32. Yellow note

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Minji POV

I got out of our room and yawned as I walk to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and I look for the chocolate with half-open eyes. Found it. I grabbed it and check if it was frozen or not.

"Good morning." I looked at the back and it was Heekyung walking in my direction with a messy hair.

"Goodmorning." I greeted back.

"Is there something we can eat? Oh! That chocolate. Did you buy one?" She asked and I hummed in response.

"It must be feel good to be rich." She stated as she grabbed one bottled water inside the fridge and drank it.

"Wait, are you going to eat that in the morning? Do you want to have diarrhoea?" She asked after she stopped drinking.

"No. I'm going to give it to someone." I replied as I put it back in the fridge.

"To whom? Park Jihoon?" She investigated and I choked a little at what she said.

"H-How do you know?" I questioned.

"You've been together in pictures a lot in your sns. It looks like you like him." She answered as she threw the bottle into the trash.

"N-No! We're just really close friends." I defended.

"So, what's with the chocolate?" She investigated as she leaned her back to the kitchen table.

"He asked me if can buy him one." I answered shyly because I know, I'm not supposed to just because he asked me.

"Wow, I didn't know he was that kind of guy." She assumed which I took it offensively.

"Yah, he's not like that. He doesn't like sweets but I want to give him one." I defended.

"Then, you like him." She insisted.

"Whatever, I'm just gonna cook." I said as I started taking out the ingredients from the fridge and putting them on the table.

"Yah, why so many? We can't eat this much." Heekyung asked while observing the ingredients on the table.

"I'm not just cooking for us, I'm gonna cook for my friends at school too." I responded.

"So, now you want to attract Park Jihoon by feeding him." She teased and I just glared back at her.

"Why did you sleep in here again? Aren't you scared about Jimin Eonnie?" She asked.

"My house is too far and I'm too tired to travel that far in the middle of the night. Plus, Jimin Eonnie kinda stopped bothering me anymore. It's been a week." I mentioned as I started cooking.

"Yah, that's weird. Aren't you feeling strange about it? I mean out of nowhere?" She asked in a whispery way.

"Good morning." Out of nowhere, Jimin entered the kitchen.

"G-Goodmorning." I greeted back.

"Heekyung?" Jimin asked for Heekyung's greet.

"I'll wash up first." Heekyung ignored her  as she passed Jimin.

"Yah! Buy some oil! We're out of cooking oil!" I yelled but she played deaf.

"I'll buy it." Jimin offered.

"No, Eonnie. It's okay." I refused her offer because I feel awkward.

"What do you mean? Who's going to buy it? You? You're cooking. Come on, it's okay." She insisted and went out.

"Yah, isn't that too much?" I asked.

Sanha brought a picnic cloth and laid it down on the grass in our school's field. The plan was only Haneul and Jihoon will eat my food but Haneul told the other two guys. I hope it fits all of us.

"Why? We must set the mood." Sanha proudly said.

"Let's just set up and eat." Haneul said.

We sat in a circle and I put the lunch boxes in the centre. They're all staring at them, I slowly open the lids one by one. They looked pretty to me.

"Yah, it looks good." Sanha complimented.

"Yeah, meat looks so moist and the kimchi smells so good." Jihoon added.

"Taste it before you start saying things." I said because I'm embarrassed.

"Thanks for the food!" We all said and I let them taste it first.

Silence consumed them as they chewed the meat. They're not making any sounds, all I heard was their chewing. That was nerve-wracking.

"How long did you steam this?" Bomin asked.

"10 minutes. Why?" I answered.

"Yah, that's why it's toug-" Sanha was about to talk, but Jihoon smacked Sanha's nape.

"It tastes good but it's just a little..." Jihoon said.

"A little?!" I exclaimed.

"Very slightly little... Tough." He continued.

"Yah, what do you mean?! It's ra-" Haneul cut off Sanha by shoving a piece of meat in his face while talking.

"I should help you cook next time." Haneul offered while smiling.

I don't know if they like it or not. I ate one myself and it's alright. It's perfectly cooked. What Jihoon is talking about?

"Yah, slow down. You might lose your teeth grinding that meat." Sanha said.

Minutes later, we finished eating and we were all just talking about what happened at the last monthly evaluation. While I was cleaning the lunch boxes, I remembered the chocolate that I'm going to give to Jihoon.

After I put back my lunch boxes, I grabbed the chocolate inside the paper bag. I was about to take it out but I saw the same chocolate box with a yellow sticky note on it behind Jihoon, beside his bag.

"Jihoon. You bought one?" I asked as I pointed at it.

Jihoon turned around to see what I'm pointing at "Oh, ahh. I'm going to give it to someone later." He answered.

I want to ask for who but I thought it was weird to ask for that much information. It's like digging into someone's private life. I let go of the chocolate and put the paper bag behind me.

I went to our dance studio after I changed my clothes. As I entered, they were all gathering in the corner. I walk towards them as I ponytail my hair.

"What's going on?" I asked Hyejin.

"Jimin bought us the expensive chocolate because we did great in the monthly evaluation." She answered enthusiastically.

I looked at the chocolate and it was the same chocolate that I bought.

"But, honestly. I think it's her way to say sorry to us." Hyejin whispered to me.

"Did you eat one?" I whispered back.

"I can eat it without forgiving her." She answered and I laughed.

I went closer to the box in front of Jimin.

"Oh, Minji. Eat one." Jimin offered as she continued talking with the other members.

I crouched down and waited for the others to finish taking some chocolates. I noticed the lid under the box. I lift the whole box and took the lid out.

I was just going to use it as a plate but I touched something under the lid. I flip it and there's a yellow sticky note. Wait, is it the same chocolate that I saw with Jihoon earlier?

"Oh, there's a sticky note?" Jimin noticed it.

She took the note and read it.

"You know what it means if I gave this to you." She read out loud.

She smiled and the other members who saw it teased Jimin for having a secret fan and for lying that she bought it.

But.. this is Jihoon's chocolate. Does it mean.. Jihoon likes Jimin? It doesn't make sense but Jimin and I are okay now. They must gotten closer and I didn't know anything about it.

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