Chapter 39

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So I'm officially tired of winter. Also BIG NEWS! I finally got my permit!! Anyway news on this story. It's coming to a close soon and I'm honestly so happy that this book has reached over 1k reads and I would like to just thank my readers bc it honestly means the world to me. Also I noticed that people seemed to like liams pov better so I'm gonna do one more.


(Liams pov)

*two days after*

Glass covers the floor, tables and chairs are flipped over, and cloths, sheets, anything that was perfectly organized is completely out of place and thrown in different directions around the room. I couldn't stand it. I finally broke. This guilt that's hanging over my shoulders and leaving a bad taste in my mouth is killing me and tearing me apart.

After Logan left I punched all the mirrors and went on a rampage to get all my bottled up emotions out. It didn't exactly work. The thing is, I knew they'll find us. I knew about the chip the whole time in my phone which is why I also agreed to this. I just didn't think this would happen.

Getting up from my spot on the floor, I change from my dirty shirt into one that looked a little cleaner and slipped on a new pair of sweats. I slowly open the door to see if there was anyone out there and fortunately, there wasn't. I walked quickly down the hall and stood in front of the last door on the right. This is it.

I silently twist the knob and look in the dark room. The only light a lamp right next to her bed, illuminating her face. I slowly enter the room and close the door before making my way to her. She's been put into sweats and I long sleeve t shirt since I last saw her and was currently asleep. I gently run my fingers through her tangled hair. I know I have no right to touch her but I feel like I owe it to her to give her some sort of comfort, even when she's not awake.

"She's hasn't woken up for two days." A soft voice breaks the silence in the room and my head instantly snaps up. There stood a young looking teenage girl with blonde hair in a side braid and dark green eyes that quickly put Harry's face in my mind. I bet they all probably hate me. I honestly wouldn't blame them.

"What do you mean?" I whisper. She steps closer so she's standing on the opposite side of the bed, looking down at Alisa. Her little hands come out of her black skinny jean pockets to fiddle with Ally's hands and I instantly saw the connection she had toward her.

"I mean she hasn't opened her eyes since you did this to her." She sends a glare my way and my heart leaps in my chest with her words. "I honestly don't know if she will." She whispers. I go to say something but three loud bangs echo throughout the house that seem to have came from the door upstairs. Feet running to the door are followed and then silence.

I look at the girl I have yet to know the name of with a questioning look but she seems just as confused as me. The last few days have been pretty calm. The silence is suddenly interrupted with gun shots ringing through the air and the girl jumps up and runs to the door. At first I think she's going to open it so I start to get up to stop her but sit back down when I notice she was only locking it before going to a closet in the corner and brings back a pistol, handing it to me.

When she hands it to me she slips behind my back and kneels behind the chair, her little hands shaking but still gripping to my shoulders. The firing outside is still blaring yet Alisa has yet to wake up and in the distant I here someone calling orders. Maybe it's the police? I hear footsteps near the door and I check to see if the pistol is loaded, it is. The little girl behind me, cowers away but still clings to my back as I hear someone on the other side say "ready? 3, 2, 1. GO!" Before I could even blink the door is being kicked down and the pistol is pulled from my hands as 15 police officers circle me, all with their guns drawn.

"Officer? There's a little girl clinging to his back." One of the main officers nod at the one who spoke to him. Two other officers come closer to me to get the girl I assume but a head full of hair is blocking my view and I realize she has moved so I'm holding her close to my chest. Both officers stop and look back at their boss with confused eyes.

The leaders sighs. "Just 4 of you circle them and take them outside. You might want to cover her eyes." He looks at me at the last part. "The rest of you, get her ready to head to the hospital." He points to Alisa. A hand on my shoulder grabs my attention again. "Come on, stand up." A officer says. I weakly stand up, my knees shaking with nerves and I fix the girls arms and leg so her arms wrap around my neck and her legs around my waist, her face tucked under my chin. Four of them form a circle around us as we walk out and as we make it out of the house I keep my hand on the back of her head to keep her face in my neck.

Logan and all his guys litter the floor, guns and blood next to them. I quickly look away though and look down as we walk outside where fresh air fills my nose and voices and sirens fill my ears. "Duck your head." Says a police officer and I do so. Climbing into the back of one of the many cop cars in front of this place. The guy closes the door and with nothing but silence in the car I hear tiny little whimpers come from my neck.

"Shh baby. It's okay now. What's your name darling?" I ask, softly petting the back of her head. She sniffles twice before she pulls her face from my neck and her green eyes stare into my brown ones.



......... I..... Am ......... SPEECHLESS!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter bc I took extra time to make sure it was perfect just like my readers ^.^ so we have a little closure for Logan and his guys are dead. And no this isn't the last chapter. The next one might be though. Anyway I love you guys SOO much!!

Love always,

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