Shouldve just gone to bed

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HEYY it's just been too long haha really it's just been a day but I love y'all so I can't stay away forever. Quick question? Have y'all seen the guys concerts so far? They are so rated R but I like them like that. Anyone else agree? Anyway hope y'all enjoy this chapter might be the last for a while due to school.


(Louis pov)


"Ally will you be my girlfriend?"


My heart is pounding so fast right now, I can just feel the anger pulsing through my veins. I knew Harry worked fast but she just got home! She just came from an abrusive home and he's already asking her out!! To be completely honest that's not the only reason I'm mad. I might have a little bit of feelings toward her too. I mean who wouldn't she has so much natural beauty with her golden locks of hair that fall over her shoulders to her almond shaped blue eyes. If I didn't know better I would say she looked almost like a girl version of Niall.

Back to the situation at hand, I'm met with deep breathing and silence and I'm almost sure they might can hear my heart thumping quickly in my chest. Then I hear her speak

"I-I don't know." She squeaks out. I feel my hands unclench as she speaks those words and a shimmer of hope rises in me. "Didn't you feel anything? When we kissed?" I hear harry ask. A few more minutes of silence and all my hope goes down the drain. "Y-yeah I-I did but I'm a a-afraid."

My hearts literally breaks at her words, she had gotten so wronged by men that she's afraid of letting anyone in now. That's not good." It's okay ally. I could hear the smile on his face and I'm hiding behind a wall."we will take as long as you need okay boo?"

I can't take this anymore! Fisting my hands in my hair I head to my room, passing by Rachelle who I'm guessing just got here and slamming my door shutting making sure it echoes throughout the whole house.

He always gets the ones I want....


Aww poor Louis :( so I know this is a short chapter but I'm eating food and its hard to type. I have a new goal for you!! At least 3 votes and 10 more reads for next chapter! I know y'all can do it because y'all are amazing and I would be very grateful!!

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