31. Chocolate

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Jihoon POV

I'm walking towards the gate of our school as I dragged my feet to walk. My whole body is in pain and I feel so heavy. We've been practising restlessly again because today is the monthly evaluation.

I didn't meet Bomin and Sanha on the way because they went ahead before me. They literally didn't sleep because they finished around 4-5 am. So, they went to school literally after practice. I know this is insane but it is what we have to do in this competitive industry.

I entered our room and most of my classmates are sleeping. Some are reading and studying. As far as I know, all of us here are trainees. What a sight.

I drop my bag on the side of my desk. I was about to lay my head but my cheek hits something. Since my eyes are half-open, I didn't realize there was something on my table.

"What's this?" I asked as I grabbed the box and look around it.

"Jung Jimin from 3-1 gave that to you." Bomin said with his eyes close while leaning in his chair.

"Jung Jimin??" I'm shocked.

"Not literally she's the one who gave it to you. Minji gave it to Jung Jimin to give it to you." Bomin clarified.

"Minji? And Jung Jimin? Really?" I really responded because I can't believe what I just heard. Are they okay now? Is it because of what I did to Jung Jimin last time?

I unwrapped the cover and it was the expensive chocolate. Minji bought this for me? But this is expensive. I know she's rich but I also know that she doesn't want to spend so much on food.

If she can't buy herself expensive food, how can she buy one for me? Something's not right.

"Yah, isn't that the chocolate that is very famous and expensive?" Sanha suddenly spoke.

"Is that what Jung Jimin gave you? Wow, is she rich? Wait, you don't like sweets that much, right?" He asked while pointing at the box.

"I'll eat it instead!" He reached for the chocolate but I hesitated to let go. What if this is really from Minji? She'll be hurt if I gave it to someone just because I don't love sweets.

"Yah, why you won't let go? You wouldn't eat it anyway." He asked and he's still not stopping from pulling it.

"B-Because it's from Minji!" I answered in a high-pitched tone.

"Ahh, I see. I'm sorry. You're gonna keep it even though you don't like it? Just because Minji gave it to you? Okay, fine Love bird." He mentioned as he let go of the box. Later on, the teacher arrived and school started.

I got out of the building after I eat. I didn't see Minji and Haneul in the cafeteria. They didn't eat or even come to school today? Suddenly, I bumped into someone. It's Jung Jimin.

"I-I'm sorry." Jimin said in a very timid way.

"Jung Jimin." I called after she passed me.

She stopped walking and faced me. "Yeah?" She responded.

"Did you do something to Minji?" I asked because I find it weird that Minji told Jimin to give me the chocolate.

"N-No! I stopped... like you told me." She answered as her voice slowly became silent.

"Then, Minji did order you to give that to me." I murmured.

"Y-Yeah." She answered.

"I guess you're good now?" I asked as I hope that they were starting to make up.

"Of course!" She answered. A huge sigh came out of my mouth.

"I'm glad but remember, just because you're being good to Minji now. That doesn't mean I'll forget and forgive you." I warned and she didn't respond.

I was about to walk in the opposite way when Jimin called me.

"I hope we can be friends in the future." She stated.

I turned around but she was already far away. What was that? Does she want to be friends with me? After I threatened her?

I realized she was acting weird. It's not that I know her but I can really feel she's acting strange. She doesn't even make eye contact with me. I rubbed off that thought and continued walking to the bench.

Wow, what a surprise. It's not like I'm not expecting that she's not here.

"Yah, Minji! Haneul!" I called.

They looked at me as I jogged in their direction.

"Jihoon! What are you doing here?" Minji asked.

"I should be the one asking you that. Where have you been?" I asked as I sat beside her.

"Oh, Haneul cooked some food so we didn't eat in the cafeteria. Look." She said as she showed me the lunch box that Haneul made. It looks appetising.

"Can I have a taste?" I asked Haneul.

"Just one bite." Haneul approved.

I grabbed the wooden chopsticks and shove a piece of chicken in my mouth. It tastes more delicious than it looks!

"Yah, it's delicious!" I complimented.

"Told you. I'm a good cook." Haneul said in a cocky way.

"Whoo! Tornado is coming in Hanlim." I teased and we all laughed.

They started eating while they talked about how did Haneul become interested in cooking.

"Do you cook, Minji?" I asked.

"I cook but nobody said that it tastes good." Minji answered.

"You should cook for us then. Let's see." I said. I'm curious too and I also want to eat what Minji made.

"Speaking of food, do you know the chocolate that is trending right now? The expensive one." I asked Minji.

"Yeah, why?" She answered.

Should I ask her directly or not? If she answered that she didn't gave me any chocolate and I asked her directly, she'll get worried again about Jimin.

"Would you buy that for me?" I asked, regretting my words.

"Yah, I don't even buy 30$ worth of food that I really want to eat. How can I buy you a 100$ chocolate for you?" She mentioned.

"That's right. You wouldn't. I'm just wondering." I said so they would think I'm just joking.

"Yah, just because Minji is rich, you can ask her to buy you things." Haneul defended.

"I'm sorry. Won't happen again." I apologized.

"Do you like chocolates, Jihoon?" Minji asked me out of nowhere.

"No. It's not that I don't eat them, I can eat them but I prefer not to." I explained.

"So, what do you like?" She asked.

I stopped because what if I answer that question and tell her she was the one I like? Eww, the cringe.

"Homemade foods." I answered and smiled brightly.

They started talking to each other again about food. I was right, she wouldn't spend a penny on me. She can't even spend for herself. So, what's going on? What are you up to Jung Jimin? Friends with me? Pfft, friends my foot.

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