19. Changes that it cause

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Jihoon POV

I returned to my locker after changing. I looked to my left and saw Yedam talking with Lou. When did they become so close? I jogged to Yedam after Lou had left him after I finished fixing my locker. I put my arm on his shoulder and put my entire weight on him.

"Yah, what's that?" I asked.

"What's what? Can you let go Hyung? It's heavy." Yedam said, attempting to lift my arm but failing.

"When did you become close with Lou?" I asked.

"I-I don't know," he replied, "but since I always help her with anything Korean, which means everything, we became friends."

"Ooh. Friends, huh?" I teased, making a suspicious facial expression.

"Y-yeah why?" He asked.

"Then, why are you stuttering?" I joked.

"Because of your heavy arm." he grumbled.

"You mean I'm heavy?!" I exclaimed, and he slipped free from my grip.

"Yeah, you're a pig!" he teased, laughing as he ran away.

"What? Come here!" I exclaimed as I began chasing him.

We all collapsed on the floor and started lining up for the water dispenser. We just finished a set of practice. We've been busy preparing for the battle next week.
The trainers treated us more special than they usually do. They checked up on us more and made time to help us. I guess this is really a big deal for the company. We are all feeling that pressure.
"Hyung, Bang Chan is your friend right?" Seunghun asked Woong.
"Yeah." Woong answered.
"Oh really?! How?" I asked.
"When I'm a trainee in JYP, I trained with him. He's already there before I join JYP. I'm glad he's going to debut soon." Woong answered as he smiles when remembering the past with his friends.
"How do you feel battling up against him?" Serim asked.
"Well, actually. Ever since we're both young, he can't defeat me in anything. So, we're friends but this is a battle with the company's pride. We have to set aside that." He answered.
"Oooh, you're acting cool right now Hyung." Raesung teased.
"Of course, because probably it's a lie." I played along.
"What?" Woong rushes towards me and jokingly did a ji Jiutsu to me.
We're all just laughing when the door opened. We stopped what we're doing and looked at the door. It's Hyunsuk, Byounggon, and Junkyu while wearing their uniforms for Mixnine.
"Hyung!" Doyoung jogged towards Hyunsuk.
"How was the shooting?" Woong asked as we all walk towards them.
"It's pretty tiring but it's fun. There's a lot of trainees there." Hyunsuk answered.
"They're so cool. If you're just there to see them." Byounggon said.
"Their talent and visuals are no joke. I don't even know if I can compete with them." Junkyu said, sounding so tired.

"Yah, don't worry. You can do this!" As Seunghun put his arm on Junkyu's shoulder.

We all arrived at our dorm. We all went to our rooms to get changed. I was changing my clothes when Yedam came in.
"Yah, knock first." I nagged.
"What? We've been together for two years. It's not like we haven't seen each other naked." Yedam said in a rush.
"Y-Yah." I stuttered. How can he just spit it out like that?
"What?" He asked.
"Bro?" I asked as I raise my fist in front of him.
"Bro." He bumped his fist on mine then we laughed so hard. Someone knocked.
"Yedam! Jihoon! Come outside after you get change. Help us cook." Seunghun said and we both said yes.
We come out of our room and went to the kitchen. Doyoung and Seunghun are already cooking. We scan the area and the ingredients, trying to guess what they're making.
"You need help?" I asked.
"Can you chop those onions?" Seunghun said and I followed his command.
"What about me?" Yedam asked.
"Cut the veggies for the gimbap." Seunghun said.
"Why are we preparing so much anyway?" I asked while chopping the onions.
"Hyunsuk, Byounggon, and Junkyu will move to the hotel where the trainees of Mixnine will stay till the program ends." Seunghun answered while cooking.
"Tonight?!" Yedam exclaimed then he suddenly screamed.
"Hyung, why?" Doyoung asked.
"I cut my finger." Yedam answered.
"Yah yah clean it already." I said and Yedam left to treat his wound.
We gathered in the living room and we already placed all the food on the table. We sat in a circle and no one's talking until Hyunsuk started sobbing.
"Ayy Hyung. Why are you crying? We're just going to eat." Serim asked.
"I mean. You prepared this much for us." He said while sobbing.
"What? No, we didn't. We have so much food that we didn't get a chance to eat here." Serim joked.
"What?" Hyunsuk asked.
"Let's eat now." Seunghun announced and we all started eating.
"Yah, Hyung. Eat already. They're joking." Junkyu said while his mouth is full.
After we finished eating and doing the dishes. The three came out of their room with their suitcase. Suddenly, Seunghun is sobbing.
"Yah, we haven't said anything. You're already crying." Hyunsuk said.
"Coming from you." Raesung teased and we all just laughed.
Silence consumed us.
"So, I guess. Goodbye for now." Hyunsuk said.
"Hyung." Doyoung rushed towards Hyunsuk and hugged him. 
Hyunsuk and Doyoung are close even before I joined YG. I guess this is the first time they'll be apart.
"What about you guys? No hugs?" Hyunsuk asked.
We rushed towards them and did a group hug. Then, again Raesung didn't join us.
"Raesung!" Hyunsuk called.
"Aigoo, you're so clingy Hyung." Raesung said as he joins us.

Minji POV

Heekyung and I were lying on the living room floor, playing with each other's hair. Talking about funny things till two of our members joined us, Hyejin and Minyoung.

Suddenly, we heard our security pad is dialing. We stopped and peek at the door to look at who it is. And, surprise, Jimin is there.

She came to a halt in front of us and looked at us as if she was judging us.

"What are you doing here?" asked Heekyung.

"What are you talking about?" Jimin asked as he approached her room.

Heekyung stood up and followed her. We all rushed towards them because they might truly hurt each other.

"Eonnie, I'm talking to you. Why did you come back?" Heekyung asked as she stops on Jimin's door.

"Why? Should I just.. left?" Jimin asked.

"You have no reason to come back here" Heekyung stated.

"I have. I'm your leader and a promising trainee. Unlike somebody else. Who only relying on her wealth and visual." Jimin said, shifting her gaze to me.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"Why?" Jimin asked. "Do you feel offended by what I've said? Perhaps you're guilty."

The other members tried to console me by telling me not to believe her words. I brushed my hair because I'm hot from being pissed.

"Now, if you will excuse me. Get away from my room." Jimin said as she began organizing her belongings.

Heekyung and I returned to our rooms. We didn't say anything for a few seconds. Heekyung sat beside me on my bed and hugged me.

"She's going away soon. Don't worry okay? You have our support." Heekyung reassured. I grabbed her arm which is wrapped around me and caressed it.

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