Chapter 24

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--Ebony's POV--

I roared in pain as jaws clamped on my spine. Teeth sunk into my back and underbelly. The attack surprised me. I didn't expect for those trees to fade into a white hybrid dinosaur.

"Stop!" Feather screeched. Cilo dragged him down by the throat and held him down with his foot, his tail lashing.

I lashed out blindly as I was lifted into the air, my screeches of pain echoing around for no one to even hear. I was shook in the hybrid's jaws and was flung far, my body crashing down onto the ground. Before I could even get to my feet, teeth sunk into my tail and I was lifted by it. Hanging in the air, I wriggled in the jaws of the white beast and tried to escape. Blood trickled down my sides and I roared in annoyance.

The hybrid swung me around in a circle, and everything around me blurred into a green, brown, and black. My tail was let go of, and I flew through the air, my body crashing into a tree. Dizzy, I found that I couldn't stand up. Still hanging onto a branch of a tree, my body dangling, I was able to climb up and rest in the crook of the tree. Looking up and panting, I saw the hybrid running towards me, its jaws opened wide, perhaps ready to grab my head in its jaws to crack my skull like a nut in the jaws of a squirrel.

I scrambled out of the tree just as the hybrid crashed into it, its jaws clamping around the thick branch of the tree. I jumped down and raced towards Cilo and Feather, who were fighting viciously.

Feather roared and reared back, dodging a lash from Cilo. He rushed forward and rammed his head against Cilo's stomach, grief in his eyes as he pinned him down. He lifted his arm, ready to bring it down to slash Cilo's throat.

Cilo glared at him, his eyes shimmering in disgust. "Well, what are you waiting for? Kill me!" He roared, glaring up at Feather.

Feather brought his arm down, looking as if he was about to cry. "I-I can't do it," he cried, grief cracking his voice.

Cilo then shoved Feather back with a swift kick of his hind legs. Now he had the upper hand. He leaped on Feather, knocking him down with a blow to his face and tearing a clump of feathers from him. He pinned him easily. "Say goodbye, weakling!" He roared.

"Never!" I roared, rushing up to Cilo. He turned to me, surprise in his eyes. I grabbed him by the throat and threw him down, dragging him off Feather. "What is wrong with you?" I hissed, glaring at him. 

"What is wrong with you? You abandoned your sibling when he needed you most! You left him to die!" Cilo growled, lashing his tail. Moonlight shimmered on his pale scales.

"What are you talking about? Did my sibling actually tell you that? Well, then that's not true. I was raised away from him. My egg was the one that flew from the truck, and a girl took care of me. But I was soon found. I never even knew I had a sibling until... Ripper told me," I growled, glaring at Cilo. "So I don't know what kind of lies my sibling has been feeding you!" 

"Or maybe Ripper was lying to you," Cilo growled. He looked up. "But Killer is better. He is stronger than you, and is the completed creation."

Suddenly, teeth sunk into my neck, and I was lifted into the sky. I struggled in the grip of the jaws clamping down on me. My tail lashed back and forth.

"Fear, is he had grown, would've been similar to this hybrid. He would've been just as big, just as deadly..." Cilo sighed. "But he was weak, and weak people standing in my way are taken down. Unfortunately, Blue took him down before I could."

"You're sick! Why are you acting like this suddenly?" I growled, baring my fangs.

"Because I've realized how weak you are. You took us in because you were soft enough too. Any other dinosaur would've eaten those eggs. And then you keep talking about this girl who you'd like to get back to. Any dinosaur would've forgotten them by now," Cilo snapped, shifting his body. "Killer turned against the humans since they wouldn't release him early enough. He wanted to kill his sibling. And now look where we are." 

I glared at Cilo, but I knew he wasn't afraid of me. Turning around in the jaws of Killer, I was able to sneak a forepaw into his mouth. I then dug my talons into to his slimy tongue and ripped through.

Killer roared in pain and dropped me from his jaws. "You little brat!" He growled, blood dripping from his mouth. He lashed his tail and ran after me, but being bigger and heavier, he was no match for my speed, even if he had raptor dna. 

"Feather, come on, we have to get out of here!" I screeched. I grabbed him by the neck, careful not to apply pressure. I ran faster and faster, racing up the hill, heading towards new land. 

Killer chased after me, Cilo dashing at his side. His booming roars of anger and annoyance echoed in the night sky. 

Heart pounding, I ran faster, heading for the cover of the trees. My claws stirred up grass in my running spree, but I didn't care. All I needed to do was run. 

I was slowing, my body tired from running so much. I didn't know how long I ran, but I hopped Killer and Cilo weren't still following me. I had stopped by a small stream for shelter since there was an abandoned badger den then. I had also gone back a few steps to cover up my scent trail with some strong-smelling flowers. Killer, even with a high range of smell, surely wouldn't be able to smell me. 

"E-ebony," Feather grumbled in pain. The Avinychus had been injured by Cilo; bitemarks on his throat that oozed blood, a clump of feathers missing from his cheek, and a bitemark on his ankle. Thank god Cilo was young, otherwise the wounds could have been more severe, or even fatal. "Why has Cilo turned against us?" 

I glanced at him, my heart shattering as I heard his trembling and grief-stricken voice. I remembered his voice being so energetic and cute, but now, he was fearful and heartbroken. "I-I...." my voice trailed off. "Don't worry, he'll snap out of it soon and realize he's wrong." I had to lie. I didn't want to tell Feather that Cilo said we were weak, and I didn't want to tell him that Cilo said that Fear was weak. Feather and Fear were close, and I didn't want to bring Fear up around him. "Let's just get some sleep."

Feather than lay his head on the ground, his sides falling and rising as he breathed. I curled around his feathered body and lay my head down, closing my eyes. My thoughts whirled, forcing me to stay awake as they fought to stay in my mind. I pushed them away easily, but one thought remained: Will I be dead in the morning

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