53. You're not alone

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Song recommendation: Kim Donghyun - Some

Minji POV

The night after the incident, I cried all night and overthink things. I panicked and felt helpless about the situation. Either of the options I have, I'll end up in a very bad situation.

I looked at my phone and it was almost 4 am. I sighed because I'll probably look bad today due to lack of sleep. I tried to sleep for 2 hours but I couldn't. I keep on thinking about what should I do, everyone's life is depending on me. Minutes later, I fell asleep. It felt like 5 minutes since I fell asleep yet my alarm is already ringing.

I didn't have much appetite to eat some breakfast so I just went to school without any energy. I really don't feel like going to school today.

"Minji!" Someone called me.

Before I looked behind me, he was already beside me while smiling.

"Yah, why your eyes look like that? You look like you've been punched." Jihoon teased as he laughed.

"Stop, I'm not in the mood to play with you." I said as I kept my straight face.

"Yah, what's wrong?" He asked as his voice became serious.

I didn't answer him because I don't know what to answer him. Should I lie or tell him the truth? He went in front of me which made me stopped walking.

"Yah, something wrong? Tell me." He demanded.

"It's nothing." I answered as I walked past him.

"Yah, I won't stop bugging you till you tell me." He said while hugging my arm as he started whining like a kid. Cringy.

"Yah, stop." I said as I pulled my arm from him.

"Why? Am I annoying you? Huh? Huh?" He asked. I'm getting irritated.

"Stop acting cute. I don't like Aegyo." I answered and started walking.

"That means you find me cute?" He asked which made me stop.

"Minji." He called.

"What now?" I turned around which made me regret it so fast.

Jihoon started singing the aegyo song. Oppaya. Students around us started looking at us, I face palmed as I slowly felt my blood was boiling.

"Yah, Jihoon. You look like someone who escaped from the mental hospital. I'll go now." I said and left him.

It's already the fourth period and I'm still struggling to stay awake. I hate math. Suddenly, my phone vibrated which made me woke up. I look at our teacher as I slowly took out my phone from the table.

"Minji." Jihoon texted.

"What now?" I replied.

"You're hot-headed today."

"What do you want? We're in class you know."

"Do you want to hang out later?"

"Later? I have training. I can't."

"We'll skip then."

"What? Jihoon, we can't."

"See you later." He replied.

"Yah!" I texted but he didn't reply after that.

Jihoon POV

I waited for Minji near the gate, I don't know where did I get the courage to skip training. I took my phone out and dialled Yedam's number.

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