Chapter 35

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Hey people I have never met but reads my books for some odd reason! I just wanted to say sorry for not updating sooner. I hope y'all don't hate me to much :( I'm gonna try and make it up to y'all in this chapter though so enjoy!


(Alisa pov)

17 hours.

Or that's at least is what it feels like.

I haven't ate or drunk anything in over 10 hours though Some random teenager comes in here from time to time to let me use the bathroom and give me water but I haven't seen her in a while. She reminded me of a younger me. She couldn't have been a day over 14 and she already looked like she was ready to grab the sharpest object she could find and end it all.

It was heart breaking. Hearing her story of how she loved taking care of people because she wanted to be a nurse one day but that all changed when her father sold her for money and drugs to the People that own this place.

She even looked a little like me. She had strawberry blond hair thrown into a messy bun on top of her head. I don't even wanna know how bad mine looks right now. The thing that captivated me the most was her eyes. They were green but they were as dark as the forest behind my old home and while she would tell me her life story I would notice the light in her eyes changing from time to time.

The light in them was the brightest when she talked about what she loved doing and how she wanted to live her life but when she told me about how she couldn't do any of that anymore the light in them dimmed so much that another shade darker and I'm sure even the worlds brightest lamp couldn't have lite them.

Now laying here on this table, chained and exhausted it literally felt like my life was over when in all honestly this is the time it should be really starting. Ha funny how some people get real fucked with right?

60 squares cover the piece of ceiling above my head. I counted them I'm that bored of this place already. Your probably wondering "shouldn't I be scared?"

No I shouldn't be scared. If people were scared of life we probably would've been stuck in the dark ages still. No advances in technology. No advances in medicine or exploration if everyone was scared, life is about taking risks and doing it better. I must agree it can also led you to bad people, places and things if you take my life for example but the ride is worth it.

Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. Trusting all those people were worth all the heartache of losing it from them but looking around this dark, cold and gloomy space I'm stuck in and I'm really not sure anymore.

"Alisa. I got a visitor for you." I turn my head to the left and instantly a growl rises in my throat. Logan laughs darkly at my reaction from the door and waves for the person behind him to come in.

Brown hair, brown eyes, tall and lean. It's Liam. Why is he here? What does he have to do with any of this? I quirk an eyebrow as he enters the room, him stumbling over his own feet, his eyes locking on the dirty floor.

"You're probably confused right? Yeah I bet you are with you having brain problems and not remembering anything." I mentally smirk on the inside. "That's what you think."

My eyes follow as he pushes Liam towards my bed, his face reflecting the look of shame and guilt. A sharp pain is then placed upon the side of my face. Burning heat radiating off the hit and spreading through my entire right side of my face like a wildfire.

A solid tear rolls down my cheek but I don't make a sound. Fearing what he might do if I did. A whimper accidental escapes my lips as I feel hands pull my legs apart and a body slide between them. A dark voice then echoes off the wall.

"Do it." He spits towards Liam. A barely audible whimper is heard from Liam and if it wasn't so quiet I would've never heard it. Liam quickly shakes his head no in a fast movement. "No that's crossing the line. I got her here, that was not part of the plan."

I feel my heart clench in my chest.

He's the one working for him? He's the one that used me and pretended to care when in reality he didn't give two shits about me!

"Do it or I blow up the flat back in England." Logan growls stepping out from between my legs and pushing Liam into them, his finger tips gently tracing the underneath of my legs. I look up as his face quietly pleading no as he unbuckles his belt and pulls them down. His boxers not far behind.

Right as he's about to enter me a loud sob is heard from him, tears flowing down his face. "I'm so so sorry." He whispers.

I then feel him enter me, pain soaring throughout my entire body but the hurt is numbing most of the pain.

"I wish I could believe you Liam."


OMG I'm a awful person! Don't ask me why she keeps getting used because honestly Idek I just write as I think and it actually is pulling the story together because I have a big BIG idea for the end. Remember to vote and comment and to smile everyday :)

Love always,


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