You found me

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(Louis pov)

Looking out into the night I felt my phone continue to vibrate. Groaning loudly, I dropped it into the rushing water below me. I just wanted some time alone, away from fame. Away from her sweet giggling and they just weren't having it. Not that I could blame them I did just leave without telling anyone, not even a note.

Leaning back on my elbows on the bridge, I took a look around. Usually our British weather was very cold, like bone chilling cold. The cold where you just feel numb everywhere. Today was different though, the sun had already gone down. Leaving a trail of oranges, reds and purples with it. Letting the midnight blue to take over the sky. Yet it was like 80 something still and I could feel sweat collecting on my forehead and under my skinny jeans.

A small breeze blew making my long hair end up in my face but I couldn't make myself fix it. Tears shone in my eyes but I haven't let them fall,I didn't want to be weak and most of all I hoped no paps were taking pictures thinking I was going to kill myself or something just because I was sitting on a bridge.

When I was younger and I lived in Doncaster this was all I loved to do. When my parents fought constantly I would get away and go to a small bridge just outside of the city limits. It was my favorite bridge because the air was so clean, the water so clear and calm and the area was covered in a wildlife of greenery, making it seem like a fairy tale and sometimes back then I would pretend I was one of the lost boys from Peter Pan.

Being older now and always watched I had to grow up and leave my kid self at home when our career took off.

Leaning back forward, elbows on my knees and face in my hands. "What did I do wrong?" I grabbed a rock and threw it, it landing In the gushing water below.

"You okay there?" Snapping my head up, I'm met with a girl about average height with a tall fame and curvy figure. Dark blond hair was wrapped around her shoulders and her piercing brown eyes had concern in them. I wonder why she isn't asking for a picture or autograph. Shaking my head I realized her accent wasn't from here, more like the southern part of the US.

Looking back where the moon was now rising in the sky I heard a huge sign as she lift up and over so she was sitting on my side of the ledge, swinging her cowboy boots over the edge. Yes defiantly country. I smiled at the thought.

"So Tomlinson, what's on your mind?" She asked looking over the water, the moon reflecting off of it giving the trees around it a ghostly appearance. Should I tell her? What if she tells the paps for money? Looking over at her I realized she wouldn't. Her hair waved around her face as she turned towards me, her eyes looking directly into mine. "Well I really liked this girl but she likes my best friend." I tell her. She takes all of the new information I gave her and taped her pointy finger on her chin as she thought.

"Have you ever told her about your feelings for her?" She asked. Now I felt stupid. I didn't even think of that. I shook my head no and looked back at the dark sky, looking at all the stars. There were to many to count yet a lot of people tried to and I just didn't understand why they would. I heard her take a deep breath in" Why didn't you?" She asked. I thought about it. First off I'm like 22 and she's 16 that would be like dating a old man. Second she never had a special spot for me as she did with Harry and that hurt me the most. Last of all it was because she just got out of some serious shit and I didn't want to do anything. Now I'm really regretting it though.

I couldn't tell this girl all of that though so I changed the subject."love, not to be rude but you never told me your name." I looked back over at her and saw her face palm herself and I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "I'm so sorry I just completely forgot. My name is Sandra." I smiled and shook her tiny hand. "Well it's nice meeting you Sandra." I exclaimed with a wink. She turned side ways so her whole body was on the ledge of the bridge and looked up at the stars. "Have you ever looked up at the stars and tried to count them?" She asked me, at first I was to shock to say anything because I was just thinking about that.

"I've wondered why people always try to, it's never going to happen." I reply with a shrug of my shoulders. "You wanna know why Lou?" She asked, her words laced with curiosity. "Sure, explain it to me." I said, really wanting to know the answer.

For a few moments she was silent and I really wanted to know so I nudged her shoulder."tell me!" I whined. She laughed her cute little laugh.

"Because people like to think they can do the impossible, the word itself says I'm possible"


I hoped y'all liked it. My friend was satisfied so I wanted to make it up to y'all with this cute chapter and bring in another character. I'm so proud of y'all!! You all for us over 200 reads and I'm loving y'all more everyday! Remember to vote, comment, and stay BEAUtiful!!

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