I stated smoothly. I slowed my pace as hunger came over me. What was this? My stomach hurt, and I was so hungry and thirsty. I slowed down completely, narrowing my eyes. My breathing still felt ragged and I was very tired. 

"Who is Ripper?" Feather's question dropped on me like a heavy stone.

I held back the answer, which was hard; kind of like trying to resist an itch. I bared my teeth, growling. I looked at Feather, forcing my jaws to open. "He's... an Indoraptor like me," I whispered to Feather, although it felt like I was whispering it to myself. 

"W-wait," Feather gasped, stopping dead in his tracks.

I stopped too, my heart pounding as I felt the ground shake beneath me. I heard stomps, like a heavy animal was coming our way. There was no vegetation to hide in. I hoped Killer wasn't coming.

A heavy snout poked from behind the line of trees. A Tyrannosaurus-Rex! It walked slowly, its weight sinking into every step it took. It was female, and had long scars running down her neck. Her tail swished behind her as she walked, and she seemed to be old. 

I could feel my belly growling. An old opponent would be easy. I went into a stalking position; she couldn't see us yet.

"What are you doing?" Feather whispered. 

"We will kill her and then feast," I clicked silently, licking my jaws. 

"Seriously?! You're picking a T-rex to hunt? What, you think because she's old she's easy to kill?" Feather growled. "I'm not losing you again. There's easier prey."

I glared at him, then realized he was right. My eyes burned. If I died, there was no Ripper to bring me back. I lifted my head, tasting the air, trying to see if any other dinosaurs were around. They were pretty rare.

Suddenly, thats when I noticed a baby T-rex follow behind its mother. It hurried to keep up at her side. It was a redish-clay color, with a light brown-yellow underbelly. It was actually cute. Another baby T-rex followed, colored more like its mother, except with a light tone on its underbelly.

(Btw these are Rexy/Rexie's babies. Her mate was the T-rex that Killer killed in another chapter)

Feather glanced at the family, a smile curling on his lips. 

Now I regretted the thought of killing the old T-rex even more. I glanced down at my claws, digging them into the dirt. 

Ok, this chapter was a bit shorter than my usual chapters, but this is all I can post for now. I decided that I would post the chapter now before my fam went to vet to pick up Socks.

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