Chapter 29

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Feather's POV:

I waited for the pain to come, and time slowed down as I did. But.. I never felt pain. Opening one eye, I saw Killer still over me. His foot removed from my head, and went back to its original place on the ground.

"Good. You shouldn't kill him. Let him bleed to death," Cilo growled to Killer. He walked slowly past his friend. "You like suffering, right?"

A smile roughly curled on Killer's lips. "Yes," he growled, flicking his tail. And with that being his last word, Killer and Cilo wondered into the forest, leaving me and Ebony behind.

Scrambling to my feet, I rushed over to Ebony, my thoughts racing. "Ebony!" I screamed, my tail lashing. Eyes wide, I could smell a whole lot of blood. Looking, down I saw that I was standing in a puddle of dark blood. I hadn't even realized all this blood was here. Crouching down, I glanced down at Ebony's belly. I almost gagged. 

Cringing, I saw that something white was jutting through Ebony's belly. His rib had poked his flesh, possibly even impaling his lungs. I could feel my eyes burning with tears. Why did I want to believe he was alive? I dug my claws into Ebony's skin in frustration. Curling back my lips, I looked at Ebony's face. Blood was leaking from his jaws like a tiny stream trickling through small rocks. His bloody teeth stood out to me, and glancing further down his body, I saw a bite mark on his tail.

"Ebony!" I whimpered. "Please, if you can hear me, come back...!" I cried out, digging my head into his neck. 

Ebony's POV:

I blinked open my eyes. Darkness was surrounding me like air. I blinked and breathed hard, then sat back on my haunches. I looked down and saw my stomach. It was fine now. I wasn't covered in blood, and my breathing was fine. Where was I though? 

Something came to my mind, though. Feather! I clawed at the black ground, and closed my eyes tightly. Feather is dead.. no... I couldn't even save him! "Let me go back!" I screeched into the blackness without opening my eyes. The only response I got was my echo. Opening my eyes, I was no longer in blackness, but more likely in somewhat of a mansion. 

Claws clicking on the wooden floor, and tail dragging, I walked around, searching the halls. I could hear rain slapping against the roof, and I heard what sounded like another Indoraptor roaring. It sounded muffled and distant, and I decided I'd follow wherever the sound was. 

Walking through a hall, I came into a large room. It had dinosaur skeletons on display, and I noticed one in the middle of the room: a large skull belonging to some sort of Triceratops. Its long horns pointed up dangerously into the air.

Looking up, my heart seemed to stop as I saw an Indoraptor hanging from the ceiling, which was made of glass. He was hanging onto a metal bar, his tail dangling below him. He panted with harsh breaths, then placed his hind claws onto the metal bar, slowly climbing back up onto the roof. Ripper? 

The Indoraptor was up on the metal bar, his lips curled back in a snarl as rain pelted down on his scaly skin. He growled, looking at something that was on the roof in front of him. Lashing his tail, he narrowed his eyes with pure hatred.

My heart pounded. This was Ripper. Was I seeing how he died? I glanced up at Ripper again, my claws digging into the floor. 

Sudddenly, something screeched behind Ripper. My heart leaped into my throat, and I leaned back to try and see what it was. I couldn't see it, but my gut hung heavy, trying to tell me that I was hearing a familiar voice. Ripper turned his head and roared in surprise and disbelief. I heard a thud as two bodies collided together, and I blinked in terror as the metal bar screeched as it bent under the weight of Ripper and... Blue! 

Blue, I thought. I curled my lips back, growling. I wanted to leap on that stupid raptor, but I was as frozen as stone. I watched as Blue and Ripper twisted through the air in a quick motion, and then Blue was on tip. 

The tips of the Trike horns pierced his flesh easily with a terrible blood sound, and with the weight of the impact, the horns went all the way through Ripper's body, slicing through flesh, bone, and muscle. I almost gagged as Ripper convulsed on the horns, blood spilling from his jaws, his terror-filled screams echoing around the room. Suddenly, he grew more and more tired, and his head hung, his eyes dulling and closing. His tail went still and dangled lifelessly, and his limbs twitched one last time before he was completely still.

I watched still, my eyes locking onto Blue. She roared with triumph, her eyes wide. I ran forward, my claws extended, and let out an angry roar. 

Blue jumped off Ripper's body, not even noticing me. She ran right towards me, and I prepared myself for the impact. Roaring, I leaped, landing on.... What?! I went right through Blue, my claws scraping the wet floor. Pulling back my lips, I roared in anger and whipped around, lashing out at Blue as she stood there, roaring another triumphant roar. Is this just a game to you, Blue? Shut up! I leaped on her again, trying to tear at her skin, but it was no use. I went through her body, almost as though she were a ghost or hologram. Then a thought came to my mind and my heart raced. My eyes widened. No... no... Am I the ghost? I looked around frantically, looking down at my limbs. They were starting to get blurry and fuzzy for some reason. What's happening?!

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